private sector space commercialization trends

Private sector space commercialization trends

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Space Invaders: amalonda akutengera anthu mumlengalenga
The Economist imapereka chidziwitso ndi malingaliro ovomerezeka pa nkhani zapadziko lonse lapansi, ndale, bizinesi, zachuma, sayansi, ukadaulo ndi kulumikizana pakati pawo.
Kodi tidzabwereranso ku mwezi? Oyang'anira athu akhazikitsidwa kuti avomereze kukhazikitsidwa kwa malo akampani
Mayiko Business Times
Moon Express, imodzi mwamakampani 16 omwe akuyesera kukhala kampani yawoyawo yoyamba kufika pamwezi, atha kuvomerezedwa ndi US posachedwa.
The space industry will be worth nearly $3 trillion in 30 years, bank of America predicts
Bank of America Merrill Lynch sees the size of the space industry octupling over the next three decades.
Otsatsa amatsanulira pafupifupi $ 1 biliyoni kumakampani amlengalenga mu Q1
Makampani opanga mlengalenga adayamba kotala loyamba la chaka chino momwe adathera komaliza - ndi mazana a mamiliyoni a ndalama zapadera.
Makampani a AI amawona mwayi wamabizinesi mumlengalenga
Momwe makampani atatu anzeru zopangira amalosera zomwe zikuchitika padziko lapansi, kuchokera mumlengalenga.
Why Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos are leading the new space race
The Herald
JEFF Bezos may be the richest man who ever lived but he is not one to squander his wealth on meaningless luxuries. Bezos, the founder and CEO of…
NASA just gave $44 million to 6 private companies including Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin to develop tipping point space technologies
Business Insider
NASA just awarded six private companies a total of $44 million as part of the agency's "Tipping Point" program. The contracts are designed to help the commercial space industry test next-generation technologies like new moon-landing systems and a method to recover expensive rocket engines.
Mabiliyoni akulimbikitsa mpikisano wamlengalenga
Jeff Bezos, Sir Richard Branson ndi Elon Musk ndi ena mwa amalonda angapo omwe ali ndi zilakolako za galactic.
SpaceX just docked the first commercial spaceship built for astronauts to the International Space Station. What NASA calls a historic achievement
Business Insider
A day after SpaceX launched the first human-rated commercial spaceship, International Space Station crew welcomed the ship to their flying home.
Rise of the astropreneurs
The space industry attracts more global attention every day. Investors from the public and private sectors are always looking for new…
Why hybrid systems will enable the united states’ space future
For the United States to lead the future of space innovation, a hybrid space architecture that leverages and unifies both "old" and "new" space industries must be created to form an integrated whole.
Yes, we can build industry in space and we should start now
A former NASA scientist says we have everything we need to mine and manufacture in the stars.
Morgan Stanley akuneneratu kuti kukula kwa mlengalenga kudzachulukirachulukira katatu. Umu ndi momwe mungasungire ndalama
Morgan Stanley akuyerekeza kuti msika wamlengalenga udzakula kukhala chuma chamtengo wapatali kuposa $1.1 thililiyoni pofika 2040.
Chifukwa chiyani kupanga malo ndi tsogolo la mafakitale
Lingaliro Lachiwiri
Pangani tsamba lanu laukadaulo ndi Wix! Chifukwa Chake Kupanga Malo Ndi Tsogolo Lamakampani - Lingaliro Lachiwiri Tachita...
Momwe kusindikiza kwa 3D kumathandizira kupita patsogolo kwakusintha pakupanga ndi kupanga
PBS NewsHour
Chiyambi chaching'ono chotchedwa Relativity chikukankhira ukadaulo wa danga kutsogolo ndikukankhira ukadaulo wosindikiza wa 3D mpaka malire ake, kumanga chosindikizira chachikulu kwambiri chachitsulo cha 3D ...
Tili pachimake pakusintha kowuluka mumlengalenga
Izo sizingawoneke ngati izo, koma umunthu uli pachimake cha kusintha kwa mumlengalenga komwe kungasinthe mbiri yamtsogolo. M'munda ku Boca Chica Texas, kampani yachinsinsi yaku America…
Malo ogwirira ntchito : tsogolo la ogwira ntchito
Wochita malonda
Ngati malo ogwirira ntchito akufuna kupitiliza bizinesi monga mwanthawi zonse ndikuwonetsetsa kukopa kwamakampani kwa iwo, akuyenera kukhazikitsa ndondomeko zachitetezo, zapamwamba kuposa ofesi yachikhalidwe.