recycling trends

Recycling trends

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Шведска остаје без смећа, принуђена да увози од суседа
Шведска, земља која ужива у рециклажи у којој се 810,000 домова греје спаљивањем отпада, суочава се са јединственом дилемом: потребно јој је више горива.
Scientists just discovered plastic-eating bacteria that can break down pet
Сциенце Алерт

This article was written by Mark Lorch from the University of Hull, and was originally published by The Conversation.
Landfills – a future source of raw materials
Универзитет Линнаеус
Decontamination of landfills and open dumpsites could prove profitable – both financially and for the environment. This is demonstrated by Yahya Jani in a new dissertation in environmental science from Linnaeus University.
South Korea’s government embraces insects to feed on mountain of food waste
Јутарња штампа Јужне Кине
South Korea’s government embraces insects to feed on mountain of food waste 
Global recycled metal market to reach us$ 979.02 bn by 2026; Growth in end-users such as building & construction and automotive to majorly boost the market: transparency market research
Глобал Невсвире
Rising Demand for Eco-friendly Roofing could Shape Roofing Market. Asia Pacific Likely to Sustain Strong Position in Global Roofing Market
How a Chinese policy change spurred a creative approach to recycled plastic furniture
These bioplastic companies are creating sustainable design and working toward a solution to America's recycling problem
Recycling in the United States is in serious trouble. How does it work?
Recycling in the United States is in serious trouble. Here's how it works.
Pepsi, Nestle, and more will test reusable packaging subscription service
Loop wants to allow consumers to subscribe to subscription model services while relying on reusable containers. The idea is to be more environmentally friendly.
Researchers developed a technique to turn nearly a quarter of our plastic waste into fuel
Матична плоча
The process could help convert millions of tons of plastic we generate every year into an gasoline and diesel-like fuel.
Милиони тона светског пластичног отпада могли би да се претворе у чиста горива, друге производе хемијском конверзијом
Универзитет Пурдуе
Уједињене нације процењују да више од 8 милиона тона пластике тече у океане сваке године. Нови процес хемијске конверзије могао би да трансформише светски полиолефински отпад, облик пластике, у корисне производе, као што су чиста горива и други предмети.
Хемијска рециклажа би могла бити одговор на наш проблем пластике за једнократну употребу
У најсавременијој фабрици за рециклажу у Портланду, Орегон, не постоји превише пластике
Researchers create new plastic type that could enable near-lossless recycling
Recycling is certainly a useful process, and likely a necessary one if modern society is ever going to achieve near-complete sustainability. However, it is not perfect -...
The dirty truth about recycling
ЦБЦ Невс
Canadians are among the world’s top producers of plastic waste, but a lot of what gets put in a blue box doesn’t actually end up getting recycled. A large po...
It's a circular world: AI, robotics and chemical recycling are redefining a $110 billion industry
Yes, the system is under pressure but municipalities like New York and Minneapolis have figured out ways to find value in their recycling streams.
Mapping the flow of the world's plastic waste
Every year the U.S. exports almost 1 million tons of plastic waste, including "recycled" materials. Where does all of it go?
Why the united states is turning to recycling robots
For decades, the United States and other wealthy countries have been dependent on China to buy and process almost half of the world’s plastic waste. Now, str...
New methanolysis circular recycling technology could help tackle plastic waste problem
Hydrogenfuel News
Learn more about green hydrogen fuel cell and how it all works along with everyday alternative energy news articles concerning climate change and more.
Вештачка интелигенција и роботи помажу да се трансформише индустрија рециклаже
Невс5 Цлевеланд
Захваљујући вештачкој интелигенцији и роботима, одређени предмети који су се раније сматрали смећем сада се могу бирати и продавати као материјал који се може рециклирати
Turning plastic trash into treasure
Researchers have developed a new catalyst that can cleave plastic's strong carbon-carbon, converting it into higher value products.
Scientists create mutant enzyme that recycles plastic bottles in hours
Bacterial enzyme originally found in compost can be used to make high-quality new bottles
Нови супер-ензим шест пута брже једе пластичне флаше
Breakthrough that builds on plastic-eating bugs first discovered by Japan in 2016 promises to enable full recycling