Synthetic skin: A surprisingly multi-purpose invention across industries

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Synthetic skin: A surprisingly multi-purpose invention across industries

Synthetic skin: A surprisingly multi-purpose invention across industries

Subheading text
Synthetic skin is self-healing, responsive to different stimuli, and durable under physical stress, making it a valuable invention for future human health and industry.
    • Author:
    • Author name
      Quantumrun Foresight
    • May 6, 2022

    Insight summary

    Synthetic skin with self-healing and elastic properties is reshaping multiple industries, from healthcare to construction. Its applications range from creating more effective prosthetics and personalized medical treatments to enhancing the structural stability of buildings and vehicles. The long-term impacts are vast, including shifts in labor markets, new government regulations, and even changes in consumer behavior in sectors like beauty and fashion.

    Synthetic skin context

    The development of synthetic skin with self-healing and elastic properties is a significant stride in material science. Researchers are exploring various combinations of materials to create a skin-like surface that not only mimics the texture and elasticity of human skin but also has the ability to repair itself. In recent years, multiple scientific groups around the globe have employed diverse techniques to achieve this. For instance, a team from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology revealed in November 2020 that they had successfully combined layers of active nanomaterial, hydrogel, and silica to create a flexible interface with sensory capabilities. This synthetic skin, often referred to as e-skin, can detect objects up to eight inches away and has the remarkable ability to self-repair more than 5,000 times.

    The concept of synthetic skin isn't entirely new; it has been evolving over the past decade. One notable milestone was achieved in 2012 by researchers at Stanford University. They created a synthetic skin model that was not only responsive to touch but also had the ability to heal itself from minor damages like cuts and scratches. The model was crafted from a plastic polymer and was embedded with nickel particles to enhance its strength. The presence of nickel also endowed the synthetic skin with the ability to conduct electricity, much like its human counterpart. When pressure or other physical stimuli were applied, the distance between the nickel particles changed, enabling the material to gauge stress levels and resistance.

    The potential applications of synthetic skin are broad and could significantly impact various industries. In healthcare, it may pave the way for more effective treatments and prosthetics that are responsive to environmental stimuli. In aviation, aircraft could be equipped with this material to become more adaptive to changing atmospheric conditions. Furthermore, the automotive industry may also benefit from synthetic skin in creating cars that can better sense and respond to their surroundings. 

    Disruptive impact

    Different models of synthetic skin may have varying applications in several industries. For example, manufacturers can potentially use it to coat electrical wires, possibly making them self-repairing. Cords and wires capable of repairing themselves—ranging from those that support internet connectivity to conducting power between two points—could revolutionize how these systems are maintained. 

    Synthetic skins could also be used as a prosthetic to replace human skin. Burn victims would no longer need skin grafts or multiple surgeries to treat severe burns. Microsensors could be embedded into these skins to potentially provide healthcare professionals with new sources of real-time data to remotely monitor a patient’s health. 

    Meanwhile, industrial synthetic skins could be applied to aircraft so they can react better to the natural environment while in flight. These skins could be placed over buildings, cars, furniture, and a wide variety of objects to make them more resistant to adverse weather and to provide data to their owners and stakeholders. This feature can save governments and companies significant funds in maintenance and replacement costs.  

    Implications of synthetic skin

    Wider implications of synthetic skin may include:

    • Providing patients with prosthetics or implants covered in synthetic skin that not only restores sensory functions but also monitors vital signs like blood pressure, shifting healthcare toward more preventative and personalized treatment plans.
    • The construction industry adopting synthetic skin to measure and enhance the structural stability of buildings, bridges, and tunnels, leading to safer and more durable infrastructure that can adapt to environmental stresses like earthquakes or high winds.
    • The emergence of specialized, form-fitting work attire made of synthetic skin designed to protect workers in hazardous conditions such as firefighting or chemical handling, reducing workplace injuries and associated compensation claims.
    • Beauty and plastic surgery clinics incorporating synthetic skin applications as part of their service offerings, allowing for more natural-looking and functional cosmetic enhancements, which could shift consumer preferences and spending patterns in the beauty industry.
    • Governments creating new regulations to ensure the ethical use and disposal of synthetic skin, focusing on issues like biocompatibility and environmental impact, which may lead to stricter compliance requirements for manufacturers.
    • The automotive industry integrating synthetic skin into vehicle exteriors for better sensing capabilities, potentially influencing the development and adoption of autonomous vehicles by making them more responsive to road conditions and obstacles.
    • The fashion industry exploring the use of synthetic skin in creating adaptive, smart clothing that can change color or texture, opening up new avenues for personalized fashion and reducing the need for multiple garments for different conditions.
    • Labor markets experiencing shifts as jobs related to the maintenance and monitoring of synthetic skin-equipped machinery or infrastructure become more specialized, requiring new skill sets and potentially leading to job displacement in traditional roles.
    • Environmental concerns arising from the production and disposal of synthetic skin, prompting research into more sustainable materials and recycling methods, which could influence both industry practices and environmental policies.

    Questions to consider

    • Do you think synthetic skins will become so advanced that people, by choice, would want them implanted over their actual skin?
    • Do you think the degree to which synthetic skins can be used on objects, machines, and infrastructure should be limited and regulated? 

    Insight references

    The following popular and institutional links were referenced for this insight: