artificial intelligence trends

Artificial intelligence trends

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When humanity meets A.I.
Soundcloud - a16z
Stream a16z Podcast: When Humanity Meets A.I. by a16z from desktop or your mobile device
Kuphunzira pamakina kumapangitsa kuti pesto ikhale yokoma kwambiri
MIT Technology Review
Nchiyani chimapangitsa basil kukhala wabwino kwambiri? Nthawi zina, ndi AI. Kuphunzira kwa makina kwagwiritsidwa ntchito popanga zomera za basil zomwe zimakhala zokoma kwambiri. Ngakhale zachisoni sitingathe kunena tokha za kukoma kwa zitsamba, kuyesayesaku kukuwonetsa mchitidwe wokulirapo womwe umaphatikizapo kugwiritsa ntchito sayansi ya data ndi makina ophunzirira kukonza ulimi. Ofufuza omwe adagwiritsa ntchito basil yokonzedwa ndi AI…
Pamene AI imayendetsa mathirakitala: Momwe alimi akugwiritsira ntchito ma drones ndi deta kuti achepetse ndalama
Hummingbird Technologies imatembenuza zithunzi za minda kukhala malangizo a mathirakitala, ndipo imati imatha kuchepetsa mtengo waulimi ndi 10%.
How India’s data labellers are powering the global AI race
Factor Daily
As the first generation of such work that was mainly crowdsourced gave way to more advanced requirements, companies such as Infolks, iMerit and Playment have come up catering to global clients and making India an emerging hub for data labelling and annotation work.
Kusintha IoT kudzera mu AI: chifukwa chake ali angwiro limodzi
IoT wa Onse
IoT For All ndi nsanja yotsogola yaukadaulo yoperekedwa kuti ipereke zinthu zapamwamba kwambiri, zosakondera, zothandizira, komanso nkhani zokhazikika pa intaneti ya Zinthu ndi njira zina zofananira.
Intel: New chip materials will enable massive AI research gains
Venture Beat
Intel VP and CTO of AI products Amir Khosrowshahi and general manager of IoT Jonathan Ballon shared thoughts about AI at VentureBeat's Transform conference.
The AI chip landscape in 2019
Malingaliro a kampani ARK Invest
With competition heating up in the AI chip market, ARK was invited to present on the state of AI hardware at CogX 2019. The summary is here.
Zomangamanga zotengera masitayelo a jenereta a ma network opangira zida
YouTube - Tero Karras FI
Pepala (PDF): Karras (NVIDIA)Samuli Laine (NVIDIA)Timo Aila (NVIDIA)Abstract:Tikupempha womanga wina wa jenereta...
[DataGrid] Model generation AI
Youtube - 株式会社データグリッド
ディープラーニングを応用したGAN(敵対的生成ネットワーク)により、従来困難だった高解像度(1024×1024)の「実在しない」人物の全身画像生成に成功。We have succeeded in generating high-resolution (1024×1024) images of whole-body...
10 Companies using machine learning in cool ways
If science-fiction movies have taught us anything, it’s that the future is a bleak and terrifying dystopia ruled by murderous sentient robots. Fortunately, only one of these things is true — but that…
Automated machine learning and the democratization of insights
The predictive insights organizations can gain from the oceans of data they generate are currently limited by the availability of experts who can crunch this data. Automation may change that.
Inside the artificial intelligence revolution: A special report, Pt. 1
Stone Rolling
An in-depth report on Artificial Intelligence: Are we on the verge of creating a new life-form – or something much darker?
Inside the artificial intelligence revolution: A special report, Pt. 2
Stone Rolling
Part two of our in-depth report on artificial intelligence, which looks at self-driving cars, and war and surgery outsourced to robots.
Silicon Valley looks to artificial intelligence for the next big thing
New York Times
Tech’s new architecture melds large computing clouds and artificial intelligence to create efficient computing resources and data-based businesses.
How Google plans to solve artificial intelligence
Kukambitsirana kwa Technology
Padded walls, gloomy lighting, and a ceiling with floral wallpaper. It doesn’t look like a place to make groundbreaking discoveries that change the trajectory of society. But in these simulated, claustrophobic corridors, Demis Hassabis thinks he can lay the foundations for software that’s smart enough to solve humanity’s biggest problems. “Our goal’s very big,” says…
Momwe AI ikudyetsa chinjoka cha intaneti yaku China
Kukambitsirana kwa Technology
Nditangodutsa pakhomo lakutsogolo la Baidu ku Beijing mwezi watha wa Novembala, ndinadabwa kuona kuti nkhope yanga yasintha kukhala ya galu wowoneka mosangalala. Pamene ndimacheza ndi m'modzi mwa ofufuza a AI a Baidu, mtundu wa ine wowonetsedwa pa foni yake yam'manja udamera mphuno yonyowa kwambiri, yowoneka ngati yonyowa ...
Ndodo yoyezera yolakwika
Mu 1950, katswiri wa masamu komanso wolemba masamu Alan Turing anayamba pepala lake la "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" ndi funso losavuta: ...
Ethics and artificialintelligence: The moral compass of a machine
The question of robotic ethics is making everyone tense.
Mkati mwa OpenAI, dongosolo lakuthengo la Elon Musk lomasula luntha lochita kupanga
yikidwa mawaya
OpenAI ikufuna kupereka ukadaulo wosinthika kwambiri wazaka za zana la 21. Pochita izi, zitha kukonzanso momwe anthu amapangira ukadaulo.
No industry can afford to ignore artificial intelligence
MIT Technology Review
Sixty years ago this summer, four computer science professors established a summer project aimed at creating “artificial intelligence”—the first time this phrase was ever used. The hope was to figure out how to make machines use language and perform abstract thought. “We think that a significant advance can be made if a carefully selected group…
Podcast: Innovation vs. invention at Google I/O
Soundcloud - a16z
Stream a16z Podcast: Innovation vs. Invention at Google I/O by a16z from desktop or your mobile device
Sam Harris pa AI (kuchokera ku Joe Rogan Experience #804)
YouTube - PowerfulJRE
Sangalalani ndi makanema ndi nyimbo zomwe mumakonda, ikani zolemba zoyambirira, ndikugawana zonse ndi abwenzi, banja, ndi dziko lonse pa YouTube.
Kuwuka kwa pulogalamu yodziphunzira yokha
I predict that in 10 years, every new enterprise application will be self-learning at its core.
Momwe sayansi ingatithandizire kupanga AI kukhala yowopsa komanso yodalirika
The rise of online 'chatbots' shows how artificial intelligence is becoming a part of daily life. But how do you stop them talking like a really bad PA?
Will machines eliminate us?
MIT Technology Review
Yoshua Bengio leads one of the world’s preëminent research groups developing a powerful AI technique known as deep learning. The startling capabilities that deep learning has given computers in recent years, from human-level voice recognition and image classification to basic conversational skills, have prompted warnings about the progress AI is making toward matching, or perhaps…
AI wants to be your bro, not your foe
MIT Technology Review
The odds that artificial intelligence will enslave or eliminate humankind within the next decade or so are thankfully slim. So concludes a major report from Stanford University on the social and economic implications of artificial intelligence. At the same time, however, the report concludes that AI looks certain to upend huge aspects of everyday life,…
Is Artificial Intelligence permanently inscrutable?
Nautilus ndi mtundu wina wa magazini ya sayansi. Timapereka sayansi yazithunzi zazikulu popereka lipoti pamutu umodzi pamwezi kuchokera kumalingaliro angapo. Werengani mutu watsopano m'nkhaniyi Lachinayi lililonse.
Lipoti la 2016
Welcome to the 2016 Report Download Full Report in PDF Browse report online by clicking on section headings in the ‘2016 Report' box to the left.
Mapulogalamu anzeru a Artificial intelligence akuchulukirachulukira. Koma bwanji tsopano?
New York Times
Monga G.E., Oracle, ndi ena amakankhira A.I. Zogulitsa, sizikudziwika ngati makasitomala omwe angakhalepo akumvetsetsa momwe angapindulire.
Creative blocks
The very laws of physics imply that artificial intelligence must be possible. What’s holding us up?
IBM Watson CTO: Quantum computing ikhoza kupititsa patsogolo luntha lochita kupanga mwadongosolo la kukula
Mayiko Business Times
CTO of IBM Watson speaks of \'natural synergy\' between cognitive computing and quantum computing.
Demystifying AI, ML, DL ndi Vishal Sikka ndi zitsanzo zenizeni zapadziko lapansi
Demystifying the marketing hype around AI is critically important to the understanding and setting of expectations of this rapidly changing field. Vishal Sikka is uniquely qualified to both discuss an shape the conversations on this topic.
President Barack Obama on what AI means for National Security
YouTube - Waya
WIRED guest editor President Barack Obama, WIRED editor in chief Scott Dadich and MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito discuss the challenges of cyber security in ...
President Barack Obama on how artificial intelligence will affect jobs
YouTube - Waya
WIRED guest editor President Barack Obama, WIRED editor in chief Scott Dadich and MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito discuss how artificial intelligence might up...
Pali malo akhungu pakufufuza kwa AI
Fears about the future impacts of artificial intelligence are distracting researchers from the real risks of deployed systems, argue Kate Crawford and Ryan Calo.
Chidziwitso cha exotica
From algorithms to aliens, could humans ever understand minds that are radically unlike our own?
Artificial Intelligence: Kodi timapanga tokha ntchito yathu?
Intelligence Squared
Want to join the debate? Check out the Intelligence Squared website to hear about future live events and podcasts: _______...
The state of Artificial Intelligence: Andrew Moore, Stuart Russell.
Padziko Lonse Padziko Lonse
How close are technologies to simulating or overtaking human intelligence and what are the implications for industry and society?Speakers:-Matthew Grob, Exec...
Probabilistic Computing imatenga Artificial Intelligence kupita ku sitepe yotsatira
Wolemba Dr. Michael Mayberry Mphamvu yomwe ingachitike ndi Artificial Intelligence (AI) sinakhalepo yayikulupo - koma tikhala opambana ngati AI ingathe kupulumutsa.
Makina odziwa
imgur - Techemergence
DeepMind ndi Blizzard kumasula StarCraft II ngati malo ofufuzira a AI

Today at BlizzCon 2016 in Anaheim, California, we announced our collaboration with Blizzard Entertainment to open up StarCraft II to AI and Machine Learning researchers around the world.

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
Ndondomeko yoganizira za AI.
Mitundu ya AI
Computing advances have fueled the evolution of AI. Here's a look at the 4 types of artificial intelligence.
Global ethics forum: The pros, cons, and ethical dilemmas of Artificial Intelligence
YouTube - Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
From driverless cars to lethal autonomous weapons, artificial intelligence will soon confront societies with new and complex ethical challenges, says Yale's ...
Momwe njira yaku Japan yosiyana kwambiri ndi AI ingatsogolere kuukadaulo watsopano
Galimoto ya "emotionally intelligent" ya NeuV ya Honda ikuwonetsa malingaliro apadera aku Japan okhudzana ndi nzeru zopangira.
The great A.I. awakening
New York Times
Momwe Google idagwiritsira ntchito luntha lochita kupanga kuti isinthe Zomasulira za Google, imodzi mwazinthu zodziwika bwino - komanso momwe kuphunzira pamakina kulili kokonzeka kuyambitsanso makompyuta.
Posachedwapa tidzatha kuwerenga malingaliro athu ndikugawana malingaliro athu
New Scientist
Makapu a EEG omwe amawunika momwe ubongo umagwirira ntchito amatilola kutumiza malingaliro kwa wina ndi mnzake mwachindunji - ukadaulo womwe ungathandize anthu olumala kuti ayambenso kuyenda.
Kuzunza Dolores
Sam mwamba
Mu gawo ili la Making Sense podcast, Sam Harris amalankhula ndi Paul Bloom zachifundo, maphunziro osinkhasinkha, makhalidwe, AI, Westworld, Donald Trump, ufulu wakudzisankhira, kulingalira, kulingalira chiwembu, ndi mitu ina.
Can we balance human ethics with artificial intelligence?
You are driving along and your car's brakes suddenly fail. If it swerves to the left, three old men and two elderly women will die. If the...
Google's AI has learned to become "Highly Aggressive" in stressful situations
Science Alert

We've all seen the Terminator movies, and the apocalyptic nightmare that the self-aware AI system, Skynet, wrought upon humanity.
How artificial intelligence will change everything
Wall Street Journal
Baidu’s Andrew Ng and Singularity’s Neil Jacobstein say this time, the hype about artificial intelligence is real.
Elon Musk Nick Bostrom Ray Kurzweil Superintelligence
YouTube - FiveSenseReality
Elon Musk and other panellists talk AI and answer the question: “If we succeed in building human-level Artificial general intelligence (AGI), then what are t...
Wiki bots that feud for years highlight the troubled future of AI
The behavior of bots is often unpredictable and sometimes leads them to produce errors over and over again in a potentially infinite feedback loop.
Kodi AI ikhoza kukhala ndi chidwi ngati anthu?
Harvard Business Review
Sitingathe kukhazikitsa mphindi za "aha".
A.I. is progressing faster than you think!
YouTube - ColdFusion
Was hacked, I'll have to rewrite this later. Sources:
The dark secret at the heart of AI
MIT Technology Review
Last year, a strange self-driving car was released onto the quiet roads of Monmouth County, New Jersey. The experimental vehicle, developed by researchers at the chip maker Nvidia, didn’t look different from other autonomous cars, but it was unlike anything demonstrated by Google, Tesla, or General Motors, and it showed the rising power of artificial…
Google’s DeepMind is teaching AI how to think like a human
Vice - Motherboard
If we’re ever going to create general AI, we need to teach it to think like us.
Chiwopsezo chenicheni cha luntha lochita kupanga
New York Times
Si maloboti olamulira. Ndi kusalingana kwachuma komanso dongosolo latsopano lapadziko lonse lapansi.
Ngati mukuganiza kuti AI ndiyowopsa dikirani mpaka ikhale ndi ubongo wapakompyuta wa quantum
The Next Web
The next major advancement in quantum computing is, of course, artificial intelligence. A startup recently created a quantum machine learning algorithm.
Zowonadi zopanga AI zangotsala pang'ono. Ichi ndichifukwa chake ndizovuta kwambiri
Intaneti Trends
Funso loti A.I. akhoza kulenga kwenikweni pakati pa mafunso ofunika kwambiri m'munda. Ichi ndi chifukwa chake.
Njira 28 zanzeru zopangira zikhudze bizinesi yanu ndi moyo wanu mu 2018
Huffington Post
Wolemba Katie Lundin, Customer Service Wonder Gal pagulu la anthu
Kaya mukonde kapena ayi, makinawo akutenga gawo latsopano.
Ndipo "makina" ndikutanthauza ...
Mtsogoleri wamkulu wa Google Sundar Photosi akuyerekeza zotsatira za AI ndi magetsi ndi moto
Mkulu wa Google a Sundar Photosi, polankhula pamwambo wojambulidwa pawailesi yakanema wochitidwa ndi MSNBC komanso tsamba la mlongo wa The Verge Recode, adati luntha lochita kupanga ndi chimodzi mwazinthu zozama kwambiri zomwe anthu ...
Machines teaching each other could be the biggest exponential trend in AI
Intelligent systems, like those powered by the latest round of machine learning software, aren’t just getting smarter: they’re getting smarter faster. What we might call “machine teaching”—when devices communicate gained knowledge to one another—is a radical step up in the speed at which these systems improve.
Kugwirizana ndi makina
Since Alan Turing envisioned artificial intelligence, technical progress has often been measured by the ability to defeat humans in zero-sum encounters (e.g., Chess, Poker, or Go). Less attention has been given to scenarios in which human–machine cooperation is beneficial but non-trivial, such as scenarios in which human and machine preferences are neither fully aligned nor fully in conflict. Co
Tsogolo lalitali la AI (ndi zomwe tingachite pa izi)
YouTube - TED
Daniel Dewey ndi mnzake wofufuza mu Oxford Martin Programme pa Impacts of Future Technology pa Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxfor...
Robet sociopaths: playing devil's advocate with Steven Pinker on the dangers of artificial intelligence
Mawu ndi Kutuluka
By Max Borders To explore the implications of artificial intelligence, register for the Voice & Exit experience. Should you be afraid of the robot apocalypse? (I don’t mean...
This computer uses light—not electricity—to train AI algorithms
yikidwa mawaya
Startup Fathom Computing thinks optical computing can extend the gains of Moore's Law and light the way to the future of artificial intelligence.
Good news: A.I. is getting cheaper. That’s also bad news.
New York Times
The building blocks of artificial intelligence are becoming more affordable and easier to work with. A new report explains why that opens the door to additional risks.
Artificial intelligence and blockchain: 3 major benefits of combining these two mega-trends
Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are two of the biggest technology trends of our time. Here we look at what would happen when you combine these two megatrends. We explore 3 major benefits that could be gained from blending AI and blockchain technology.
The malicious use of artificial intelligence: Forecasting, prevention, and mitigation
In the coming decades, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies are going to transform many aspects of our world. Much of this change will be positive; the potential for benefits in areas as diverse as health, transportation and urban planning, art, science, and cross-cultural...
Lipoti latsopano loyipa la AI likuwonetsa ziwopsezo zazikulu zazaka 5 zikubwerazi
Singularity Hub
Penapake pakati pa ziyembekezo za AI zomwe zingatichitire zonse ndi AI zomwe zingawononge dziko lapansi ndi zenizeni: zoopsa ndi mphotho zomwe zimasintha nthawi zonse. Lipoti latsopano likuyang'ana kugwiritsidwa ntchito koyipa kwa AI m'zaka zisanu zikubwerazi.
AI has a hallucination problem that's proving tough to fix
yikidwa mawaya
Machine learning systems, like those used in self-driving cars, can be tricked into seeing objects that don't exist. Defenses proposed by Google, Amazon, and others are vulnerable too.
AI idzaphimba Lamulo la Moore ngati woyendetsa luso laukadaulo.
Luntha lochita kupanga lidzakhala ndi chiyambukiro chachikulu kuposa Chilamulo cha Moore, ubale wamphamvu womwe udayendetsa makampani aukadaulo mpaka masiku ano. Koma pamapeto pake, mtengo womwe AI amapanga udzakhala…
Asking the right questions about AI
In the past few years, we’ve been deluged with discussions of how artificial intelligence (AI) will either save or destroy the world. Self-driving cars will keep us alive; social media bubbles will…
Neuroevolution will push AI development to the next level
Sabata Yachidziwitso
Next up for developing artificial intelligence systems is automated neural-net architecture search.
Makina amodzi oti awalamulire onse: 'Master Algorithm' ikhoza kuwonekera posachedwa kuposa momwe mukuganizira
The Next Web
Will robots dream in ones and zeros? Can they appreciate a rose by any other name? Perhaps a new class calculus will provide us with those answers, and machines with consciousness.
4 obstacles to ethical AI (and how to address them)
Data bias, opacity, data monopoly, and job loss are issues that plague the field of artificial intelligence. Here are some simple solutions to these problems.
Powering AI: The explosion of new AI hardware accelerators
Info World
Specialized hardware platforms are the future of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning at every tier and for every task in the cloud-to-edge world in which we will live
Evolutionary algorithm imaposa makina ophunzirira mozama pamasewera apakanema
MIT Technology Review
Ndi chisangalalo chonse cha ma neural network ndi njira zophunzirira mozama, ndizosavuta kuganiza kuti dziko la sayansi yamakompyuta lili ndi zina. Neural network, pambuyo pa zonse, ayamba kuchita bwino kuposa anthu pantchito monga chinthu ndi kuzindikira nkhope komanso masewera monga chess, Go, ndi masewera osiyanasiyana apakanema amasewera. Ma network awa…
Kusintha kozama kwambiri: Kumvetsetsa ubongo kungatipangitse kuti tiwonjezere AI
Chatekinoloje Republic
Terry Sejnowski, m'modzi mwa abambo a gawo la maphunziro ozama, pazomwe zikutsatira pakusintha kwamakina.
Preserving outputs precisely while adaptively rescaling targets
Multi-task learning - allowing a single agent to learn how to solve many different tasks - is a longstanding objective for artificial intelligence research. Recently, there has been a lot of excellent progress, with agents like DQN able to use the same algorithm to learn to play multiple games including Breakout and Pong. These algorithms were used to train individual expert agents for each
Artificial intelligence system imagwiritsa ntchito malingaliro owoneka bwino, ngati a anthu kuti athetse mavuto
Artificial intelligence model kuchokera ku MIT Lincoln Laboratory's Intelligence and Decision Technologies Group imakhazikitsa mulingo watsopano womvetsetsa momwe neural network imapangira zisankho.
Building safe artificial intelligence: specification, robustness, and assurance
In this inaugural post, we discuss three areas of technical AI safety: specification, robustness, and assurance.
DARPA wants to build ‘contextual’ AI that understands the world
Venture Beat
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is a pioneer in AI. At VB Summit 2018, Dr. Brian Pierce, director of its Innovation Office, spoke about ongoing efforts.
Awful AI
?Awful AI is a curated list to track current scary usages of AI - hoping to raise awareness - daviddao/awful-ai
Fei-Fei Li's quest to make AI better for Humanity
yikidwa mawaya
AI has a problem: The biases of its creators are getting hard-coded into its future. Fei-Fei Li has a plan to fix that—by rebooting the field she helped invent.
Katswiri wazamisala yemwe atha kukhala ndi kiyi ku AI yowona
yikidwa mawaya
Mfundo ya mphamvu yaulere ya Karl Friston ikhoza kukhala lingaliro lophatikizana kwambiri kuyambira chiphunzitso cha Charles Darwin cha kusankha kwachilengedwe. Koma kuti mumvetsetse, muyenera kuyang'ana mkati mwa malingaliro a Friston.
A skeptic’s guide to thinking about AI
Fast Company
This week, at the research institute AI Now‘s annual symposium, experts debated some of the most critical issues in society through the lens of AI. The event brought together law and politics…
Neuromorphic computing ndizovuta kwambiri kwa AI, koma ndi chiyani?
YouTube - Wofufuza
Makompyuta a engineering kuti azigwira ntchito ngati ubongo amatha kusintha ukadaulo momwe timadziwira. Nazi zonse zomwe muyenera kudziwa zokhudza neuromorphic computing.Get 2...
Cognitive computing: More human than artificial intelligence
Makina Ochititsa chidwi
Cognitive computing may sound like just another form of AI, but this sophisticated computing platform is fundamentally different—and much more powerful.
The rise of a new generation of AI avatars
Singularity Hub
We’re close to building Earth’s “avatar layer”—where millions of lifelike avatars fill the world around us, connecting businesses to customers in new ways.
Numenta publishes breakthrough theory for intelligence and cortical computation
Numenta researchers propose a broad framework for understanding what the neocortex does and how it works. 'The Thousand Brains Theory of Intelligence' proposes that every part of the neocortex learns complete models of objects and concepts, rather than learning one model of the world.
AlphaStar: The inside story
YouTube - DeepMind
In recent years, StarCraft, considered to be one of the most challenging Real-Time Strategy (RTS) games and one of the longest-played esports of all time, ha...
StarCraft ndi masewera ozama komanso ovuta ankhondo. Google AlphaStar AI yaphwanya.
DeepMind yagonjetsa chess ndi Pitani ndikupitilira masewera ovuta anthawi yeniyeni. Tsopano ikumenya ochita masewera 10-1.
Kai-Fu Lee presents the era of AI
YouTube - Upfront Ventures
Kai-Fu Lee discusses the rapid progress of artificial intelligence in China and the implications this has on the present and the future.
AI experts are studying the way that kids' brains develop, and it could be a game-changer for the technology
Business insider
Researchers are looking more closely at how kids learn to improve artificial intelligence systems
Episode 85: A conversation with Ilya Sutskever
In this episode, Byron and Ilya Sutskever of Open AI talk about the future of general intelligence and the ramifications of building a computer smarter than us.
Confronting the risks of artificial intelligence
McKinsey & Company
Organizations can mitigate advanced-analytics and AI risks by embracing three principles.
Kodi luntha lochita kupanga lidzakulitsa kapena kusokoneza umunthu?
yikidwa mawaya
Wolemba mbiri Yuval Noah Harari ndi wasayansi wamakompyuta Fei-Fei Li akukambirana za lonjezo ndi zowopsa zaukadaulo wosinthika ndi mkonzi wa WIRED wamkulu Nicholas Thompson.
The AI sharecroppers
The people who affix labels to data so computers can understand what it is.
Artificial Intelligence in China with Jeffrey Ding
Malingaliro a kampani ARK Invest
On episode 23 of ARK's For Your Innovation podcast, Jeffrey Ding, creator of the ChinAI newsletter, joins to talk about AI in China.
The human pursuit of artificial intelligence
Youtube - TEDx - Thore Graepel
What is intelligence? And how can we create it in machines? Thore Graepel takes us inside the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and reveals its potential...
Half of organisations have incorporated ethics into AI strategy
A new IDC report has shed light on the importance of ethics to the AI strategies of organisations as they ramp up their use of the technology.
Darkest Before The Dawn: AI research will go "dark" just before the singularity
26 votes, 15 comments. AI research labs are slowly becoming dark. This is something OpenAI has mentioned it might do and is now playing with partial …
Google’s new ‘Data Echoing’ technique reduces the time required for AI training
The artificial intelligence research wing of Google, Google Brain, has suggested a new procedure to enhance the speed of AI training. In a paper release
Hybrid chip paves way for ‘thinking machines’
Asia Times
Chinese researchers have developed a hybrid chip architecture that could move the world a step closer to achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI)
The brain inspires a new type of artificial intelligence
Using advanced experiments on neuronal cultures and large scale simulations, scientists at Bar-Ilan University have demonstrated a new type of ultrafast artifical intelligence algorithms -- based on the very slow brain dynamics -- which outperform learning rates achieved to date by state-of-the-art learning algorithms.

In an article in Scientific Reports, the researchers rebuild the bridge
Cheat sheets for AI, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Big Data
Kukhala Munthu
Over the past few months, I have been collecting AI cheat sheets. From time to time I share them with friends and colleagues and recently I have been getting asked a lot, so I decided to organize and…
The AI chip landscape in 2019
ARK invest
With competition heating up in the AI chip market, ARK was invited to present on the state of AI hardware at CogX 2019. The summary is here.
AI and Compute
We’re releasing an analysis showing that since 2012, the amount of compute used in the largest AI training runs has been increasing exponentially with a 3.4-month doubling time (by comparison, Moore’s Law had a 2-year doubling period).
The danger of AI is weirder than you think
Youtube - TED
Visit to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized Talk recommendations and more.The danger of artificial i...
AI R&D ikuchulukirachulukira, koma luntha wamba silinafikebe
Lipoti la 2019 AI Index likutiwonetsa momveka bwino dziko lanzeru zopanga, zomwe zili ndi data yokhudzana ndi ndalama, kafukufuku, komanso chidwi chochokera padziko lonse lapansi. Zomwe zimatikumbutsanso ndikuti, ngakhale pali hype, kuthekera kwa AI kumakhalabe kochepa m'njira zingapo zofunika.
2010 – 2019: The rise of deep learning
The Next Web
No other technology was more important over the past decade than artificial intelligence. Stanford’s Andrew Ng called it the new electricity, and both Microsoft and Google changed their business strategies to become “AI-first” companies. In
EUV: Lasers, plasma, and the sci-fi tech that will make chips faster
Microchips are one of the most complicated objects humanity has created, packing billions of transistors into a chip only a few centimeters across. These tra...
Cerebras’s giant chip will smash deep learning’s speed barrier
Computers using Cerebras’s chip will train these AI systems in hours instead of weeks
Pulojekiti yatsopano ya Samsung ya Neon yawululidwa pomaliza: Ndi humanoid AI chatbot
Ma chatbots owona awa sanapangidwe kuti alowe m'malo mwa anthu koma "kutipanga kukhala anthu ambiri." Osawafunsa zanyengo.
The duture of AI depends on Asia
Recent geopolitical, economic and epidemic shocks in Asia reveal the real value of the region in the global economy and its future impact on world’s technological development.
7 type of Artificial intelligence
Brainstorming box
There are several types of artificial intelligence which have been developed and helping humans in a various range of activities.
Google open-sources framework that reduces AI training costs by up to 80%
Google recently open-sourced SEED RL, a framework that scales AI model training across thousands of machines while reducing costs.
Mtengo wa maphunziro a AI ukuyenda bwino pa 50x liwiro la Lamulo la Moore: Chifukwa akadali masiku oyambirira a AI
Malingaliro a kampani ARK Invest
Kutengera kuchuluka kwa mtengo wamaphunziro a AI, AI ili m'masiku oyambilira. ARK ikukhulupirira kuti AI idzakwera kuchokera pa $ 1 thililiyoni kufika $ 30 thililiyoni pofika 2037.
Ma neural network opititsa patsogolo physics amaphunzira dongosolo ndi chisokonezo
APS Fiziki
Manetiweki opangira ma neural ndi oyerekeza ntchito padziko lonse lapansi. Amatha kulosera zamphamvu, koma angafunike ma neuron ambiri kuti achite izi, makamaka ngati kusinthikako kuli chipwirikiti. Timagwiritsa ntchito maukonde a neural omwe amaphatikiza mphamvu za Hamiltonian kuti tiphunzire bwino magawo a danga monga momwe machitidwe osagwirizana amasinthira kuchoka pa dongosolo kupita ku chipwirikiti. Timawonetsa maukonde a Hamiltonian neural ambiri
The ‘Android Of Self-Driving Cars’ built a 100,000X cheaper way to train AI for multiple trillion-dollar markets
How do you beat Tesla, Google, Uber and the entire multi-trillion dollar automotive industry to a full self-driving car?
Machines can learn unsupervised 'at speed of light' after AI breakthrough, scientists say
Performance of photon-based neural network processor is 100-times higher than electrical processor
Jenereta yatsopano ya chilankhulo cha OpenAI GPT-3 ndiyabwino modabwitsa komanso yopanda nzeru
Kukambitsirana kwa Technology
"Kusewera ndi GPT-3 kumakhala ngati kuwona zam'tsogolo," Arram Sabeti, wopanga komanso wojambula ku San Francisco, adalemba pa Twitter sabata yatha. Izi zikufotokozera mwachidule mayankho azama media m'masiku angapo apitawa ku OpenAI yaposachedwa ya AI yopanga zilankhulo. OpenAI idafotokoza koyamba za GPT-3 mu pepala lofufuza lomwe lidasindikizidwa mu Meyi. Koma sabata yatha…
Google’s TF-Coder tool automates machine learning model design
Google researchers developed a tool, TF-Coder, that automates the process of developing AI and machine learning models in TensorFlow.
Njira yatsopano yophunzirira yolimbikitsidwa ndi Ubongo ya AI imapulumutsa kukumbukira ndi mphamvu
M'malo mokonza magulu akuluakulu a deta nthawi imodzi, njirayo imangophunzira kuchokera ku deta pamene ikupezeka, kudula kukumbukira ndi mphamvu zofunikira.
Neurosymbolic AI to give us machines with true common sense
Machines with common sense, which rely on an emerging AI technique known as neurosymbolic AI, could greatly increase the value of AI for businesses and society at large.
The fourth generation of AI is here, and it’s called ‘Artificial Intuition’
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most powerful technologies ever developed, but it’s not nearly as new as you might think. In fact, it’s undergone several evolutions since its inception in the 1950s. The first generation of AI was ‘descriptive analytics,’ which answers the question, “What happened?” The second, ‘diagnostic analytics,’ addresses, “Why did […]
Brain-Inspired electronic system could make Artificial Intelligence 1,000 times more energy efficient
Extremely energy-efficient artificial intelligence is now closer to reality after a study by UCL researchers found a way to improve the accuracy of a brain-inspired computing system. The system, which uses memristors to create artificial neural networks, is at least 1,000 times more energy effici
Artificial Intelligence: A modern approach (4th edition) on the alignment problem
Previously: AGI and Friendly AI in the dominant AI textbook (2011), Stuart
Russell: AI value alignment problem must be an "intrinsic part" of the field's
mainstream agenda (2014)

The 4th edition of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach came out this
year. While the 3rd edition published in 2009 mentions the Singularity and
existential risk, it's notable how much the 4th edition gives the ali
A brief history of neural nets and deep learning
The story of how neural nets evolved from the earliest days of AI to now.
The future of mobile AI
MIT Technology review
Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to expand to power everything from security and facial recognition software to autonomous vehicles and mobile apps. In “Women leading the future of mobile AI,” a video series sponsored by Qualcomm Technologies, MIT Technology Review CEO Elizabeth Bramson-Boudreau explores the latest AI advances on software tools, mobile platforms, and algorithmic advancem
Google AI introduces Menger, a massive large-scale distributed reinforcement learning (RL) infrastructure
Google AI Introduces Menger, A Massive Large-Scale Distributed Reinforcement Learning (RL) Infrastructure. Reinforcement learning (RL)
State of AI report
Dropbox ndi ntchito yaulere yomwe imakupatsani mwayi wobweretsa zithunzi, zolemba, ndi makanema anu kulikonse ndikugawana nawo mosavuta. Osatumizanso fayilo yanu imelo!
The future of AI depends on 9 companies. If they fail, we’re doomed.
In The Big Nine, Amy Webb discusses the consequences of not fixing the broken state of artificial intelligence.
The next generation of artificial intelligence
Five years from now, the field of AI will look very different than it does today.
IBM's artificial intelligence strategy is fantastic, but AI also cut 30% of its HR workforce
IBM CEO, Ginni Rometty is bullish on AI and the positive impact it can have on its employees.
Artificial Intelligence can now write amazing content -- What does that mean for humans?
Written language generation was once thought to be a task humans were uniquely qualified to do. Today, with advances in AI and specifically natural language generation, AI is proving its expertise with all kinds of content types from news reports and social media posts to financial reports.
An AI frenzy at universities
They're adding professors, classes and programs, but there is still a massive talent shortage.
Chifukwa chiyani kampani iliyonse imafunikira njira ya Artificial Intelligence (AI) ya 2019
Artificial Intelligence (AI) ndiye ukadaulo wosinthika kwambiri womwe ulipo kwa mabizinesi masiku ano. Ngakhale zili zazikulu kapena zazing'ono, kapena gawo kapena mafakitale omwe mulimo, bizinesi yanu ikufunika njira ya AI. Apa tikuwona chifukwa chake.
Mapulogalamu a Amazon Rekognition amalola apolisi kuti azitsatira nkhope: Izi ndi zomwe muyenera kudziwa
Amazon ikufuna kupereka mapulogalamu ozindikira nkhope kwa osunga malamulo ndi mabizinesi. Tili ndi mafunso.
Mastercard braces for retail's AI-fueled future
Hyperpersonalized and machine-to-machine commerce driven by 5G, IoT and AI will reshape retail as we know it , says Jorn Lambert, the company’s executive vice president of digital solutions.
Kulonjeza zoyambira zanzeru zopangira 2020
Pulogalamu ya IT Pro
Malingaliro odalirika kwambiri a AI oyambitsa osintha dziko.
Ethics for the ai-enabled warfighter - munthu 'warrior-in-the-design'
The Hill
Timafunikira mfundo zingapo zowongolera omenyera nkhondo a anthu kugwiritsa ntchito zida zakupha.
AI systems dealing with human emotions
BBVA Openmind
Can IA replicate the procedures of humane emotions? Keith Darlington analyzes the concept or "artificial emotions" and the latest trends in this field
When AI needs a human assistant
For years, Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (or mTurk) has been a kind of open secret in the tech world, a place where AI companies can hire human labor to train their algorithms.
Wailesi yatsopano imabweretsa wothandizira wa ai kuzamalamulo
Zamakono Zaboma
Motorola Solutions ikuwonetsa zomwe imatcha wothandizira woyamba wazamalamulo, wopezeka kudzera pawailesi yanjira ziwiri yomwe imaphatikizanso chophimba cholumikizira ndi LTE.
North Carolina County imagwiritsa ntchito ai kuwunikiranso katundu
Zamakono Zaboma
Zomwe zimatchedwa woyendetsa teknoloji ya AI ya kampaniyo, SAS inagwira ntchito limodzi ndi Wake County, NC, woyang'anira misonkho kuti adziwe kuchuluka kwa katundu aliyense wa 400,000 wa chigawocho ayenera kuwerengedwa.
How army futures command plans to grow soldiers’ artificial intelligence skills
News Defense
Gen. Mike Murray is pushing three new efforts to drive innovation in the Army.
Magulu akuluakulu
"Superteams" - magulu a anthu ndi makina anzeru omwe amagwira ntchito limodzi - ndi sitepe yotsatira ya AI yopitiliza kuphatikizika kudziko la ntchito.
Momwe nzeru zopangira zingasungire nthawi
Sabata la Maphunziro
Aphunzitsi: Kodi mungagwiritse ntchito maola owonjezera 13 pa sabata lanu lantchito, kapena pa moyo wanu? Izi zitha kuchitika mtsogolomo, malinga ndi lipoti lofalitsidwa mwezi watha ndi McKinsey & Company.
What AI can learn from parents
The Wall Street Journal
Like raising children, training an artificial intelligence means balancing obedience and independence.
NVIDIA found a way to train AI with very little data
NVIDIA has developed a new approach for training generative adversarial networks (GAN) that could one day make them suitable for a greater variety of tasks..
Will artificial intelligence ever live up to its hype?
Scientific American
Replication problems plague the field of AI, and the goal of general intelligence remains as elusive as ever
New deep learning method helps robots become jacks-of-all-trades
Singularity Hub
The robot interacts with its environment through a process of trial-and-error and is rewarded for carrying out the correct actions.
Momwe AI Trading Technology Ikupangira Ogulitsa Msika Wamsika Kukhala Wanzeru
Kugulitsa kwa AI kwakhudza kwambiri msika wamasheya. Onani makampani 9 awa omwe amagwiritsa ntchito AI.