vertical farm trends

Vertical farm trends

Waxaa daweeyey

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This is the farming of the future: the rise of hydroponic food labs
The Guardian-ka
Needing no soil or sun, an underground farm in Liverpool challenges traditional methods
16 Initiatives Changing Urban Agriculture Through Tech and Innovation
The United Nations estimates that nearly 10 billion people will be living in cities by 2050. According to a recent publication by the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition, urban eaters consume most of the food produced globally and maintain more resource-intensive diets including increased animal-source and processed foods — rich in salt, sugar...
sarreenku waxa uu soo saara awooda beeraha toosan ee deegaanka la xakameeyey
Wheat is the most important food crop worldwide, grown across millions of hectares. Wheat yields in the field are usually low and vary with weather, soil, and crop management practices. We show that yields for wheat grown in indoor vertical farms under optimized growing conditions would be several hundred times higher than yields in the field due to higher yields, several harvests per year, and ve
New ways to make vertical farming stack up
The Economist
Cultivating fresh produce in an artificial environment is getting cheaper
80 Acres Farms Raises $40m to Complete ‘First Fully Automated Vertical Farm’
Ag Funder News
The new facility will be automated from seeding to growing to harvesting featuring handling robotics, artificial intelligence, data analytics, and around-the-clock monitoring sensors and control systems to optimize every aspect of growing produce indoors. 
Las Vegas has a new $30 million vertical farm that aims to produce over 1 million pounds of produce every year — take a look
Business Insider
Oasis Biotech says it has invested nearly $30 million in the regional economy, created more than 100 jobs, and developed a sustainable model for local agriculture.
Is vertical farming really the future of agriculture?
Indoor, LED-lit growing operations grow food without soil or sunlight — but they’re expensive to set up, meaning vertically farmed kale currently costs 10 times as much as conventionally grown
How to grow four tons of food a year in a metal box without sunlight
MIT Technology
Jaime Silverstein works on a farm every day. Inside a cargo shipping container. In Boston. She is a part of a growing movement of urban farmers intent on using efficient, high-tech hydroponic setups to shorten the distance between city dwellers and their food. This article is part of a series on jobs of the future…
Why the future of farming is in cities - the big money in vertical farming
Venture City
You'll be seeing more and more high tech farms popping up in cities. As the population grows, and we run out of farming land, along with climate change, the ...
Mustaqbalka beerashada: Drones, robots iyo GPS
Today’s agriculture has transformed into a high-tech enterprise that most 20th-century farmers might barely recognize.
Waagu cusub ee tignoolajiyada beeraha: ku beeridda intarneedka waxyaabaha beeraha
Irish Times
Dhoofinta ugu weyn ee Ireland waa cunto iyo qaar ka mid ah shirkadaheeda ugu waaweyn ayaa la xiriira cuntada, oo bixiya fursado waaweyn
This floating farm concept in Barcelona could be the future of food
If a Spanish design firm had its way, all of our food would come from colossal floating farm barges.
Forward Thinking Architecture, a Barcelona-based group focused on sustainable design, imagines large, three-story farms that float through the ocean…
Vertical farming gets a wind power update with wind-powered vertical skyfarms concept
Vertical Farming Gets A Wind Power Update With Wind-Powered Vertical Skyfarms Concept
World's largest vertical farm grows without soil, sunlight or water in Newark
The Guardian-ka
AeroFarms has put $30m into a green revolution that seeks to produce more crops in less space, but whether its economically viable is an open question
High times: Vertical farming is on the rise — but can it save the planet?
Groundbreaking advances in vertical farming, which doesn't break ground at all, raise hopes it can feed the world
Will vertical farming continue to grow, or has it hit the greenhouse ceiling?
Isbeddellada Digital
As the world's population continues to balloon, the growing need for an advanced form of food production is needed now more than ever.
Beer cusub oo bakhaar ah oo ay taageerto Jeff Bezos ayaa soo saari doonta wax soo saar ku filan si ay u quudiso in ka badan 180,000 oo qof sanadkii
Business Insider
Bilawga beerashada tooska ah ee Plenty - oo soo ururisay $260 milyan ilaa maanta - ayaa ka furaysa beer 100,000-square-foot ah oo ku taal Seattle weyn, aagga Washington.
This $40 million robotic 'plantscraper' will feed over 5,000 people per year
Business Insider
Under construction in Sweden, the World Food Building is both an office tower and vertical farm. Here's what it will look like.
'World's largest vertical farm' to feed Middle East's high-fliers
The team behind the $40 million vertical farm in Dubai claims it will harvest 6,000 pounds of leafy greens every day. And you may eat them when they're served on airliners.
The high-tech vertical farmer
Xarunta kale ka buuxo ee bilawga beeraleyda toosan ee Bowery Farming, waa qayb softiweer ah oo gaar ah kaas oo sameeya inta badan go'aamada muhiimka ah -- sida w...
Koritaanka dhirta leh 'xawaare taranta' waxay noqon kartaa furaha quudinta dadka qarxinaya adduunka
Saynis yahanadu waxay awoodeen in ay si dhakhso ah u koraan dhirta taas oo saaxiibkiis uu rumaysan kari waayay.
Beerashada 'wax-soo-saarka sare' waxay ku kacdaa bey'adda wax ka yar sidii markii hore loo malaynayay - waxayna caawin kartaa in la badbaadiyo degaannada
Beeraha u muuqda in ay yihiin kuwo deegaanka ku habboon balse isticmaala dhul badan waxa laga yaabaa in ay lahaadaan kharashyo deegaan oo ka weyn cutubkii cunto
Kaliya 60 sano oo beero ah ayaa hadhay haddii xaalufka carradu sii socdo
Sayniska American
Abuuridda saddex sentimitir ee ciidda sare waxay qaadanaysaa 1,000 sano, haddii heerka xaalufka hadda uu sii socdo dhammaan ciidda ugu sarreysa adduunka waxaa laga yaabaa inay ku baxdo 60 sano gudahood, sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan Qaramada Midoobay ayaa yiri.
Dhulka bacrin ah ee ka dhexeeya farsamada iyo beeraha
Beeruhu waxa ay yeelanayaan kacaan teknooloji oo u gaar ah.
Robot-kani waxa uu basbaaska ku soo qaadanayaa 24 ilbiriqsi gudahood isaga oo isticmaalaya miinshaar yar, waxa uuna ka caawin karaa la dagaalanka yaraanta shaqada beeraha
"Sweeper" waxay isticmaashaa kamarado la isku daray iyo aragga kombuyuutarka si loo go'aamiyo haddii basbaaska uu bislaaday oo uu diyaar u yahay in la soo qaado.
Da'da beeralayda robot-ka
New Yorker
Qaadashada strawberries waxay u baahan tahay xawaare, karti, iyo xirfad. Robot ma samayn karaa?
Kobcinta beeralayda omnichannel
Alaab-qeybiyeyaasha beeraha ee casriga ah waxay siinayaan beeralayda waxa macaamiil kastaa rabo: is-dhexgal dhijitaal ah oo loogu talagalay xawaaraha iyo ku habboonaanta iyo isdhexgalka aadanaha marka ay u baahan yihiin. Waa kan sida ay u sameynayaan.
21-kan mashruuc waxa ay dimuqraadiyaynta xogta beeralayda
Sirdoonka macmal iyo xogta weyn ayaa laga yaabaa inay caawiyaan soo saarista cunto badan, isticmaal biyo yar, xaddido isticmaalka kheyraadka, dib u habeynta qashinka cuntada iyo dhimista qiimaha cuntada.