travel industry trends

Travel industry trends

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How Facebook plans to more or less build a teleporter
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Facebook CTO Mike Schroepfer outlines his visions and the challenges Oculus is tackling in virtual reality.
„Holoportation“ Microsoft með HoloLens er mér í uppnámi
Beat Venture
Þú getur gert mikið af áhrifamiklum hlutum með HoloLens, auknum veruleika (AR) heyrnartólum Microsoft. En það er nýtt sem Interactive 3D Technologies (I3D) teymi Microsoft Research hefur þróað með HoloLens, og það er geggjað.
Ekki kenna Airbnb um að eyðileggja huldu paradísina þína. Kenna gullöld ferðaþjónustunnar um
Jarvis Cocker, söngvari Pulp, samdi eitt besta lag sem skrifað hefur verið um forréttindi, „Common People“. Textinn hans um að „allir hata ferðamann“ er djúpt hljómgrunnur - allir sem hafa búið einhvers staðar á fallegum stað, eða jafnvel bara í stórborg, þekkja tilfinninguna vel. Ferðaþjónustan skiptir um stað, nánast aldrei til hins betra; heimamenn munu alltaf angra gestina.
Sjálfstæðir húsbílar munu trufla flugreksturinn
Sjálfstæðir húsbílar (sem eru á næstunni) munu trufla lestar- og flugrekstur með því að veita miklu betri ferðaupplifun á samkeppnishæfu verði.
gervigreind á úthafinu: Royal Caribbean setur stefnuna á „núningslaus og yfirgnæfandi“ frí
CIO Royal Caribbean útskýrir hvernig gervigreind (AI) og ný tækni eru mikilvægur hluti af viðleitni skemmtiferðaskipafélagsins til að endurskoða upplifun viðskiptavina. Lestu þessa heillandi sögu fyrir mikla innsýn í stafræna umbreytingu.
The decline of the western tourist
Citizens of China, India, and other emerging markets are traveling for pleasure in ever greater numbers — and the rest of the world is competing…
How to sell a country: the booming business of nation branding – podcast
The Guardian
These days, every place in the world wants to market its unique identity – and an industry has sprung up to help put them on the map. By Samanth Subramanian
25 things that inspire me about being in the travel industry
Last month as Skift turned six years old, I wrote an article that exploded like a bomb in the face of the travel industry. The “21 Uncomfortable Truths That I Have Learned About the Travel Industry” has become amongst the most read and certainly the most discussed story we have ever done.
In travel insurance, machine learning is turning conventional wisdom on its head
You know the conventional wisdom about shopping around before buying? Machine learning may be turning that truism on its head, at least in one industry. Smarter technology is serving up relevant products in the blink of an eye, anticipating your needs before you have a chance to ask a question.
Hvernig munum við ferðast um heiminn árið 2050?
Meira en öld síðan menn lærðu að fljúga þurfum við að gjörbylta því hvernig við dveljumst þarna uppi.
Djörf áætlun Noregs um að takast á við offerðamennsku
Fallegir staðir um allan heim eru í erfiðleikum með offerðamennsku. Noregur hefur lagfæringu.
Framtíð ferðalaga eftir kórónuveirufaraldurinn
Ferðalög og ferðaþjónusta munu breytast að eilífu. Við spurðum sjö helstu hugsuði um spár þeirra.
Air travel’s sudden collapse will reshape a trillion-dollar industry
The pandemic has knocked the airline-industrial complex harder than it has most sectors
The rise of the 'half-tourist' who combines work with a change of scene
The Guardian
Covid-19 has accelerated the decline of the office, but not everyone wants to work from home. We look at travel firms catering to the growing number of nomadic workers
200m chinese travellers by 2020 – despite geopolitics
TR Business
The boom in outbound Chinese travel is set to continue while geopolitics will heavily influence where the Chinese visit in future – according to ForwardKeys.
Tourists are causing headaches in japan
Until recently, Japan didn’t have much of an influx of foreign tourists. Now, it does, and with that comes problems.
2019 travel and hospitality industry outlook
Explore trends across hospitality, airlines, cruises, and ground transportation and see how technology has shaped the hospitality industry in the last decade.
More travel executives get their mission-critical industry news from skift than any other source on the planet
I have the good fortune of speaking to amazing hoteliers on a regular basis. And when you read their CVs and bios, they often read like that of a Hotel brands should highlight the generosity and worldliness of a hospitality career to ensure the field has people to create beautiful experiences.
Forget beach parties and all-night clubbing: Wealthy travelers are spending money differently, and it's created a massive $639 billion industry
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Wealthy travelers are spending their money on "wellness summits," spirituality retreats, and resorts that focus on health and self-care.
Coronavirus fears lead to canceled flights and concerns within the travel industry
Companies are canceling employee travel, and airlines are slashing hundreds of flights amid fear of the spreading coronavirus. The slump is hitting the travel industry and related businesses hard.
Hin nýja geopólitík ferðabóla
Ikkei Asíu
Til að laga Oscar Wilde, ef það er eitthvað verra en hjörð af ferðamönnum alls staðar, þá eru það engir ferðamenn neins staðar. Þannig voru hugsanir mínar þegar ég trampaði þri
Nano needles. Facial recognition. Air travel adapts to make travel safer
National Geographic
Planes and airports are deploying futuristic emerging technology in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Why the staycation boom is exactly what hotels need
City hotels are looking to locals during the lull in travelling further from home
Bandarískir ríkisborgarar þurfa að skrá sig til að heimsækja hluta Evrópu frá og með 2021
Bandarískir ríkisborgarar sem heimsækja hluta Evrópu munu þurfa leyfi frá Evrópusambandinu árið 2021.