government use technology administration

Government use of technology in administration

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Wage disclosures for public officials lead to salary cuts, high turnover rates
In the era of big data, transparency has become a popular policy tool for addressing potential problems. But new research from Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs shows that publicly disclosing personal information -- such as government officials' income -- may result in unintended consequences, such as pay cuts and turnover.
Por que tanto dinheiro de impostos é desperdiçado
AJUDE-ME A FAZER MAIS VÍDEOS: WADE INTO THE DEEP BORING OCEAN:Brian W. Head, “Three Lenses of Evidence-Based Policy” The Austral...
Is civic technology the killer app for democracy?
Smartphone apps have improved convenience for public transportation in many urban centers. In Washington, DC, riders can download apps to help them figure out where to go, when to show up and how long to wait for a bus or train. However, the problem with public transport in DC is not the lack of modern, helpful and timely information. The problem is that the Metro subway system is on fire.
Politics is broken and tech can fix it
Crowdpac CEO Steve Hilton presents a data-based critique of modern American politics. Government is where meaningful change happens, he says, but people are ...
A cidade automatizada: ainda precisamos de humanos para administrar serviços públicos?
The Guardian
De ônibus sem motorista a uma trabalhadora municipal de IA chamada Amelia, os serviços municipais estão se tornando cada vez mais automatizados. Mas o que isso significa para o futuro de nossas cidades e do mercado de trabalho?
Presidente Barack Obama sobre como consertar o governo com tecnologia
O editor convidado da WIRED, o presidente Barack Obama, discute o que ele gostaria de ver a tecnologia resolver no governo com o editor-chefe da WIRED, Scott Dadich, e o MIT Medi...
A maioria dos funcionários do governo poderia ser substituída por robôs, segundo novo estudo
Zero Hedge
ZeroHedge - Em uma linha do tempo longa o suficiente, a taxa de sobrevivência para todos cai para zero
WGS17 sessions: How advanced Science is shaping the future of governments
Cimeira Mundial de Governo
Session by: Brian Greene, CO-Founder and Chairman of the World Science Festival
Inside Obama’s stealth startup
Fast Company
President Obama has quietly recruited top tech talent from the likes of Google and Facebook. Their mission: to reboot how government works.
3 reasons why the blockchain revolution is (finally) becoming a reality!
It is always worth visiting the UN headquarters in New York. I am in the fortunate position to participate in regular meetings of a working group that attempts to reduce regulatory and other…
Estônia, a república digital
The New Yorker
Seu governo é virtual, sem fronteiras, blockchain e seguro. Será que esta pequena nação pós-soviética encontrou o caminho do futuro?
Canada trialing use of Ethereum blockchain to enhance transparency in govt funding
global Notícias
The National Research Council is trialing the use of the Ethereum blockchain to publish transparent funding and grant information in real time.
Zombar do congresso não o tornará alfabetizado em tecnologia
Bem, será difícil regulamentar o Facebook quando os políticos sabem menos sobre como funcionam as redes sociais do que os seus netos. Essa foi uma das maiores conclusões do CEO do Facebook, Mark…
Revenue Department eyes AI upgrade
Bangkok Post
The Revenue Department has outlined its plan to adopt artificial intelligence (AI) in tax management to transform the tax-collecting agency into a fully digital organisation and improve efficiency.
The U.S. Air Force learned to code—and saved the pentagon millions
Fast Company
In partnership with Pivotal Labs, a pilot program is out to remake how the Pentagon acquires weapons systems.
'The goal is to automate us': Welcome to the age of surveillance capitalism
The Guardian
Shoshana Zuboff’s new book is a chilling exposé of the business model that underpins the digital world. Observer tech columnist John Naughton explains the importance of Zuboff’s work and asks the author 10 key questions
O que acontece quando os tecno-utópicos realmente dirigem um país
Democracia direta! Renda básica universal! ... Fascismo? A história interna do Movimento Cinco Estrelas da Itália e o ciberguru que o idealizou.
Google is working on securely storing digital driver’s licenses in android
ZDA Developers
Android R could support securely storing mobile driver's licenses on devices like the Google Pixel 2, Google Pixel 3, or Google Pixel 4.
Upgrading your wallet: How soon can I get a digital driver's license?
Hoje EUA
About a dozen states are in various stages of testing mobile or digital driver’s licenses that operate on smartphones.
Revolução Blockchain: O fim da democracia representativa?
VisualPolitik PT
Este vídeo é patrocinado pela Squarespace. Comece sua avaliação gratuita do Squarespace hoje mesmo em e use o código VISUALPOLITIK para...
Are government robots coming for your job?
The government’s goal right now is to promote its robot employees to higher tasks.
Um acelerador de missão para inovações futuras
Feito corretamente, a jornada da nuvem para organizações do setor público não termina com a migração, mas estabelece as bases para uma maior inovação no futuro.
How to change emerging technology’s potential from disruptive to transformative
As government grapples with new technologies, how can leaders prioritize which technologies to select and deploy? One approach is to start with the solution, not the problem, using push innovation.
How government venturing can “spin in” commercial innovation
Com as empresas liderando cada vez mais os avanços tecnológicos, o governo muitas vezes tem que procurar soluções externas. O capital de risco corporativo oferece um modelo para os governos impulsionarem a inovação tecnológica.
How design thinking principles can bolster mission effectiveness, productivity, and customer satisfaction
​Service design combines principles of customer experience and business process design to help public sector agencies improve three critical tasks: mission effectiveness, productivity, and customer satisfaction.
What are the most transformational trends in government today?
​How is government adapting to the unprecedented changes reshaping our world? As it works toward becoming more integrated and intuitive, here are nine of the most transformative trends in government today.
Subindo a curva de maturidade da IA
O crescente kit de ferramentas de inteligência artificial – da visão computacional ao aprendizado de máquina – tem o potencial de aprimorar quase tudo o que o governo faz, abrangendo educação, saúde e defesa.
Improving end-to-end public service delivery via a unique digital identity
​Imagine logging into a government website the way you log into your bank account. A unique digital identity, increasing being adopted globally, can streamline citizens' and businesses' interactions with government.
Usando a ciência comportamental para melhorar os resultados do governo
O governo está usando cada vez mais o pensamento nudge – projetando ambientes de forma a ajudar os humanos a tomar melhores decisões – para melhorar os resultados em áreas que vão desde a conformidade fiscal até a poupança para a aposentadoria.
Preempting problems through predictive analytics
​The idea that government should focus more on preventing problems than just reacting to them is not new. Today, however, advances in predictive analytics allow more governments to work toward preempting problems.
A new mindset for public sector leadership
Government and public services have changed substantially in the past decade and so have the demands on public sector leaders. This article sets out the new capabilities that the sector’s leaders need today – and the new mindset they will need to thrive in the future.
Usando a ciência comportamental para melhorar os resultados do governo
O governo está usando cada vez mais o pensamento nudge – projetando ambientes de forma a ajudar os humanos a tomar melhores decisões – para melhorar os resultados em áreas que vão desde a conformidade fiscal até a poupança para a aposentadoria.
How Poland is building GovTech’s new frontier
Governador interno
GovTech Poland is changing up procurement to fund innovations by startups, SMEs and ordinary people.
Como redesenhar o trabalho do governo para o futuro
À medida que mais e mais líderes empresariais redesenham empregos em torno da IA, da robótica e de novos modelos de negócios, aqui estão os passos que os líderes do setor público podem tomar agora para transformar os seus locais de trabalho e maximizar as capacidades humanas e das máquinas.
O caso global para a experiência do cliente no governo
Quando a experiência do cliente nas agências governamentais melhora, elas proporcionam um impacto mensurável em diversas prioridades. Os líderes do sector público devem escolher os seus lugares e ser ousados.
The dark side of techno-utopianism
The New Yorker
Big technological shifts have always empowered reformers. They have also empowered bigots, hucksters, and propagandists.
Tokenização de dados para governo
A tokenização de dados pode permitir que agências governamentais compartilhem dados sem comprometer a privacidade, permitindo-lhes agrupar dados para obter insights analíticos mais profundos.
Why the government isn’t a bigger version of a startup
Guerra nas rochas
There was a time when much of U.S. academia was engaged in weapon systems research for the Defense Department and intelligence community. Some of the best
Deliverology: From idea to implementation
An approach to managing reform initiatives, pioneered in the United Kingdom, has had significant impact in a number of other countries around the globe. Three critical components of the approach are the formation of a delivery unit, data
collection for setting targets and trajectories, and the establishment of routines.
The Trudeau government's focus on deliverology shouldn't distract it from building the public service's policy muscle
Opções de política
The Liberals’ focus on deliverology must not distract from the important work of rejuvenating internal policy capacity.
O futuro dos serviços públicos hiperconectados
O 5G tem o potencial de mudar a forma como o governo cumpre as suas muitas missões. Compreender o 5G ajudará os funcionários do governo a tomar decisões políticas e de infraestrutura que impulsionem inovações úteis no futuro.
George Friedman: Trump reflete uma mudança global na política
Economia Mauldin
Assine a publicação gratuita de Friedman “This Week in Geopolitics” ( e obtenha uma visão aprofundada das forças que...
Como começar a regular um mundo de realidade digital
A crescente adoção da realidade aumentada significa que as empresas e os governos precisam trabalhar juntos para melhor regulá-la.
The policy machine
Public services are becoming increasingly algorithmic, a reality that has spawned hyperbolic comparisons to RoboCop and Minority Report, enforcement...
Autocracy: Rules for survival
Livros de Nova York
In the face of the impulse to normalize, it is essential to maintain one’s capacity for shock. This will lead people to call you unreasonable and hysterical, and to accuse you of overreacting. It is no fun to be the only hysterical person in the room. Prepare yourself.
Cuomo emite ordem permitindo que nova-iorquinos obtenham certidões de casamento através do zoom
The Verge
Com as agências matrimoniais de Nova York fechadas por causa da pandemia do coronavírus, o governador Andrew Cuomo disse no sábado que o estado começará a permitir que certidões de casamento sejam concedidas remotamente e que os funcionários conduzam cerimônias por vídeo. “Agora não há desculpa quando surge a questão do casamento”, disse ele.
Adotando a transparência: o governo pode ficar sem papel?
Uma mudança de cultura está acontecendo. Já está acontecendo há algumas décadas. Os dados estão se tornando mais acessíveis por meio da automação. Mas não é fácil fazer essa transição.
The largest cyber exercise you’ve never heard of
Quinto Domínio
With a lack of good training opportunities, one Air Force unit took matters into their own hands to develop a competition aimed at developing better defensive cyber tradecraft and tactics.
The next generation: how technology is driving ship cadet training
Tecnologia de Navios
Andrew Tunnicliffe looks at how technology has revolutionised ship cadet training, the vessels used for it, and how standards must now catch up.
People's association and govtech hunt for marketing and pr services
PA's appointment will be for 12 months, with the option to extend for another 12, while GovTech's appointment is for a duration of two years, with the option to extend for another two.
Innovation and technology sector to drive recruitment in 2020, finds kpmg's survey
The demand for talent with innovation and technology skills is set to drive recruitment activity in 2020 across different sectors, as digitalisation becomes an urgent priority for businesses to adapt to the uncertainty over global economic prospects and, more recently, as a key part of business continuity planning in view of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to KPMG's analysis.
The new cio: business-savvy technologist
​CEOs not only trust technology leaders to be a strategic business partner and to drive organizational change through technology—they are clamoring for tech executives to do so.
How to jumpstart a career in people analytics
Here's how you can break new ground in the field of HR analytics