blockchain and bitcoin trends

Blockchain and bitcoin trends

Kukhethwe ngu

Kugcine ukubuyekezwa:

  • | Izixhumanisi ezibekisiwe:
Ukuqala kobuchwepheshe baseJalimane okushintsha amandla kusuka kuma-energy conglomerates kuya kumthengi.
Imboni yezamandla ibhekana noshintsho olusheshayo ngenxa yokuqanjwa okusha okuqhutshwa osomabhizinisi abanombono wangempela njengoDkt Richard Lohwasser kanye noDkt Kyung-Hun Ha abanenkolelo yokuthi ubuchwepheshe buyisihluthulelo sokudala inzuzo yokuncintisana kubahlinzeki kanye nabathengi emkhakheni wezamandla.
Umshwalense waseHong Kong iBlue Cross wamukela i-blockchain ukusheshisa izimangalo zezokwelapha, ukuqeda ukukhwabanisa
I-South China Morning Post
I-Blue Cross, ephethwe yi-Bank of East Asia, ithi i-blockchain izosiza ukulondoloza izindleko zokuqinisekisa idatha kuyo yonke inethiwekhi yomshwalense wemitholampilo namakhasimende.
Ubuchwepheshe beBlockchain ekunakekelweni kwezempilo: ukusetshenziswa kwayo kanye nemithelela
Ngobuchwepheshe be-blockchain ekunakekelweni kwezempilo, ngeke kube nesidingo somlawuli, esizosulwa yi-smart cryptography.
Izimpawu ze-Amazon ziphathelene nezomthetho & jikelele zohlelo lwempesheni 'lokuqala ngqa' lwe-blockchain
Isevisi ye-blockchain ye-Amazon Web Services, i-Amazon Managed Blockchain, yengeza inkampani yomshuwalense ezinze eLondon, i-Legal and General njengeklayenti.
Ungawavikela kanjani Windows 10 Ama-PC avela ku-ransomware
Umhlaba Wekhompyutha
I-Ransomware idlangile kulezi zinsuku, kodwa kunezindlela ezimbalwa Windows 10 abasebenzisi nabaphathi bangavikela ama-PC abo. Nakhu okumele ukwenze.
I-RBC ihlola inkundla yokuhweba ye-cryptocurrency yokutshalwa kwezimali, esitolo nokuthenga ku-inthanethi
Ukuthunyelwa kwezezimali
Ibhange futhi libheke ukuvumela amakhasimende ukuthi avule ama-akhawunti asebhange aqukethe i-cryptocurrency
3 Ways Blockchain will transform recruitment
Blockchain is the underlying technology powering cryptocurrencies, however, its applications go much beyond the finance industry. Here’s how blockchain could potentially transform recruitment in the years to come.