Digital redlining: The fight against digital deserts

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Digital redlining: The fight against digital deserts

Digital redlining: The fight against digital deserts

Subheading text
Digital redlining isn't just slowing down internet speeds—it's putting the brakes on progress, equity, and opportunity across communities.
    • Author:
    • Author name
      Quantumrun Foresight
    • March 26, 2024

    Insight summary

    Digital redlining continues to create unequal internet service in low-income and minority communities, highlighting a significant barrier to economic success and social equity. Efforts to combat this issue aim to improve digital access through substantial funding, yet challenges persist in ensuring equal internet speeds and infrastructure investment across all neighborhoods. The impact of digital redlining extends beyond just internet access, affecting educational opportunities, healthcare access, and civic engagement, underscoring the need for comprehensive solutions to bridge the digital divide.

    Digital redlining context

    Digital redlining represents a modern manifestation of an old problem, where internet service providers (ISPs) allocate fewer resources to, and thus offer slower internet speeds in, low-income and minority communities than wealthier, predominantly white areas. For instance, a study highlighted in October 2022 revealed a stark disparity in internet speeds between a low-income neighborhood in New Orleans and a nearby affluent area, despite both paying the same rates for their service. Such inequities underscore the pressing issue of digital access as a determinant of economic success, particularly as high-speed internet becomes increasingly essential for education, employment, and participation in the digital economy.

    In 2023, around 4.5 million Black students in grades K-12 lacked access to high-quality broadband, limiting their ability to complete homework assignments and succeed academically, according to CEO Action for Racial Equality. The Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center has drawn a direct correlation between the digital divide and income inequality, noting that the lack of connectivity results in significantly poorer economic outcomes for those on the wrong side of the divide. This systemic issue encourages cycles of poverty and inhibits upward mobility.

    Efforts to address digital redlining have included legislative measures and calls for regulatory action. The Digital Equity Act represents a significant step towards addressing digital inclusion by allocating USD $2.75 billion to states, territories, and tribal lands to improve digital access. Additionally, advocacy for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and states to ban digital redlining reflects growing recognition of the need for policy interventions. However, investigations into ISPs like AT&T, Verizon, EarthLink, and CenturyLink highlight the ongoing underinvestment in infrastructure in marginalized communities. 

    Disruptive impact

    Digital redlining can lead to significant disparities in access to telehealth services, health information, and digital health management tools. This limitation is particularly critical in public health crises, where timely access to information and remote consultations can substantially affect health outcomes. Marginalized communities with limited digital access may struggle to receive timely medical advice, schedule vaccinations, or manage chronic conditions effectively, leading to a widening health equity gap.

    For companies, the implications of digital redlining extend to talent acquisition, market expansion, and corporate social responsibility efforts. Businesses may struggle to reach potential customers in digitally neglected areas, limiting market growth and reinforcing economic disparities. Moreover, companies looking to tap into a diverse talent pool will face challenges in recruiting individuals from these areas, who may lack the necessary digital skills due to inadequate access to technology. 

    Local and national policies need to prioritize equitable access to high-speed internet as a fundamental right, similar to access to clean water and electricity. In scenarios requiring swift communication with citizens—such as natural disasters, public health emergencies, or security threats—a lack of equitable digital access can significantly hinder the effectiveness of government alerts and updates. This gap not only challenges the immediate safety and well-being of residents but also puts additional strain on emergency services and disaster response efforts. 

    Implications of digital redlining

    Wider implications of digital redlining may include: 

    • Local governments implementing stricter regulations on ISPs to ensure equitable internet access across all neighborhoods, reducing digital disparities.
    • Schools in underserved areas receiving increased funding and resources for digital tools and broadband access, enhancing educational equity.
    • A rise in telehealth adoption in well-served areas, while communities affected by digital redlining continue to face barriers in accessing online healthcare services.
    • Civic engagement platforms and online voting initiatives expanding, yet failing to reach populations in digitally redlined communities, affecting political participation.
    • The digital divide influencing migration patterns, with individuals and families moving to areas with better digital infrastructure in search of improved access to remote work and education.
    • Businesses developing targeted marketing strategies for areas with high-speed internet, potentially overlooking consumers in digitally neglected regions.
    • Increased investment in mobile internet solutions as an alternative to traditional broadband, offering a potential workaround for connectivity issues in underserved areas.
    • Urban redevelopment projects prioritizing digital infrastructure, potentially leading to gentrification and displacement of current residents in previously redlined areas.
    • Public libraries and community centers in digitally redlined areas becoming critical access points for free internet, emphasizing their role in community support.
    • Environmental justice efforts hindered by lack of data collection and reporting in areas with poor digital access, affecting resource allocation for pollution and climate change mitigation.

    Questions to consider

    • How does internet access in your area compare to neighboring communities, and what might this indicate about digital inclusion locally?
    • How can local governments and community organizations collaborate to address digital redlining and its impacts?

    Insight references

    The following popular and institutional links were referenced for this insight: