nature restoration and rewilding

Nature restoration and rewilding

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What if humans abandoned half the planet to wildlife?
The Pulitzer Prize-winning scientist talks about his recent book, The Meaning of Human Existence.
This drone startup has an ambitious (crazy) plan to plant 1 billion trees a year
Fast Company
Why plant one tree when a drone can shoot pregerminated seed pods at the ground without you lifting a finger?
Ex-Nasa man to plant one billion trees a year using drones
The Independent
The system could be a serious boost for the planet's forests
A wild way to save the planet
Nova República
Evolutionary theorist Edward O. Wilson has an ambitious plan to halt ecological ruin.
Rising atmospheric CO2 has lead to a global "Greening" effect
The rise in atmospheric CO2 over the past 100 or so years has been having some devastating effects. From the record temperatures being observed with increa
Rewilding é unha emocionante e nova narrativa de recuperación e esperanza
"Pero sen traer depredadores, como controlas a poboación de cervos, que con máis de 1.5 millóns se cre que é a máis alta desde a Idade do Xeo no Reino Unido?" A pregunta foi formulada na recente Conferencia de Resalvaxe celebrada en Cambridge, Inglaterra, nunha charla da autora Isabella Tree sobre o éxito de resalvaxe […]
The most effective way to tackle climate change? Plant 1 trillion trees
What's low-tech, sustainable and possibly the most effective thing we can do to fight climate change? Planting trees. A trillion of them.
Study: Vast swaths of lost tropical forest can still be brought back to life
JAKARTA — The loss of tropical rainforests the world over is a major contributor to the global climate crisis. But that loss isn’t irreversible, according to a new study that has identified deforested areas spanning more than twice the size of California that can be brought back to life. The paper, published July 3 in […]
Tree planting 'has mind-blowing potential' to tackle climate crisis
The Guardian
Research shows a trillion trees could be planted to capture huge amount of carbon dioxide
Shrubs and trees take root as climate shifts
Edinburgh university
Wild, treeless landscapes are becoming more wooded as climate change leads to warming temperatures and wetter weather, research suggests.
Fast-growing mini-forests spring up in Europe to aid climate
O Gaurdian
Miyawaki forests are denser and said to be more biodiverse than other kinds of woods
Coronavirus: os científicos estudan a gran "pausa humana" da pandemia e o impacto na vida salvaxe
The Independent
A interrupción súbita na actividade humana levou a cambios rápidos no comportamento dos animais: os investigadores esperan rexistrar a diferenza a medida que rematen os bloqueos
Reclaiming the deserts
Isaac Arturo
Visit our sponsor, Brilliant: deserts have been slowly expanding, consuming arable land and neighboring ecosystems. Can...
Can we terraform the Sahara to stop climate change?
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A Norwegian startup is turning dry deserts into fertile cropland
The UN population forecast predicts that by 2050 there will be almost 10 billion people on the planet. One looming questions is, what will they eat?
O enriquecemento acústico pode mellorar o desenvolvemento da comunidade de peixes no hábitat degradado dos arrecifes de coral
Os arrecifes de coral de todo o mundo están cada vez máis danados por factores de estrés antropoxénico, o que require novos enfoques para a súa xestión. Manter comunidades de peixes saudables contrarresta a degradación dos arrecifes, pero os arrecifes degradados cheiran e son menos atractivos para os peixes en fase de asentamento que os seus estados sans. Aquí, usando un experimento de campo de seis semanas, demostramos que a reprodución de son de arrecife saudable pode aumentar