debating truth

Debating truth

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Kako je tehnologija poremetila istinu
The Guardian
Društveni mediji su progutali vijesti – prijeteći finansiranju izvještavanja od javnog interesa i uvode eru u kojoj svako ima svoje činjenice. Ali posljedice idu daleko dalje od novinarstva
Why botched election predictions don’t herald the end of data journalism
Incorrect predictions on Election Day might have shocked readers, but they don't accurately reflect how most publishers use data journalism.
The rise of information imperialism
It recently dawned on me that we are in an age of information imperialism. Small communities of people used to have their own private stores of knowledge that were distinct to their local communities. That local knowledge defined and bonded them. The internet broadly has opened all of those ...
Essay: A new age of information warfare
Brian Stelter's essay about the perils of "fake news:" He says it breeds confusion, and people in power benefit from confusion, so "refuse to be confused."
U odbranu činjenica
Nova istorija eseja pogrešno shvata žanr i u tom procesu podržava pogrešnu ideju znanja.
'Alternativne činjenice:' Zašto Trumpov tim 'postavlja zastavu' u ratu medijima
Korištenje čudne fraze "alternativne činjenice" od strane Kellyanne Conway odražavalo je nešto stvarno - novu administraciju koja osjeća, trećeg dana, da je već pod opsadom nepoštenih novinara.
The art of trolling: A philosophical history of rhetoric
The Artifice
The history of trolling is a history of rhetoric. This particular history of rhetoric is steeped in philosophy and mythology, spanning across ...
Why it's so hard to admit you're wrong
The New York Times
Our confirmation bias kicks in, causing us to seek out evidence to prove what we already believe.
Naš problem nisu 'lažne vijesti'. Naši problemi su povjerenje i manipulacija.
Buzz Machine
“Propaganda je izvršna ruka nevidljive vlade.” — Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928) “Lažne vijesti” su samo simptom većih društvenih bolesti...
Normalizacija kulture zavere
Ljudi koji dijele opasne ideje ne moraju nužno vjerovati u njih.
New updates to reduce clickbait headlines
Facebook Blog
People tell us they don't like stories that are misleading, sensational or spammy.
CGI and AI are going to turbocharge 'fake news' and make it far harder to tell what's real
Business Insider
If you see a video of US President Donald Trump today, you can be pretty sure it's real. That won't be the case for long.
Darpa wants to build a BS detector for science
The Pentagon's blue-sky division asks for help in figuring out what research to believe.
Kako ljudi pristupaju činjenicama i informacijama
Pew Research Center
Ljudi se na različite načine nose s tenzijama oko toga kojim informacijama mogu vjerovati i koliko žele naučiti. Neki su zainteresovani i angažovani na informacijama; drugi su oprezni i pod stresom.
We are truly fucked: Everyone is making AI-generated fake porn now
A user-friendly application has resulted in an explosion of convincing face-swap porn.
How a Norwegian comment section turned chaos into order—with a simple quiz
SXSW: NRK’s dedicated tech team employs “open source” tactics to fight trolling.
Think Facebook can manipulate you? Look out for virtual reality
The Conversation
As the internet-connected world reels from revelations about personalized manipulation based on Facebook data, a scholar of virtual reality warns there's an even bigger crisis of trust on the horizon.
Artificial intelligence, deep fakes, and the (uncertain) future of reality
Jack Fisher Books
Picture the following scenario that may or may not end up being a common occurrence in the near future. It's not a thought experiment. It's not a prediction either. It's just a possible manifestation of what our future might hold. It's late at night and you decide to check out some porn. You struggle to decide…
The end of fake video begins
The digital manipulation of video may make the current era of “fake news” seem quaint.
We’re underestimating the mind-warping potential of fake video
Doctored photos can easily create false memories. What happens when there’s fake video?
Creative machines will be the next weapon in our fake news war
Machine-made images and videos offer novel ways to spread fake content online, according to AI experts and neuroscientists
Američka vojska finansira napore za hvatanje deepfakesa i drugih AI trikova
MIT Technology Review
Mislite da će AI pomoći u zaustavljanju lažnih vijesti? Američka vojska nije tako sigurna. Ministarstvo obrane financira projekt koji će pokušati utvrditi hoće li se lažni video i audio snimci sve stvarnijeg izgleda koje generiše umjetna inteligencija uskoro moći razlikovati od prave stvari – čak i za drugu umjetnu inteligenciju…
Solving the disinformation puzzle
Projektni sindikat
When it comes to tackling the "fake news" problem, there is no silver bullet. The modern information ecosystem is like a Rubiks Cube: a different move is required to solve each individual square, and success requires getting all sides in place.
Šta se desilo sa istinom?
Michiko Kakutani zanima kako je razlika između činjenica i fikcije zamagljena - i kako nas sve to čini saučesnicima.
Buduća uloga AI u provjeravanju
Kao analitičar, voleo bih da imam univerzalni proverivač činjenica. Nešto poput detektora ugljen monoksida na svakom nivou mog doma. Nešto što bi zvučalo alarmantno kada postoji opasnost od intelektualnog gušenja zbog gušenja gluposti koju su, na primjer, iznijeli određeni prodavci, novinske organizacije, vlade i edukatori.
Yuval Noah Harari extract: ‘Humans are a post-truth species’
The Guardian
In his new book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, the bestselling author of Sapiens and Homo Deus turns his attention to the problems we face today
The Defense Department has produced the first tools for catching deepfakes
MIT Technology Review
The first forensics tools for catching revenge porn and fake news created with AI have been developed through a program run by the US Defense Department. Forensics experts have rushed to find ways of detecting videos synthesized and manipulated using machine learning because the technology makes it far easier to create convincing fake videos that could…
Will AI end the art of lying?
Human swarms paired with algorithms are detecting emotions — and lies.
Why we stick to false beliefs: Feedback trumps hard evidence
Science Daily
Ever wonder why flat earthers, birthers, climate change and Holocaust deniers stick to their beliefs in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary? New findings suggest that feedback, rather than hard evidence, boosts people's sense of certainty when learning new things or trying to tell right from wrong.
Kraj neutralnosti
Zajednička sredina društva brzo se pretvara u bojno polje. Šta će to učiniti demokratiji?
Ne, neću raspravljati o vama
Uljudnost nikada neće pobijediti fašizam, bez obzira šta misli The Economist.
„Pristrasnost na mojoj strani“ otežava nam da vidimo logiku u argumentima sa kojima se ne slažemo
Autor Christian Jarrett. Rezultati pomažu da se objasni zašto debata o kontroverznim pitanjima može biti uzaludna.
Jeff Weiner o tome kako tehnologija naglašava tribalizam
Izvršni direktor LinkedIn-a Jeff Weiner razgovara s glavnim urednikom WIRED-a Nicholasom Thompsonom o budućnosti posla i pronalaženju poslova.
Studija: Vjerski fundamentalisti i dogmatski pojedinci češće vjeruju lažnim vijestima
Novo istraživanje pruža dokaze da će pojedinci skloni zabludama, dogmatski pojedinci i vjerski fundamentalisti vjerovatnije vjerovati lažnim vijestima. ...
YouTube is rolling out a feature that shows fact-checks when people search for sensitive topics
The feature, currently available to some users in India, will eventually be available globally, although YouTube declined to provide a timeline.
Abundance of information narrows our collective attention span
New study in Nature Communications finds increasingly narrow peaks of collective attention over time, supporting a 'social acceleration' occurring across different domains.
Yuval Noah Harari: Svijet nakon korona virusa | Slobodno za čitanje
Financial Times
Ova oluja će proći. Ali izbori koje sada donosimo mogli bi nam promijeniti živote u godinama koje dolaze
Why facts don't change our minds
The New Yorker
New discoveries about the human mind show the limitations of reason.
Why your brain loves conspiracy theories
Wild and seemingly crazy conspiracy theories can spring from any stressful or disruptive event or phenomenon, as people seek tangible explanations for the invisible or the inexplicable. Belief in…
Zašto trebate razgovarati sa ljudima koji se ne slažu s vama
CM Bradley
Kako se čini da našem javnom diskursu sve više nedostaje gracioznosti i uljudnosti, u ovom videu istražujemo opću vrijednost i neophodnost razgovora s ljudima...
What to trust in a "post-truth" world | Alex Edmans
Only if you are truly open to the possibility of being wrong can you ever learn, says researcher Alex Edmans. In an insightful talk, he explores how confirma...
How the marketplace of ideas went rogue | Eli Pariser | Big Think
Big think
How the marketplace of ideas went rogueNew videos DAILY: https://bigth.inkJoin Big Think Edge for exclusive video lessons from top thinkers and doers: https:...