synthetic biology research trends

Synthetic biology research trends

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Why bio is the new digital
Media Lab Director Joi Ito is a leading thinker and writer on innovation, global technology policy, and the role of the internet in transforming society in s...
New letters added to the genetic alphabet
Magazine Quanta
Scientists hope that new genetic letters, created in the lab, will endow DNA with new powers.
Synthetic life: Could we? Should we?
L-Istituzzjoni Rjali
Synthetic biology is a new, intriguing technology that could have a huge impact on humans and our environment. Adam Rutherford chairs a panel of experts, inc...
Crispr meets synthetic biology: A conversation with MIT's Christopher Voigt
Add Gene
Addgene's interviews Chris Voigt of MIT about the intersection of CRISPR and synthetic biology and his new work building circuits with CRISPRs.
Il-manifattura tad-DNA tidħol fl-era tal-produzzjoni tal-massa
Startups tal-bijoloġija sintetika jadottaw teknoloġiji mill-industrija tal-kompjuter
Andrew Hessel: L-ipprogrammar ta' affarijiet ħajjin - il-ġenerazzjoni li jmiss ta' kompjuters
Professjonisti tat-Teknoloġija ta' l-Informazzjoni ta' Kansas City
Ikkalkula Midwest 2013: Andrew Hessel, Ġenomic Futurist @ Autodesk , Jitkellem Dwar Il-Ġenerazzjoni Li jmiss tal-Kompjuting: Programming Living Things. Aqra l-kitba u...
Man made: A history of synthetic life
People have been thinking about artificial life for a lot longer than we might imagine. Philip Ball delves into that past to find the unexpected origins of our present-day anxiety.
How to create a new life form: Historian Sophia Roosth on the future of synthetic biology
The field of synthetic biology, or engineering new forms of life, is less than two decades old, but its pioneers are responsible for some of the most interesting projects coming out of labs today: i...
Inside the synthetic biology revolution
Magazine Cosmos
Welcome to the world of synthetic biology, where anything is possible. Its practitioners don’t view life as a mystery but as a machine.
New gene-editing techniques are reshaping the ethics of biotechnology
CRISPR and other methods have the potential to help people and harm ecosystems, but national interests and cultural norms will shape how this biotechnology is regulated.
Opinion: The new frontiers of epigenetics
Newly developed techniques could propel a field already advancing rapidly to complement modern medicine.
Erba' ittri tad-DNA ġodda jirdoppjaw l-alfabett tal-ħajja
Id-DNA sintetiku jidher li jġib ruħu bħall-varjetà naturali, li jissuġġerixxi li kimiċi lil hinn mill-erba 'bażijiet familjari tan-natura jistgħu jsostnu l-ħajja fid-Dinja. Id-DNA sintetiku jidher li jġib ruħu bħall-varjetà naturali, li jissuġġerixxi li kimiċi lil hinn mill-erba 'bażijiet familjari tan-natura jistgħu jsostnu l-ħajja fid-Dinja.
L-età tal-meravilja ġenetika
TEDx Taħdidiet
Għodod għall-editjar tal-ġeni jagħmluha possibbli għalina li nimanipulaw il-kodiċi tal-ħajja. Jekk nimmodifikaw ftit id-DNA ta 'larinġ nistgħu niksbu mandarina. Il-bijol antik...
The next industrial revolution: Computational biology & bioplatforms
A technology revolution is underway as software merges with biotech. It will touch every industry, and it just might save us from ourselves.
L-AI tagħmel ir-riċerka ewlenija tal-proteini miljun darba aktar mgħaġġla
Il-kompjuters jistgħu jiġu mħarrġa biex isibu kif jaħdmu dawn il-blokki ewlenin tal-ħajja, isib riċerkatur ta’ Harvard.
U.S. Army making synthetic biology a priority
Next Gov
New thermal cloaking, insect proof uniforms are on the horizon, if the U.S. can get out in front of China.
How synthetic biology could wipe out humanity -- and how we can stop it
The world-changing promise of synthetic biology and gene editing has a dark side. In this far-seeing talk, author and entrepreneur Rob Reid reviews the risks...
Incredible artificial protein opens up potential for smart cell therapies
Inġinerija Interessanti
Scientists have developed an incredible new protein that can act like a biological computer circuit, opening up the possibility for programmable 'smart cells'.
The future will be genetically engineered
Genetic engineering is in some sense as old as human history, when we first began selectively breeding livestock and crops. Then came the advent of biotech, ...