web content and online publishers

Web content and online publishers

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Facebook and the media have an increasingly landlord-tenant style relationship
Some publishers have seen traffic from Facebook plummet by 40%, which reinforces the risks of handing over control of your audience.
Mort par mille likes : comment Facebook et Twitter tuent le Web ouvert
Que perdons-nous lorsque nous recevons nos informations via les réseaux sociaux ?
What should media companies do in a world controlled by giant platforms?
Panelists at a recent Tow Center conference at Columbia said media companies would be wise to be wary.
MTV is live streaming the 2015 EMAs in 360-degree virtual reality
The Verge
MTV is taking another step into virtual reality programming with this year's edition of its Europe Music Awards. The network is going to live stream the ceremony's red carpet pre-show and main show...
A new business model for the web? The subscription wars are here
This is an all-out war, and it’s all about who you pay each month for all of your entertainment.
The rise of “homeless” media
Since the advent of the Internet, publishers have been trying to leverage distribution channels — such as social media networks — to drive traffic to their own websites. Now, though, content can be…
Theft, lies, and Facebook video
I’m a professional YouTube creator. Some people think that this is some kind of joke but I have 30 employees. All of them work in the online video industry, about half of them work directly on…
Industrial scale branded content
Medias invest heavily in branded content production. Leveraging their notoriety and brand power, the largest ones have set up full-fledged production studios and creative teams, to the point where…
Facebook is eating the world
Revue du journalisme en Colombie
Qui a tout le contenu ?
La cuisine savante
Plusieurs services tentent de rassembler « tout » le contenu des éditeurs. Cet article fournit un aperçu et une taxonomie.
The race for 3D content
The excitement about Apple ARKit and advancement in technologies like AR and VR raised an important subject: 3D content. Like any other publishing platforms, AR and VR are worthless without great…
Can artificial intelligence create content as well as a human?
An email from Articoolo, a company with technology that involves content created by artificial intelligence, got us wondering, so we commissioned AI to write an article about AI writing articles.
La Lettre Lefsetz
Entertainment is getting even shorter, and even longer. What about the 'purgatory' in the middle?
Musique Business dans le monde entier
Cherie Hu tackles changing trends in audio-visual media…
Uh-oh : Le blocage des publicités devrait coûter 35 milliards de dollars d'ici 2020
La branche de recherche d'Informa, Ovum, a mis le holà à une partie du battage publicitaire autour du blocage des publicités mobiles.
Les éditeurs allemands mutualisent leurs données pour concurrencer Google et Facebook
La force du nombre : comment les plus grands éditeurs allemands mettent en commun leurs données pour rivaliser avec Google et Facebook en matière de dépenses publicitaires.
The Bezos effect: How Amazon's founder is reinventing The Washington Post - and what lessons it might hold for the beleaguered newspaper business
Centre Shorenstein
A new paper by Dan Kennedy, Joan Shorenstein Fellow (spring 2016) and associate professor in the School of Journalism at Northeastern University, provides insight into The Washington Post’s digital strategy and business model following its acquisition by Amazon founder and...
GQ is now blocking its readers running ad blockers
The men's fashion monthly is the latest publisher to take a hard stance against ad blockers.
Voici 6 raisons pour lesquelles les journaux ont abandonné leurs paywalls
Laboratoire Nieman
Parfois, c'est une réponse à une urgence publique; parfois, c'est juste pour gagner de l'audience.
News is afflicted by its own climate change: It’s called social
For news, this is the perfect storm. It combines the triumph of superficiality over depth and substance, the acceleration of the news cycle, the decline of media that used to provide necessary checks…
Are publishers obsolete?
From person-to-person coaching and intensive hands-on seminars to interactive online courses and media reporting, Poynter helps journalists sharpen skills and elevate storytelling throughout their careers.
The Netflix backlash: Why Hollywood fears a content monopoly
The Hollywood Reporter
The streaming service is spending $6 billion a year on content, choking basic cable and brusquely rattling the relationship business of the town as fears of a Google- or Apple-sized dominance send a chill down the entertainment industry's spine.
Les coûts cachés (et pas si cachés) de la publication sur plateforme
Qu'il s'agisse d'embaucher plus de personnel de médias sociaux aux coûts d'opportunité, les éditeurs jonglent avec les coûts directs et indirects de la distribution sur les plateformes sociales.
A leaked report shows how much money publishers make from platforms like Facebook, Google, and Snapchat
Business Insider
The report, from Digital Content Next, reveals the average amount a premium publisher makes from distributing their content across third-party platforms.
L'avenir a des frais d'abonnement : comment la technologie change ce que nous possédons
Radar Tech
En permettant et en encourageant l'essor des services d'abonnement, la technologie a radicalement changé notre approche de la propriété et nos attentes en tant que consommateurs.
Road to 1 million: The Guardian has gone from 15,000 to 200,000 paying ‘members’ in the past year
The Guardian's paying members have risen from 15,000 to 200,000 in the last year.
Youtube's monster: Pewdiepie and his populist revolt
The New York Times
How YouTube’s biggest star took a bizarre career turn, and what it tells us about the nascent politics of social platforms.
How Facebook and Google could disrupt the subscription model for news
When you go online to book a plane ticket from San Francisco to New York, your search will typically turn up about 1.2 million flight combinations, each with a different price. Considering that…
Opinion : les médias deviennent horizontaux, et c'est un gros problème
Facebook a abandonné son application TV avec Samsung comme partenaire de lancement et Google a lancé une chaîne YouTube TV. Nous devons nous demander ce que cela signifie pour toutes les autres chaînes. 
How Facebook is stealing billions of views
Kurzgesagt - in a nutshell
Facebook just announced 8 billion video views per day. This number is made out of lies, cheating and worst of all: theft. All of this is wildly known but the...
Freebooting Facebook - Plus intelligent chaque jour 128
Plus intelligent chaque jour
Livre audio gratuit ⇒ http://bit.ly/AudibleSED POSTER SUR FACEBOOK ! ⇉ http://bit.ly/FbFreeboot OU http://on.fb.me/1BVWCd1 Tweetez ceci : http://bit.ly/TweetFreebooting...
Rapport sur les tendances Internet | Mary Meeker, KPCB | Conférence sur les codes 2016
Mary Meeker, associée chez Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, présente son rapport annuel sur les tendances Internet. Elle dit que « la croissance facile est derrière nous » alors que le dernier Internet u...
For BuzzFeed sharing is the metric that matters
Stream a16z Podcast: For Buzzfeed Sharing is the Metric that Matters by a16z from desktop or your mobile device
FuckJerry : Plus facile à voler
Vic Berger IV
Voici "FuckJerry : Easier To Steal" de Vic Berger IV sur Vimeo, la maison pour les vidéos de haute qualité et les gens qui les aiment.