Can we stop aging and menopause indefinitely?

<span property="schema:name">Can we stop aging and menopause indefinitely?</span>

Can we stop aging and menopause indefinitely?

    • Author Name
      Michelle Monteiro
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    A rapid progression in stem cell science and regenerative therapies could make us look younger for longer within the next several years. 

    Humans are designed to age and change, but recent research predicts that the aging process can be stopped and can even be reversed in the future.

    Biomedical gerontologist, Aubrey de Grey, believes that aging is a disease, and by extension, can be eliminated. He also claims that 20 years from now, menopause may no longer exist.  Women will be able to have children at any age after her menstruation cycle has begun.

    Women entering retirement will still look and feel like they’re in their twenties. His anti-aging treatments at work will extend the female reproductive cycle. The current limits for conceiving and giving birth could vanish by increasing stem cell science and regenerative therapies research.

    According to Dr. de Grey, the ovary, like any other organ, can be engineered to last longer. There will be options to either extend the life of the ovary by replenishing or stimulating stem cells, or even by creating a whole new organ—similar to artificial hearts.

    This news come at a time whereby the general population is fixated on preserving their youth; anti-wrinkle creams, supplements, and other anti-aging products are increasingly available.

    Other fertility experts agree and have “confirmed that there [have] been substantial progresses in understanding aspects of female infertility and slowing the aging process,” according to the Liberty Voice.

    At the University of Edinburg, biologist Evelyn Telfer and her research team have proven that a woman’s eggs can successfully develop outside of the human body. This profound discovery will mean that many women who have to undergo cancer treatment can have their eggs removed and preserved for a possibility of a future family.

    There is a controversial theory amongst some researchers that there is not a fixed supply of eggs that a woman can produce as originally believed, but that “untapped immature follicles exist after the menopause that if exploited, could mean female fertility is extended.”

    Despite the progress and gains in science, Telfer points out that there is still a long way to go.
