wearables industry trends

Wearables industry trends



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The next front of wearables
In 2014, Nike abandoned its FuelBand fitness tracker and Sergey Brin “left his Google Glass in his car.” In 2015, Apple will launch its iWatch and Sony will enter the eyewear space. More kinds of wearables were introduced in CES 2015, just to leave us wondering whether what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, physically.
Get naked with nearables
Demos Helsinki
Last summer, I started talking with an American professor while waiting for a non-existent ferry in Istanbul. I soon found out that he happened to...
Infant wearables: Handy tools or too much information?
Globus i pošte
Tracking a baby’s breathing or temperature might ease parental anxiety, but experts warn devices can’t prevent tragedies like SIDS
The health concerns in wearable tech
The New York Times
Some researchers and consumers are now asking whether wearable computers will be considered harmful in several decades’ time.
A Sci-Fi guide to wearables
Science fiction is the first testing ground for the future of technology, the place where we explore what different advances could mean moving forward for the human condition. Science fiction has…
Narukvica Cicret (konceptni video)
YouTube - Cicret narukvica
Narukvica Cicret (konceptni video). S narukvicom Cicret svoju kožu možete učiniti svojim novim dodirnim zaslonom. Čitajte svoju poštu, igrajte omiljene igre, odgovarajte...
Google Glass nasljednik sportske veće prizme, Intelov čip
Google probably doesn't have the word "quit" in its vocabulary. After the lukewarm, almost negative, reception of Google Glass, the tech giant seems to be well
Zašto Apple Watch ne radi
Fast Company
Kad Apple ne uspije u UX dizajnu i modnom dizajnu, zovemo li to i dalje dobrim dizajnom?
Estimote sticker beacons - Introducing Nearables
YouTube - procjena
Estimote Beacons and Stickers are small wireless sensors that you can attach to any location or object. They broadcast tiny radio signals which your smartpho...
Big mother is watching you
<b>If you keep your fitness-related New Year's resolutions in 2015, it'll likely be thanks to the new wave of devices and apps that have taken monitoring things like newborn sleep patterns and blood oxygenation from geek hobby to mass-market juggernaut.</b> But what happens when companies have access to the most mundane details about our bodies?
Nearables su ovdje: predstavljamo naljepnice Estimote
Nearables su ovdje: predstavljamo Estimote Stickers Prije otprilike godinu dana počeli smo isporučivati ​​naš prvi proizvod, Estimote Beacons. Od tada smo razvili nevjerojatnu globalnu mrežu od preko 25,000 programera...
The next stage in the battle for our attention: Our wrists
News companies have moved from print dollars to digital dimes to mobile pennies. Now, with the highly anticipated launch of the Apple Watch, the screens are getting even smaller. How are smart publishers thinking about the right way to serve users and maintain their attention on smartwatches?
Making wearable tech more wearable
New Yorker
By hiring Angela Ahrendts, the C.E.O. of Burberry, Apple may be betting on the future of devices like Google Glass.
EM-Sense: Touch recognition of uninstrumented electrical and electromechanical objects
Most everyday electrical and electromechanical objects emit small amounts of electromagnetic (EM) noise during regular operation. When a user makes physical ...
Google je napravio tajni prototip koji radi kao Star Trek Communicator
Googleov uređaj korisnicima omogućuje pretraživanje glasnim razgovorom kao u znanstvenoj fantastici
The future will eat itself: digesting the next generation of wearable tech
How ingestibles and mood-impacting technologies are changing our relationship with wearables
First, there were wearables. Now, there are swallowables
A health tech start-up is expanding the use of a digital sensor in our medicines, but what does it mean for the privacy of patients around the world?
Izvan Fitbita: Potraga za razvojem nosivih uređaja medicinske kvalitete
Novi val nosivih računalnih uređaja koji otkrivaju i prate ozbiljne bolesti seli se iz laboratorija na tržište, potencijalno transformirajući liječenje stanja od epilepsije do dijabetesa i stvarajući poslovne prilike procijenjene vrijednima...
Sljedeća faza nosive tehnologije: tetovaže
Ovaj video predstavlja DuoSkin, novi dio nosive tehnologije koju su zajednički razvili MIT Media Lab i Microsoft Research. To je fantastična ideja: farbanje...
Snap razvija drugu verziju Spectacles koja bi mogla uključivati ​​proširenu stvarnost
Snap je produžio prodaju svojih naočala u Europi ovog mjeseca, ali tvrtka već radi na drugoj verziji naočala za video snimanje koja bi mogla biti prilično radikalna, prema izvoru koji je upoznat s planovima. Prvi set Spectacles ušao je u prodaju prošle godine po cijeni od 129.99 dolara. Oni […]
Intel je napravio pametne naočale koje izgledaju normalno
Intel’s new smart glasses won’t make you look like a Glasshole. By shining a low-powered laser into your retina, the glasses can get all sorts of information without pulling out your phone. Dieter Bohn got an exclusive first look.
The wireless earbud revolution is coming
With the impending release of Apple’s AirPods (not to be confused with the inexpensive wired EarPods) we are entering the era of wireless earbuds. And once again, while Apple is not the first to a market, it has brought attention to the category. Many companies are bringing wireless earbuds to market. [...]
Hack your hearing: High-Tech controls let users tune everyday soundscapes
99 Percent Visible
Most of our current auditory technologies revolve around filtering out sounds (via earplugs and noise-cancelling headphones) or by enhancing them (through hearing aids).&nbsp;Newer technologies, however, are beginning to fundamentally challenge our binary conception of everyday audio experiences. The following series of forward-thinking concepts, patents and gadgets are&nbsp;starting to transcend&
The future of technology is in your ear
A $13 experiment shows how bionic hearing devices will shape our interactions with people, bots, businesses, & ourselves
Stealthy startup Human debuts headphones shaped like ears, calls them an ‘evolution of personal audio’
Human Inc. today opened pre-orders and unveiled more details about its new headphones and accompanying platform that it describes as an "
What will people wear in the future?
YouTube - The Economist
Innovation in fashion is sparking radical change. In the future clothes could be computers, made with materials designed and grown in a lab. Click here to su...
Electronic tattoos add power to wearable computing
Carnegie Mellon University
Researchers from Carnegie Mellon and the University of Coimbra have developed a method to make tattoo-like circuits for use in wearable computing.
Mogu li ove pametne naočale ono što Google nije mogao?
YouTube - The Verge
Pametne naočale Focals tvrtke North koriste neke od tehnologija prethodno viđenih u Intelovim Vaunt naočalama. Oni projiciraju laser na vaše oko i prikazuju obavijesti, karte d...