weather modeling and environmental monitoring tech

Weather modeling and environmental monitoring tech

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US Air Force ikufuna tsiku lokhazikitsa 2021 la satellite yatsopano yanyengo
Space News
Pulogalamu ya satellite ya USAF ya m'badwo wotsatira idzakhala ndi mpando umodzi wokhala ndi zida zitatu zomwe zidzayambike mu 2021 kapena 2022.
Climate models are accurately predicting ocean and global warming
The Guardian
<strong>John Abraham:</strong> A new study from my colleagues and I vindicates climate models, which are accurately predicting the rate of ocean heat accumulation<br>
HPC, kulosera zanyengo, ndi momwe mumadziwira kuti kugwa mvula
Zochitika za Hewett Packard
Dziwani momwe kulumikizana kwa zithunzi za satellite, maukonde olumikizirana padziko lonse lapansi, ndi makompyuta ochita bwino kwambiri angathandizire kulosera zanyengo posachedwa.
Makompyuta apamwamba akuyendetsa kusintha pakulosera kwa mphepo yamkuntho
Zolosera zamasiku asanu ndi zabwino tsopano monga momwe zoneneratu zamasiku awiri zinali mu 1998.
Aeolus satellite launched in 'world-first' space mission to map Earth's winds
The Guardian
Aeolus will boost climate research and weather forecasting, particularly in data blindspot of the tropics
Artificial intelligence nails predictions of earthquake aftershocks
A neural-network analysis outperforms the method scientists typically use to work out where these tremors will strike. A neural-network analysis outperforms the method scientists typically use to work out where these tremors will strike.
5G ikhoza kusokoneza zolosera za nyengo, koma FCC ikugulitsabe sipekitiramu
FCC imagulitsa 24GHz sipekitiramu ngakhale ikusokoneza ma satellites anyengo.
5g networks could throw weather forecasting into chaos
yikidwa mawaya
The FCC is clashing with scientists who argue that 5G networks could interfere with weather sensors and compromise weather predictions.
Space weather affects your daily life. It’s time to start paying attention
Holed up in a cramped room of her house, Tamitha Skov gets set in front of a makeshift green screen, which has been cobbled together from two green bed sheets. She cues up a script on her computer and hits Record. Staring down the lens, she says, “We finally quieted down from multiple solar storms…
Artificial intelligence takes on earthquake prediction
Magazini ya Quanta
Atalosera bwinobwino zivomezi za mu labotale, gulu la akatswiri a sayansi ya nthaka lagwiritsa ntchito makina ophunzirira zivomezi ku Pacific Northwest.
IBM developed a high-resolution weather model that covers the entire world
IBM and The Weather Company developed a new high-resolution weather model they claim will cover the entire world with a resolution and update frequency unseen in other weather models in use today.
5g iwononga zolosera zanyengo, akatswiri azanyengo akuchenjeza
Kuthandizira ma cell mwachangu kungatanthauzenso kutsazikana ndi kulosera kwanu kolondola kwamasiku atatu.
Google says new AI models allow for ‘nearly instantaneous’ weather forecasts
Predicting the weather is notoriously difficult, but many experts hope new machine learning techniques could help better sort the sunshine from the sleet. In a new research paper, Google describes how it uses AI to create speedy rainfall forecasts in the US. The work has not yet been integrated into any commercial systems, but looks promising, especially in a world increasingly effected by climate
Why scientists are banking on drones for tracking coastal climate research
Pacific Standard
Scientists have been using drones for decades, but as they become more affordable and portable, they’re proving critical to studying—and saving—our most
Satellite data offers new hope for taming oil’s methane emissions
The release of methane emissions from drilling has been a beguiling problem for the oil and gas industry. But EU satellite data points toward a solution.
The internet of wild things: Technology and the battle against biodiversity loss and climate change
Chatekinoloje Republic
The potential to install a regime of benign surveillance over the natural world is immense, ranging from earth-observation satellites to smartphones listening out for chain saws in the forest.