transportation infrastructure trends

Transportation infrastructure trends


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Why electric charging infrastructure will prove crucial to the future of driving
Why charging infrastructure is so important to the future of electric cars.
LA adds hundreds of EV chargers to streetlights, giving renters a place to plug in
Access to EV charging to apartment-dwellers is perhaps the single big challenge to solve regarding electric cars. Using streetlight poles to mount chargers is part of the solution.
Gasolindegiaren amaiera: kotxe elektrikoek nola eraldatuko duten atsedenlekua
`Bi urte ez naiz gasolindegi batera joan, gustatzeaz gain — erosi koka-kolaa`
Shell starts rollout of ultrafast electric car chargers in Europe
First in network of chargers three times faster than current models installed near Paris
Tesla's new V3 supercharger can charge up to 1,500 electric vehicles a day
Tench Crunch
Tesla has opened a massive next-generation electric vehicle charging station in Las Vegas that combines the company’s core products into one sustainable energy ecosystem, fulfilling a vision CEO Elon Musk laid out nearly three years ago. The new V3 Supercharger, which supports a peak rate of up to 250 kilowatts, is designed to dramatically cut […]
Autogileen eta zerbitzu publikoen koalizioak garraio politikaren "bide orria" aurkeztu du
Green Tech Media
50x50 Batzordeak deitutako autogileen, utilitateen eta ekologisten aliantza batek politika-gomendio sorta bat kaleratu zuen asteartean, AEBetako garraio-azpiegiturak gidatzeko "bide-orri eraginkor" gisa jardungo dutelakoan.