animal conservation trends

Animal conservation trends

پاران ڪيل

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India's tiger population jumps 30 per cent
هن Telegraph
Boost for conservationists as tiger numbers rise from 1,706 in 2010 to 2,226 last year
Kaziranga’s ruthless rangers have reduced rhino poaching by simply gunning down poachers at sight
Conservation must recognise the need to build bridges, sometimes with its fiercest critics.
چين جي هٿي دانت تي پابندي سڄي ايشيا ۾ قيمتن ۾ ڊرامائي گهٽتائي جو سبب بڻيل آهي
جي سرپرست
ويٽنام ۾ خام آئيوري جون قيمتون گهٽجي ويون آهن، جيڪي واپاري چين جي گهريلو آئيوري جي پابندي جي اعلان سان ڳنڍي رهيا آهن، نئين تحقيق مطابق
هي AI شڪارين جو شڪار ڪري ٿو
IEEE اسپيڪرٽر
هاٿي جو نئون محافظ PAWS آهي، هڪ مشين لرننگ ۽ گيم ٿيوري سسٽم جيڪو اڳڪٿي ڪري ٿو ته ڪٿي شڪارين جي حملي جو امڪان آهي.
Should we give up half of the Earth to wildlife?
جي سرپرست
Populations of all kinds of wildlife are declining at alarming speed. One radical solution is to make 50% of the planet a nature reserve
21 tech companies band together against wildlife trafficking
The effort involves tech leaders such as Alibaba, Baidu, eBay, Facebook and Instagram who have pledged to try to reduce trafficking across their platforms by 80 percent by 2020.
تحفظ لاءِ محدود پئسن سان، محقق ان ڳالهه تي بحث ڪن ٿا ته ڪهڙن نسلن کي بچائڻو آهي- ۽ ڪهڙي کي وڃڻ ڏيو
سائنس رسالو
ڪجھ قومون اڳ ۾ ئي خرچن جي ترجيحن کي ترتيب ڏيڻ سان تجربو ڪري رھيا آھن
Hundreds more species under threat of extinction than previously thought, scientists say
جڏهن ته آزاد
‘This indicates that urgent reassessment is needed of the current statuses of animal species’
Species Sleuths: شوقين فطرت پرستن دريافت جي نئين لهر کي چمڪايو
سائنسدانن نئين نسلن کي دريافت ڪرڻ جي ڪم سان رفتار نه رکي آهي. هاڻي، هڪ بيلجيم بس ڊرائيور کان وٺي ڪيليفورنيا جي سائبر سيڪيورٽي ماهر تائين پرعزم شوقين جو وڌندڙ تعداد فيلڊ ۾ ٻاهر آهي، دنيا جي جيو تنوع کي دستاويز ڪرڻ ۾ هڪ بوم کي نظر انداز ڪري ٿو.
Suffering unseen: The dark truth behind wildlife tourism
قومي جغرافيائي
Captive wild animal encounters are hugely popular, thanks partly to social media. But our investigation shows many creatures lead dismal lives.
Tigers, elephants and pangolins suffer as global wildlife trafficking soars
جي سرپرست
Dozens of species are now at risk but a conference this week will showcase new technology that could help stop the illegal trade
The plan to turn half the world into a reserve for nature
بي بي سي
Scientists and conservationists are proposing that up to half of Earth’s land and oceans be protected for nature. Is it a necessary step or a pipe dream?
Thousands of species are fleeing to earth's poles en masse, and a pattern's emerging
سائنس الارٽ

We know that global warming is forcing many animals around the world to flee their normal habitats, but now, an exhaustive analysis has shown marine species are booking it for the poles six times faster than those on land.
By pollinating just a handful of crops, wild bees contribute over $1.5 billion per year
سائنسي ٻولي

It's not just honeybees that pollinate our crops and put food on our plates. In North America alone there are roughly 4,000 species of native bee, and new research has calculated these wild insects provide over US$1.5 billion each year from pollina
Loss of bees causes shortage of key food crops, study finds
جي سرپرست
Apple and cherry production hampered by lack of wild bees, who are suffering from a loss of habitat, toxic pesticides and the climate crisis