pregnancy health trends

Pregnancy health trends

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The artificial womb
The Arachnoid
If you didn't see this coming, you haven't been paying attention.
Eieren fan hûdsellen? Hjir is wêrom de folgjende fruchtberenstechnology Pandora's doaze sil iepenje
MIT Technology Review
Stel jo foar dat jo Brad Pitt binne. Neidat jo bliuwe ien nacht yn de Ritz, immen sneaks yn en sammelet wat hûd sellen út dyn kessen. Mar dat is net alles. Mei help fan in nije fruchtberenstechnology wurde jo filmstjersellen omfoarme ta sperma en brûkt om in poppe te meitsjen. En no klaget immen jo foar miljoenen ...
A new way to reproduce
MIT Technology Review
Let’s call him B.D., because that’s what his wife does on her infertility blog, Shooting Blanks. Several years ago, the 36-year-old learned he was azoospermatic. It means his body makes no sperm at all. During a recent phone interview, I could hear his wife in the background. She is 35 and facing what she describes…
Manlike fruchtberenstest biedt dúdlikens foar pearen dy't muoite hawwe om swier te wurden
Technology Networks
In manlike fruchtberenstest basearre op Cornell-ûndersyk kin helpe foarsizze hokker manlju behanneling nedich binne en hokker pearen súkses kinne hawwe mei ferskate foarmen fan assistearre fuortplanting.
Clinic claims success in making babies with 3 parents' DNA
Bob FM
A clinic in Kiev, Ukraine, stirs controversy by making babies with DNA from three different people to help women who are infertile bear children. It's the only clinic known to be doing this right now.
A major breakthrough could let both same-sex partners be biological parents to their kids
In an episode of Modern Family called "Aunt Mommy," Claire drunkenly agrees to be an egg donor for brother Mitchell and his partner Cameron. If Cameron provides the sperm and Claire provides the egg, they reason, the resulting baby would have DNA…
Exogenesis: Hoe keunstmjittige uterus kin seks en fuortplanting feroarje
Takomst fan seks
Future of Sex is de liedende publikaasje fan 'e wrâld oer hoe't technology minsklike seksualiteit feroaret, ynklusyf seks op ôfstân, seksrobots, VR, AI, augmentaasje, en mear.
Keunstmjittige liifmoertsjes sille premature poppen rêde, mar presentearje etyske soargen
In pear fan 'e poppen berne op 22 wiken oerlibje, mar nije technology kin dat feroarje, meldt Alla Katsnelson.
Wy kinne ien dei poppen bûten de liifmoer groeie, mar d'r binne in protte dingen om earst te beskôgjen
It petear
Yes, there are pros and cons of this new reproductive technology. But there are many other issues about maternal and child health we need to tackle first.
De earste keunstmjittige liifmoer foar minsken yn 'e wrâld
Dokters yn Nederlân sizze dat se binnen 10 jier binne fan it meitsjen fan in 'twadde' liifmoer foar premature poppen.
Wittenskippers ûntsluten geheimen fan biologyske seks binnen sperma foar it earst yn grutte trochbraak
de Telegraaf
Sperma kin maklik skieden wurde yn manlik en froulik, hawwe wittenskippers foar it earst sjen litten, yn in trochbraak dy't saakkundigen seine dat 'fersteurende sosjale gefolgen' koe hawwe as se tapast wurde op minsken.
Nije medyske proseduere kin menopoaze mei 20 jier fertrage
De wachter
Operaasje kin tûzenen froulju profitearje dy't serieuze sûnensproblemen ûnderfine
The messiness of reproduction and the dishonesty of anti-abortion propaganda
De New Yorker
Like the sleeper hit “Unplanned,” recent legislation in Georgia, Alabama, and Ohio strenuously avoids the complexities of pregnancy and childbirth.
Minske poppen berne mei in keunstmjittige liifmoer 'mooglik yn in desennium'
Ektogenesis, de term jûn oan swangerskip bûten de uterus, is in grut ûnderwerp wurden yn medisinen, psychology en etyk, mar d'r hat gjin 'Dolly it skiep' momint west ... foar no teminsten.
Hjir is wêrom't de anty-abortusbeweging eskalearret
Grafiken fan Gus Wezerek Georgia, Ohio, Mississippi, Kentucky en no Alabama. Yn 'e ôfrûne trije moannen hawwe fiif steaten wetten ynsteld dy't akkoarten serieus beheine ...
Automation, teen pregnancies affect women's lifelong earning potential
The automation of work and early pregnancy are most likely to impact a woman's lifetime earning potential, according to recent reports on women's health and welfare. Rising economies in Asia could be most affected.
Invitae to acquire singular bio to help increase access to genetic screening in early pregnancy
- Singular Bio's Technology Designed to Enable High-Quality, Low-Cost Genetic Testing at Scale to Expand Access to Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening - Invitae Corporation (NYSE: NVTA), a leading medical genetics company, today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Singular Bio , Inc., a privately held company developing single molecule detection technology that enables lowe
Dokters stopje de menopoaze foar 20 jier
The Times
Froulju kinne de menopoaze oant 20 jier fertrage yn in medyske trochbraak oanbean troch de fruchtberensekspert dy't pionier wie fan IVF. De revolúsjonêre proseduere koe it libben fan tûzenen transformearje
Abortwetten: lêste wike fannacht mei John Oliver (HBO)
YouTube - LastWeekTonight
Abortus is teoretysk legaal, mar guon steaten meitsje it praktysk ûnberikber. Ferbine mei Last Week Tonight online ... Abonnearje op de Last Week Tonight ...
Artificial wombs are coming, but the controversy is already here
Ectogenesis is a social and political minefield.
Abortion is clearly wrong." Jordan Peterson "but it's not that simple
YouTube - TheArchangel911
Do you want to support his channel? Please go to his website located in the link below: If you would like to support my c...
Abortion is a labor issue
Splinter Nijs
I spend a lot of time thinking about the future of my uterus—well, all uteruses, really. I am ambivalent about ever carrying a pregnancy to term, so I’m not describing the typical malaise that invades the minds of those who consider expanding their families. I spend a lot of time thinking about uteruses because I…
It keapjen fan bertekontrôle online is in blik yn 'e takomst fan medisinen
Technology Review
Froulju dy't har bertekontrôle direkt online keapje, krije in glimp fan wat de takomst fan medisinen kin wêze. En neffens in stúdzje yn 'e New England Journal of Medicine hjoed publisearre, is it - drumroll - frijwat feilich. De stúdzje - mei de titel "A Study of Telecontraception" - rekrutearre sân "geheime shoppers" yn Kalifornje dy't bertebehear kochten fan njoggen ferkeapers ...
Laser system can remotely capture images inside your body
MIT researchers say the technique may help remotely image and assess health of infants, burn victims, and accident survivors in hard-to-reach places.