conservative politics trends

Conservative politics trends

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Krystal and Saagar explain how they define the new right and new left
La Colina
Krystal and Saagar talk about their interview on the Realignment Podcast.To see the full interview, check it out here:
The alt-right has its very own tv show on adult swim
Adult Swim's Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace is identity content for trolls.
Obert o tancat al món?
The Agenda amb Steve Paikin
Els debats polítics a Europa i Amèrica del Nord s'han dividit tradicionalment entre partits d'esquerra i de dreta. Però, a la llum del Brexit i Donald Tr...
An establishment conservative’s guide to the alt-right
A specter is haunting the dinner parties, fundraisers and think-tanks of the Establishment: the specter of the “alternative right.” Young, creative and eager to commit secular heresies, they have become public enemy number one to beltway conservatives — more hated, even, than Democrats or loopy progressives. | Tech
Europe's discontent
CBC News: The National
Many European countries are seeing an anti-establishmentbacklash, a sentiment that could remake the political landscape there»»» Subscribe to The National to...
What the alt-right really means
New York Times
The term, and the movement, may tell us something about how the country is changing.
Why “they’re just dumb racists” is liberalism’s climate denialism
Umair Hague
Clarity. It is what you and I need now, more than ever. It is no exaggeration to say the future balances precariously on a razor’s edge. Where are we to find it, this mysterious thing called clarity…
The party declines
Niskanen Center
For just over forty years, the Republican Party had a famously orderly succession to its leadership. From 1968 until 2012, every non-incumbent presidential nominee was, in one sense or another, the next in line, as either the most recent Republican vice-president, the runner-up in a previous contested Republican primary, or the namesake son of the […]
La veritable batalla dels conservadors socials no és el Tribunal Suprem, és la cultura
La preocupació és que les nominacions al Tribunal Suprem no superin el dany causat al moviment contra l'avortament per la seva aliança política amb el president Trump.
The rise of YouTube’s reactionary right
How demographic change and YouTube’s algorithms are building a new right.
Steve Bannon debate at The Economist #OpenFutures festival
The Economist
At The Economist’s Open Future festival in New York on September 15th 2018, Steve Bannon, former White House chief strategist, was interviewed by Zanny Minto...
People with lower emotional intelligence are more likely to hold right-wing views, study finds
Psy Post
New research from Belgium provides evidence that deficits in emotion understanding and emotion management are related to right-wing and prejudiced ...
Conservatism in the crisis
The Economist
The pandemic has emboldened conservative proponents of a more expansive view of government
Els llocs de treball d'energies renovables es mouen cap al sud i l'est, a mesura que la indústria passa a economies de renda mitjana
Més països estan aprofitant el potencial econòmic de l'energia verda, especialment al sud-est asiàtic