oceans and climate change

Oceans and climate change

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Naučnici su otkrili daleko veću stopu topljenja podvodnog glacijala od očekivane
Glečeri plimne vode, ogromne rijeke leda koje završavaju u okeanu, možda se tope pod vodom mnogo brže nego što se mislilo, prema studiji koju je koautor Rutgers koristio robotske kajake. Nalazi, koji dovode u pitanje postojeće okvire za analizu interakcija okeana i glečera, imaju implikacije na ostatak glečera plimne vode u svijetu, čije brzo povlačenje doprinosi morskom moru.
Globalno zagrijavanje moglo bi zaustaviti cirkulaciju oceana, sa štetnim posljedicama
Science Daily
Bez ikakve klimatske politike, naučnici su otkrili 70 posto šanse za zaustavljanje termohalinske cirkulacije u sjevernom Atlantskom okeanu u narednih 200 godina, s vjerovatnoćom od 45 posto da će se to dogoditi u ovom stoljeću.
Kako će okeani izgledati 2050
Održiva energija će doći iz morskih algi, dok će novi lijekovi biti izvedeni iz morskih stvorenja.
Naučnik o okeanskim strujama (okeanografija (cijeli snimak)
Bill nye
Struje održavaju kretanje okeana. Počinju okretanjem Zemlje i toplinom Sunca. So u morskoj vodi mijenja gustinu, težinu vode. Th...
Almost all world’s oceans damaged by human impact, study finds
The Guardian
The remaining wilderness areas, mostly in the remote Pacific and at the poles, need urgent protection from fishing and pollution, scientists say
Jellyfish are causing mayhem as pollution, climate change see numbers boom
ABC News
Jellyfish predate dinosaurs and even trees. But now they're booming in numbers, disrupting ocean ecosystems and shutting down power plants.
Oceans warming faster than expected, set heat record in 2018, scientists say
The oceans are warming faster than previously estimated, setting a new temperature record in 2018 in a trend that is damaging marine life, scientists said on Thursday.
Climate change will even change the color of the oceans, study says
The ocean will not look the same color in the future. It won't turn pink or anything radically different; the change will be detectable more through optic sensors than though the human eye, but it serves as an early warning signal, according to a new study.
'Razmjer ovog neuspjeha nema presedana': Naučnici kažu da je vruća okeanska 'mrlja' ubila milion morskih ptica
Common Dreams
Glavni autor je masovno odumiranje nazvao "crvenim upozorenjem o ogromnom uticaju koje trajno zagrijavanje okeana može imati na morski ekosistem".
'Very bad news': Scientists behind new study warn warming oceans 'contributing to climate breakdown'
Common Dreams
New findings on human-caused global heating and ocean stability have "profound and troubling implications," says co-author Michael Mann.
High-impact marine heatwaves attributable to human-induced global warming
Anthropogenic climate change is causing not only more episodes of historically high air temperatures but also more frequent spells of unusually increased ocean temperatures. Marine heatwaves, defined as periods of anomalously high regional surface ocean temperatures, have also become common in recent decades. Laufkötter et al. show that the frequency of these events has already increased more tha
Brzo otapanje Grenlanda moglo bi pokvariti okeansku "konvejernu traku" - sa drastičnim posljedicama
Globalni tok okeanske vode može biti prekinut rekordnim otapanjem leda na Grenlandu
Climate change responsible for record sea temperature levels, says study
Global warming is driving an unprecedented rise in sea temperatures including in the Mediterranean, according to a major new report published by the peer-reviewed Journal of Operational Oceanography.