waste disposal trends

Waste disposal trends


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Diamonds turn nuclear waste into nuclear batteries
Новый атлас
A University of Bristol team has found a way to convert nuclear waste into man-made diamond batteries that can generate a small electric current for longer than the entire history of human civilization.
Sweden’s recycling is so revolutionary, the country has run out of rubbish
The Independent
Sweden’s recycling is so revolutionary, the country has to import rubbish from other countries to keep its recycling plants going. What lessons can we learn, asks Hazel Sheffield 
China is building the largest waste-to-energy plant in the world
Предупреждение о науке

The Chinese city of Shenzhen plans to tackle its serious waste problem by burning 5,000 tonnes of it a day in what will become the largest waste-to-energy plant in the world.
New york city to use single-stream recycling by 2020
Scrap Monster
Under the plan, New Yorkers will no longer need to sort their recyclables, “dramatically increasing the city’s recycling rate,” de Blasio said. United States Waste & Recycling News
Iceland supermarket pledges to go 'plastic-free'
Iceland has become the first major retailer to commit to eliminate plastic packaging for all own brand products within five years to help end the "scourge" of plastic pollution.
EU declares war on plastic waste
The Guardian.
Brussels targets single-use plastics in an urgent clean-up plan that aims to make all packaging reusable or recyclable by 2030
The very hungry plastic-eating caterpillar
Атлантический океан
Could waxworms—or something inside them—help degrade the planet’s mountains of plastic waste?
Can L.A. save the planet? City's "zero waste" plan could be a model
L.A.'s ambitious plan to divert 90 percent of waste by 2025 isn't just about recycling. It's about remaking a city
The great garbage fire debate: Should we be burning our trash into energy?
Other countries convert incinerated waste into electricity and heat. Could this help our trash crisis?
These students are developing bacteria that eats our plastic pollution
Fast Company
Feed the hungry bugs an old plastic bottle, and get CO2 and water back–and it’s from two kids who are still in college.
Levels of e-waste soar in Asia as gadgets become affordable, UN says
The Guardian.
Amount of electronic waste up 63% in five years, with Chinas more than doubling, United Nations University report finds
60% of waste in Dubai will supply power to 120,000 homes
Новости залива
“World’s largest waste-to-energy plant” to supply 185MW of electricity daily by 2020
Taiwan to ban plastic straws, cups by 2030
Новости канала Азия
TAIPEI: Taiwan is planning a blanket ban on single-use plastic items including straws, cups and shopping bags by 2030, officials said Thursday ...
Biochemical stomach’ digests leftover food to make energy
The power that a new anaerobic digester generates helps keep it running, which makes it totally self-sustaining.
We produce 13 tons of hazardous waste every second [Advertiser content from MailChimp]
Most homes across America have a stash of chemical cleaners under the sink that becomes hazardous waste as soon as you’re done using them. And some of the ho...
Страны G7 рассматривают сжигание отходов для получения энергии как часть решения проблемы загрязнения пластиком
Что делать со всеми этими неперерабатываемыми пластиковыми вилками, игрушками и сломанными садовыми стульями в нашем мусоре? Канада и ее партнеры по «Большой семерке» заявляют, что сжигание такого пластика для получения энергии может быть частью решения. Но это спорно. Вот взгляд на плюсы и минусы, а также на то, куда движется технология.
Запрет одноразового пластика одобрил Европарламент
Пластиковые предметы, такие как столовые приборы и соломинки, будут запрещены в ЕС в соответствии с планами, одобренными депутатами Европарламента.
Purple bacteria can turn human waste into clean hydrogen energy
Исследования Gate
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Scientists have found plastic-eating bacteria
How to solve the plastic pollution problem? Bacteria that munch on plastic: could this be the answer to the humanity’s environmental crisis? After all, we’re...
Earth has a hidden plastic problem—scientists are hunting it down
Scientific American
Trillions of tiny particles generated by our plastic-reliant society are polluting environments worldwide
Founders of plastic waste alliance ‘investing billions in new plants’
The Guardian.
European NGO says firms are likely to be at centre of global boom in plastic production
Всемирный экономический форум сообщает Давосу: Электроника — «самый быстрорастущий поток отходов в мире»
Материнская плата
«Материальная стоимость одних только электронных отходов составляет 62.5 миллиарда долларов, что в три раза больше, чем годовой объем производства мировых серебряных рудников, и больше, чем ВВП большинства стран».
Микропластик обнаружен у каждого морского млекопитающего, опрошенного в ходе британского исследования
The Guardian.
У выброшенных на мель морских свиней, дельфинов и тюленей в кишечнике в среднем содержалось 5.5 частиц.
China's recycling ban has sent America's plastic to Malaysia. Now they don't want it -- so what next?
Dozens of laborers and factory operators sit hand-cuffed in rows on the pavement at an industrial park in Malaysia.
UN: Plastic waste pact approved with US among few holdouts
GENEVA (AP) — Almost every country in the world has agreed on a legally binding framework for reducing polluting plastic waste, with the United States a notable exception, United Nations...
Правительство запретит одноразовый пластик уже в 2021 году: источник
Правительство Трюдо запретит одноразовый пластик уже в 2021 году, как стало известно CBC News. Пластиковые соломинки, ватные палочки, мешалки для напитков, тарелки, столовые приборы и палочки для воздушных шаров — это лишь часть одноразового пластика, который будет запрещен в Канаде.
This revolutionary blast furnace vaporizes trash and turns it into clean energy (without any emissions)
Сеть Гудньюс
A renewable energy startup is using a new technology that can vaporize non-recyclable trash into energy—all without generating any emissions.
Is Switzerland the world champion of recycling?
Finding international studies on recycling may be easy, but crowning a champion is not.
All plastic waste could be recycled into new plastic
The fact that plastics do not break down, and therefore accumulate in our ecosystems, is one of our major environmental problems. But at Chalmers, a research group led by Henrik Thunman, Professor of Energy Technology, sees the resilience of plastic as an asset. The fact that it does not degrade mak
All plastic waste could become new, high-quality plastic through advanced steam cracking
A research group at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, has developed an efficient process for breaking down any plastic waste to a molecular level. The resulting gases can then be transformed back into new plastics - of the same quality as the original. The new process could transform today's plastic factories into recycling refineries, within the framework of their existing infrastructure
Australian scientists believe they have invented a way to recycle all types of plastic
A pair of Australian scientists believe they have invented the technology that can recycle any type of plastic.