science twv txiaj yuam pov rau 2025 | Yav tom ntej ncua sij hawm

nyeem kev tshawb fawb kwv yees rau 2025, ib xyoos uas yuav pom lub ntiaj teb hloov pauv ua tsaug rau kev cuam tshuam txog kev tshawb fawb uas yuav cuam tshuam rau ntau qhov chaw - thiab peb tshawb txog ntau yam hauv qab no. Nws yog koj lub neej yav tom ntej, nrhiav pom koj nyob rau hauv dab tsi.

Quantumrun Foresight npaj daim ntawv no; Lub tuam txhab kev sab laj futurist uas siv cov tswv yim pom zoo los pab cov tuam txhab vam meej los ntawm cov tiam tom ntej. Qhov no tsuas yog ib qho ntawm ntau lub neej yav tom ntej tuaj yeem ntsib.

Science forecasts rau 2025

  • Tag nrho lunar eclipse (Full Beaver Blood Moon) tshwm sim. Muaj peev xwm: 80 feem pua.1
  • NASA's "Artemis" spacecraft tsaws rau lub hli. Muaj peev xwm: 70 feem pua1
  • Orbital Assembly Corporation qhov chaw tsev so "Pioneer" pib orbiting ncig lub ntiaj teb. Muaj peev xwm: 50 feem pua1
  • Lub Chaw Saib Xyuas Kev Tshawb Fawb Nyij Pooj Aerospace's Martian Moons Exploration soj ntsuam nkag mus rau Mars lub orbit ua ntej tsiv mus rau nws lub hli Phobos los sau cov khoom. Muaj peev xwm: 60 feem pua1
  • Chile-based Extremely Large Telescope (ETL) tau ua tiav thiab tuaj yeem sib sau ua ke 13 npaug ntawm lub teeb ntau dua li cov khoom siv hauv ntiaj teb uas twb muaj lawm. Muaj peev xwm: 60 feem pua1
  • Lub National Aeronautics thiab Space Administration qhov chaw nres tsheb sib sib zog nqus chaw nyob, Gateway, tau pib, tso cai rau ntau tus kws tshawb fawb los tshawb fawb tshwj xeeb rau kev tshawb nrhiav Mars. Muaj peev xwm: 60 feem pua1
  • Aeronautics pib Venus Aerospace ua thawj qhov kev sim hauv av ntawm nws lub dav hlau hypersonic, Stargazer, tsim los ua 'ib teev kev mus ncig thoob ntiaj teb.' Qhov Zoo Li Cas: 60 feem pua1
  • BepiColombo, lub dav hlau ya tau tsim tawm xyoo 2018 los ntawm European Space Agency thiab Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, thaum kawg nkag mus rau Mercury lub orbit. Muaj peev xwm: 65 feem pua1
  • Tus nqi qis-reusable foob pob hluav taws cav ua qauv qhia tau siv los ntawm cov kua methane, Prometheus, pib fueling Ariane 6 foob pob ua ntxaij launcher. Muaj peev xwm: 60 feem pua1
  • Lub Chaw Haujlwm European Space pib drilling lub hli rau cov pa oxygen thiab dej los txhawb nqa lub chaw muaj neeg coob. Muaj peev xwm: 60 feem pua1
  • Lub Giant Magellan Telescope tau teem sijhawm ua tiav. 1
  • Kev npaj ua tiav ntawm Square Kilometer Array xov tooj cua telescope. 1
  • Africa's Green Wall of drought-resistant ntoo txwv cov av degreedation tiav. 1
  • Africa's Green Wall of drought-resistant ntoo txwv cov av degreedation tiav 1
  • Ntiaj teb no reserves ntawm Nickel yog tag nrho mined thiab depleted1
Hauv xyoo 2025, ntau qhov kev tshawb fawb thiab kev sib tw yuav dhau los ua rau pej xeem, piv txwv li:
  • Nyob nruab nrab ntawm 2024 thiab 2026, NASA thawj lub luag haujlwm ua haujlwm rau lub hli yuav nyab xeeb ua tiav, ua cim thawj lub luag haujlwm rau lub hli hauv kaum xyoo. Nws tseem yuav suav nrog thawj tus poj niam astronaut mus rau saum lub hli thiab. Muaj peev xwm: 70% 1
  • Africa's Green Wall of drought-resistant ntoo txwv cov av degreedation tiav 1
  • Ntiaj teb no reserves ntawm Nickel yog tag nrho mined thiab depleted 1
  • Cov xwm txheej phem tshaj plaws tau kwv yees nce hauv ntiaj teb kub, siab dua qib ua ntej kev lag luam, yog 2 degrees Celsius 1
  • Kev kwv yees nce hauv ntiaj teb kub, siab dua qib ua ntej kev lag luam, yog 1.5 degrees Celsius 1
  • Optimistic kwv yees nce nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no kub, siab tshaj pre-industrial theem, yog 1.19 degrees Celsius 1

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Saib tag nrho 2025 trends

Tshawb nrhiav cov ncauj lus los ntawm lwm lub xyoo tom ntej uas siv cov khawm ncua sij hawm hauv qab no