governments and artificial intelligence

Governments and artificial intelligence

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Can we replace politicians with robots?
Brisbane Times
We may have lost faith in traditional politics but what alternatives do we have?
The next generation of Indian politicians could be robots
A robot might be a better alternative to a corrupt, incompetent, rabble-rousing politician.
AI for president: Can we phase out corrupt politicians?
This post is a further exploration from last week’s topic, which explores the possibility of decentralized intelligence replacing governments. Here, we focus on higher level AI potentials in conjunction with blockchain technology.
Can AI and machine learning help create the government of the future?
Minute Hack
Opinion pieces by entrepreneurs, executives and experts on aspects of running businesses
A bold idea to replace politicians
César Hidalgo has a radical suggestion for fixing our broken political system: automate it! In this provocative talk, he outlines a bold idea to bypass polit...
Hear me out: Let’s elect an AI as president
Amb cable
An artificial Intelligence would consider all the facts before making the most rational decision for the greatest good. What could possibly go wrong?
Could a robot be president?
Yes, it sounds nuts. But some techno-optimists really believe a computer could make better decisions for the country—without the drama and shortsightedness we accept from our human leaders.
The malicious use of artificial intelligence: Forecasting, prevention, and mitigation
In the coming decades, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies are going to transform many aspects of our world. Much of this change will be positive; the potential for benefits in areas as diverse as health, transportation and urban planning, art, science, and cross-cultural...
El nou informe d'IA maliciós descriu les amenaces més grans dels propers 5 anys
Singularity Hub
En algun lloc entre les perspectives excessivament promocionades de la IA que ho farà tot per nosaltres i la IA que destruirà el món es troba la realitat: un conjunt complex i en constant canvi de riscos i recompenses. Un nou informe analitza els usos potencialment maliciosos de la IA durant els propers cinc anys.
Here are the experts who will help shape Europe’s AI policy
The European Commission has announced the names of 52 experts from across industry, business and civil society who it has appointed to a new High Level Group on AI which will feed its strategy and policymaking around artificial intelligence. In April the EU’s executive body outlined its approach to AI technology, setting out measures intended to increase […]
AI will change or eliminate 130,000 federal jobs over the next two decades
Government Diginomica
AI will play a significant role in helping government agencies to more efficiently provide services, but it will reshape the workforce in ways that are dramatic and largely unforeseen, according to Partnership for Public Service.
Artificial intelligence and the challenge of global governance
The critical question that arises now is about global governance in the struggle between states and global digital corporations: What types of institutions and leadership will emerge?
Artificial intelligence law is here, part one
Per sobre de la llei
Law is being developed now, in order to set the rules of the road for the usage of AI. And we as lawyers should recognize it as a specific discipline.
Per què t'equivoques amb la renda bàsica universal | El poder de la IA en mans d'uns pocs
Sembla que massa gent s'uneix darrere de la idea de la renda bàsica universal amb l'assumpció d'una major llibertat i més temps lliure. Però no s'adonen que...
La nova eina d'IA permet al govern identificar objectes des de l'aire
Tecnologia de govern
L'empresa australiana Nearmap, que també opera als EUA, ha acumulat un catàleg d'imatges aèries d'alta resolució per a 90 milions de paquets, i ara està aplicant IA per saber quan els propietaris fan canvis.
Els "superequips" (grups de persones i màquines intel·ligents que treballen junts) són el següent pas en la integració contínua de l'IA al món laboral.