Quantum Supremacy: The computing solution that can solve problems at quantum speeds

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Quantum Supremacy: The computing solution that can solve problems at quantum speeds

Quantum Supremacy: The computing solution that can solve problems at quantum speeds

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The United States and China are both taking different approaches to achieve quantum supremacy and win the geopolitical, technological, and military advantages that come with it.
    • Author:
    • Author name
      Quantumrun Foresight
    • March 20, 2022

    Insight summary

    Quantum computing, using qubits that can exist simultaneously as both 0 and 1, opens doors to solving computational problems at speeds far beyond classical computers. This technology has the potential to transform industries by enabling complex forecasting, cracking cryptographic codes, and even replicating biological interactions. The pursuit of quantum supremacy has led to remarkable progress, including significant advancements in boson sampling, but also raises challenges such as compatibility issues, security concerns, and geopolitical considerations.

    Quantum supremacy context

    A quantum computer’s machine language makes use of qubits that simultaneously exist as both a 0 and a 1 to explore all the possible paths, potentially solving for certain types of computational problems magnitudes faster than classical computers. The concept behind the latter approach is known as quantum computing. Quantum supremacy, otherwise known as quantum advantage, is a goal of the quantum computing field that aims to build a programmable quantum computer that can solve problems that a classical computer would be unable to solve. Where classical computers use bits, quantum computers use qubits as the basic unit of information.

    With the principle of superposition, two qubits can exist in two different positions at the same time. Quantum algorithms exploit a concept called quantum entanglement to perfectly correlate qubits, enabling a quantum computer to demonstrate its supremacy. These computers could be capable of cracking cryptographic codes, replicating biological and chemical interactions, as well as performing immensely complex forecasting and budgeting functions across a wide range of industry applications. 

    Quantum supremacy has seen remarkable progress, with one of the latest breakthroughs coming from Xanadu. In June 2022, Canadian quantum technology firm Xanadu reported a significant advancement in boson sampling, using loops of optical fiber and multiplexing to detect a mean of 125 up to 219 photons from 216 squeezed modes, claiming a speedup 50 million times greater than previous experiments, including Google's. This achievement underscores the dynamic and rapidly evolving nature of quantum computing, with various organizations pushing the boundaries of technology.

    Disruptive impact

    The pursuit of quantum supremacy by tech giants and nations is more than a race for bragging rights; it's a pathway to new computational possibilities. Quantum computers, with their ability to perform complex calculations at speeds unimaginable with classical computers, may lead to significant advancements in various fields. From enhancing weather prediction to accelerating drug discovery, the potential applications are vast. 

    However, the development of quantum computing also brings challenges and concerns. The different approaches to quantum computing, such as Google's use of superconducting chips and China's photonic prototype, indicate that there is no standardized method yet. This lack of uniformity may lead to compatibility issues and hinder collaboration between different entities. Moreover, the potential of quantum computers to crack current encryption methods raises serious security concerns that governments and businesses need to address.

    The geopolitical aspect of quantum supremacy cannot be overlooked either. The competition between superpowers like the US and China in this field reflects a broader struggle for technological dominance. This rivalry may drive further investment and research, fostering growth in related industries and education. However, it also poses the risk of creating technological divides between nations, possibly leading to tensions and imbalances in global influence. Cooperation and ethical considerations in the development and deployment of quantum technology will be key to ensuring that its benefits are shared broadly and responsibly.

    Implications of quantum supremacy 

    Wider implications of quantum supremacy may include:

    • Future business models using quantum computers to provide business solutions. 
    • An evolution in cybersecurity that will render existing encryption obsolete and force the adoption of more complex quantum encryption solutions. 
    • Optimizing the drug discovery and manufacturing processes of pharmaceutical and chemical companies. 
    • Enhancing portfolio optimization processes used by financial service companies. 
    • Generating magnitudes of efficiencies in all businesses that depend on logistics, e.g., retail, delivery, shipping, and more. 
    • Quantum technology becoming the next investment hotspot after artificial intelligence, leading to more startups in this field.

    Questions to consider

    • Quantum computers have been promised for four decades, how long do you think it will take for them to be commercialized?
    • What other industries might see significant impacts from the application of quantum supremacy?