Paul Fletter | Speaker Profile

Paul Fletter is an accomplished innovator and thought leader in the field of strategic foresight and corporate innovation. With a diverse background in bioengineering, military service, and business, Paul has developed a unique perspective on how organizations can drive success through transformative and innovative thinking.

Izihloko eziphambili ezibonisiweyo

“Disruptive Technologies: Proactive Strategies for the Future” | In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, it’s crucial for organizations to stay ahead of the curve. This keynote discusses proactive responses to disruptive technologies, including disruptive thinking, innovation strategy, and digital adaptation.

“Future-Proofing Your Business: Anticipatory Frameworks for Success” | In today’s fast-paced business environment, it’s important to have a thinking strategy that enables you to stay ahead of trends and successfully navigate a constantly shifting landscape. This keynote discusses how to develop such a framework and prepare your business for the future.

“Understanding Customer Needs: Finding the Sweet Spots for Innovation” | To deliver seamless, frictionless customer experiences, products, and services that win in the market, it’s important to understand what customers want in terms of their needs and priorities. This keynote helps organizations find the sweet spot where innovation has the most impact.

“Everyday Innovation: Cultivating an Innovative Mindset” | This keynote teaches how to cultivate an innovative mindset and overcome hurdles and unleash creativity using a 3-step framework. Explores common pitfalls and leaves participants with practical tools to move forward.

“Authentic Innovation: Designing a Corporate Innovation Program” | This keynote offers a comprehensive overview of considerations when designing a bespoke corporate innovation program within an organization, covering 7 key domains critical to corporate innovation: Strategy, People, Process, Language, Environment, Governance, and Incentives.

“Innovation Unleashed: Scaling Collaboration in a Connected World” | This keynote explores how to encourage a state of mind that promotes innovation within and beyond company borders through connected technologies, virtual environments, and asynchronous participation.

Iindibano zokuthetha ezidlulileyo

  • Umbutho weBar American Association
  • IZiko laseMelika labaGcini zincwadi zikaRhulumente eziQinisekisiweyo (AICPA)
  • Umbutho woLawulo waseMelika
  • IForam yoShishino lwaseAsia (eSingapore)
  • Umbutho weeFirms zoNxibelelwano loLawulo
  • I-Barclays Professional Practices (UK)
  • Umbutho we-Canadian Bar
  • I-Canadian Tax Foundation
  • Umbutho weNtengiso osemthethweni
  • Iqela lase-US Law Firm

Amagqabantshintshi omsebenzi

Paul Fletter is an accomplished innovator and thought leader in the field of strategic foresight and corporate innovation. With a diverse background in bioengineering, military service, and business, Paul has developed a unique perspective on how organizations can drive success through transformative and innovative thinking. Paul has published work and holds multiple patents for his inventions that showcase his practical experience in the field. As the Founder of Fletter Consulting Group, he has served numerous Fortune 500 companies and startups to define their innovation processes and implement large-scale disruptive innovation projects.

In addition to his consulting work, Paul is a highly sought-after speaker on topics such as innovation culture, disruptive technologies, anticipatory frameworks, global trends, and more. With extensive experience in innovation management and a track record of success in driving organizational change, Paul is well-equipped to help executives navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape and thrive in an uncertain future. His engaging communication style and deep expertise make him a valuable resource for organizations looking to stay ahead of the curve and achieve long-term success.

Khuphela ii-asethi zesithethi

Ukuququzelela iinzame zokwazisa malunga nentatho-nxaxheba yesisithethi kumsitho wakho, umbutho wakho unemvume yokuphinda upapashe ezi asethi zesithethi zilandelayo:

umxokozelo Umfanekiso weprofayile yesithethi.

umxokozelo Umfanekiso wokunyusa wesithethi.

utyelelo Iwebhusayithi yeshishini leSithethi.

Imibutho kunye nabaququzeleli beminyhadala banokuqesha esi sithethi ngokuzithemba ukuba siqhube amanqaku aphambili kunye neendibano zocweyo malunga neentsingiselo zexesha elizayo kuluhlu olwahlukeneyo lwezihloko kwaye kwezi fomathi zilandelayo:

Iifowuni zeengcebisoIngxoxo kunye nabaphathi bakho ukuphendula imibuzo ethile ngesihloko, iprojekthi okanye isifundo osikhethileyo.
Umqeqeshi olawulayo Iseshoni yoqeqesho nomntu omnye kunye neengcebiso phakathi kwesigqeba esilawulayo kunye nesithethi esikhethiweyo. Izihloko kuvunyelwana ngazo.
Unikelo lwesihloko (Ngaphakathi) Inkcazo-ntetho yeqela lakho langaphakathi esekelwe kwisihloko ekuvunyelwene ngaso kunye nesiqulatho esinikezelwe sisithethi. Le fomati yenzelwe ngokukodwa iintlanganiso zeqela langaphakathi. Ubuninzi babathathi-nxaxheba abangama-25.
Umboniso wewebhunar (Ngaphakathi) Unikezelo lwewebhu kumalungu eqela lakho ngesihloko ekuvunyelwene ngaso, kuquka ixesha lombuzo. Amalungelo omdlalo wangaphakathi aqukiwe. Ubuninzi babathathi-nxaxheba abali-100.
Umboniso wewebhunar (Ngaphandle) Inkcazo yewebhu yeqela lakho kunye nabangaphandle bangaphandle kwisihloko ekuvunyelwene ngaso. Ixesha lombuzo kunye namalungelo omdlalo wangaphandle aqukiwe. Ubuninzi babathathi-nxaxheba abangama-500.
Inkcazo yesiganeko esiphambili Inqaku eliphambili okanye uthethathethwano lokuthetha kumsitho wakho weshishini. Isihloko kunye nomxholo unokwenziwa ngokwezifiso kwimixholo yesiganeko. Kubandakanya ixesha lombuzo omnye kunye nokuthatha inxaxheba kwezinye iiseshoni zesiganeko ukuba kuyimfuneko.

Bhala esi sithethi

Qhagamshelana nathi ukubuza malunga nokubhukisha esi sithethi kwinqaku eliphambili, iphaneli, okanye iworkshop, okanye uqhagamshelane noKaelah Shimonov apha