netherlands predictions for 2050

Read 13 predictions about Netherlands in 2050, a year that will see this country experience significant change in its politics, economics, technology, culture, and environment. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

International relations predictions for Netherlands in 2050

International relations predictions to impact Netherlands in 2050 include:

Politics predictions for Netherlands in 2050

Politics related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2050 include:

Government predictions for Netherlands in 2050

Government related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2050 include:

  • As per the government target, all housing in the Netherlands becomes completely gas-free. Likelihood: 60%1
  • The Dutch government's succeeds this year in reducing the number of traffic deaths to zero. Likelihood: 80%1

Economy predictions for Netherlands in 2050

Economy related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2050 include:

  • The Netherlands makes its economy 100 percent waste-free. Likelihood: 60%1

Technology predictions for Netherlands in 2050

Technology related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2050 include:

Culture predictions for Netherlands in 2050

Culture related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2050 include:

Defense predictions for in 2050

Defense related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2050 include:

Infrastructure predictions for Netherlands in 2050

Infrastructure related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2050 include:

  • The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, and Denmark collectively produce 65 gigawatts of offshore wind energy. Likelihood: 60 percent1
  • The Netherlands now generates 135 petajoules of annual geothermal heat supply for their domestic needs, up from 3 petajoules in 2017. Likelihood: 60%1

Environment predictions for Netherlands in 2050

Environment related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2050 include:

  • The annual average temperature is projected to increase by 1.0-2.3°C from 2019 levels, with the average winter temperature seeing the largest rise. Meanwhile, the average yearly temperature is projected to increase by 1.3-3.7°C by 2085, with the average winter temperature seeing the most significant rise. Likelihood: 50 percent1
  • Annual average precipitation is projected to increase by 4-5.5% from 2019 levels, with winter seeing significant gains and summer seeing large deficits. Meanwhile, the average yearly rainfall is projected to increase by 5-7% by 2085, with winter seeing substantial gains and summer seeing large deficits. Likelihood: 50 percent1
  • The main effects of climate change on agriculture are an increase in crop productivity due to higher temperatures and CO2 concentrations (sugar and beet); an extension of the growing season; crop damage and production constraints as a result of waterlogging due to the increase in rainfall; crop damage from soil water deficits and/or brackish groundwater seepage; changes in the distribution, frequency and intensity of fungal diseases, insect pests and weed growth, especially for crops such as p Likelihood: 50 percent1
  • Freshwater may become increasingly scarce as water consumption increases while the climate changes. In the coastal provinces, where salinization can occur, a dry year means that no water of the desired quality can be withdrawn for long periods. Likelihood: 50 percent1
  • In the higher, sandy part of the Netherlands, where there is no water supply from the rivers, bottlenecks can occur in an average year due to a lack of moisture in the soil and a drop in the groundwater level. The increase in periods of drought can cause irreversible damage to nature and can damage the infrastructure. Likelihood: 50 percent1
  • The Dutch government cuts domestic emissions by 90 percent below 1990 levels. Likelihood: 60%1
  • The Netherlands bans conventionally-fueled (gas) vehicles. Likelihood: 80%1
  • As the cities in the Netherlands continue to get warmer, the hottest month in Amsterdam increases by 3.4 degrees compared to levels seen in 2019. Likelihood: 80%1

Science predictions for Netherlands in 2050

Science related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2050 include:

Health predictions for Netherlands in 2050

Health related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2050 include:

More predictions from 2050

Read the top global predictions from 2050 - click here

Next scheduled update for this resource page

January 7, 2022. Last updated January 7, 2020.


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