debt growth trends

Debt growth trends

Murabbiy tomonidan

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AQSh davlat qarzining hajmini ingl
Visual kapitalistik
19.5 trillion dollar qanchalik katta, haqiqatan ham? Ushbu infografikada AQShning davlat qarzi tanish bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan boshqa raqamlarga nisbatan tasvirlangan.
Visualizing the state of government debt around the world
Juda qanchalik
Policymakers have avoided dealing with debt for years, guaranteeing that any resolution will be more painful. This visualization shows which countries have the biggest problems with national debt relative to their economic size.
Global debt is now approaching $277 trillion nearly a record
Raqamli jurnal
Global debt is nearing a record at $244 trillion, an amount that is three times the total amount of the global economy a new analysis by the Institute of International Finance (IIF) finds.
Global debt is up 50% over the past decade, but S&P still says next crisis won’t be as bad
The lower danger level is due largely to the nature of the debt — primarily driven by government borrowing in sovereign countries, rather than a private sector surge.
Dimon: AQShning talabalar krediti qarzi "endi iqtisodiyotga ta'sir qila boshladi"
JP Morgan Chase (JPM) bosh direktori Jeymi Daymon 1.5 trillion dollarlik talabalar krediti qarzi iqtisodiyotga ta'sir qila boshlaganidan xavotirda va inqirozni hal qilish uchun shoshilinch choralar ko'rishni talab qilmoqda.
Korporativ qarzning o'sishi: tashvishlanishimiz kerakmi?
AQSh korporativ qarzining dollar qiymati ortib bormoqda - lekin korporatsiyalar juda ko'p qarz olmoqdami yoki bu faqat iqtisodiy kengayish belgisimi?
Debt bubbles could burst as economies slow, threatening stability, bankers warn
Heavy reliance on debt financing and slow economic growth are leading to the creation of debt bubbles which risk destabilizing the entire financial system should a major shock occur, bond bankers and investors warned at a conference on Thursday.
Debt will kill the global economy. But it seems no one cares
Warnings from the IMF and World Bank have been dismissed. But even if they are wrong, a demographic crisis looms
Davos 2016 - The global debt dilemma
Jahon iqtisodiy forumi Will rapidly growing sovereign, corporate and private debt lead to the next global economic shock? Speakers: -Barry M. Gosin, Chief E...