future sex

Future of sex

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Għaliex is-sess iċċentrat fuq in-nisa huwa kullimkien fuq it-TV issa
Grazzi antieroj. Fil-fatt, nirringrazzja n-nuqqas tagħhom.
The future of virtual sex is like nothing you’ve ever felt before
Il Dot Kuljum
I tested a new line of high-tech sex toys at an Oculus Rift porn conference.
Il-futur tas-sess virtwali
Il-Wall Street Journal
Filwaqt li xi wħud jistennew li r-robots tas-sess ikunu komuni f'għaxar snin, jistgħu jkunu qabżu mir-"realtà virtwali newrali."
Young, attractive, and totally not into having sex
It’s Friday afternoon during finals week, and two undergrads at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville are lounging together on a battered couch in the student center, watching cartoons. They’ve only met twice before, but they’re all over each other. Rae, a tiny pixie of a sophomore wearing a newsboy cap, nuzzles up against Sean, […]
What the internet porn revolution means for the future of sex
Il Dot Kuljum
This genie is not going back in the bottle.
The condom of the future? Scientists developing latex replacement that self-lubricates, delivers Viagra and feels better than nothing at all
Il Indipendenti
A team from the University of Wollongong is among 52 tasked with removing the stigma that condoms make sex less enjoyable
Jirriżulta li lkoll ser inkunu qed nagħmlu s-sess mar-robots ħafna aktar kmieni milli kien maħsub qabel
SESS bir-robots se jsir in-norma soċjali fi żmien 50 sena li ġejjin, skont akkademiku mill-aqwa.
Huge news! The bionic dick is here
An enterprising L.A. surgeon has invented a silicone penis implant, which, because we’re sure you have a friend who’ll want to know, costs 13 grand and can nearly double your size. Amy Wallace grills the good doctor on how it works—and asks a few of his very satisfied customers (and their mostly satisfied wives) how it’s working
Sess, imħabba u robots: Dan huwa t-tmiem tal-intimità?
The Guardian
Ma tistax issib sieħeb? Tinkwetax, is-sexbot , ipprogrammat biex jissodisfa x-xewqat kollha tiegħek, jinsab fi triqtu. Eva Wiseman tesplora d-dinja inkwetanti tar-robots tas-sess
Casual sex: Everyone is doing it
Il-New Yorker
Maria Konnikova on Zhana Vrangalova, whose Casual Sex Project explores encounters that occur outside the norms of committed relationships.
Women will have more sex with robots than men by 2025 with 'robophilia' set to relegate romance
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‘There isn’t really anything magical about it’: Why more millennials are avoiding sex
Il-Washington Post
“Anti-sexual” trends take hold in age of countless distractions and growing job pressures.
Will robots be better lovers than humans? Sex with machines could become addictive, warns expert
Kuljum Mail
Joel Snell, a robotics expert from Kirkwood College in Iowa, says that people will rearrange their lives to accommodate their addictions to sex robots, which would always be available (stock image)
Dawn of the Sexbots: Is new TV show Westworld's future where tourists romance robots just a sick fantasy? No, soon we will buy androids who talk, touch and even feel
Kuljum Mail
The storyline of new Sky TV drama Westworld, in which lifelike robots are abused for human pleasure, has provoked a host of disturbing questions about violence and sexual exploitation.
Future sex: A brave new world of of hi-tech goo and virtual reality
Il Indipendenti
The annual FutureFest event will this year explore the booming area of scientific innovation in relationships
Why Toronto Millennials aren’t having sex
Issa Magazine
Porn, online dating, hookup culture youd think theyd shape a generation thats promiscuous, but many Millennials arent having sex at all. Young locals tell us why
L-ewwel burdell tar-robot tas-sess tal-Ewropa ġie mġiegħel barra mill-bażi hekk kif il-prostituti jilmentaw mill-kompetizzjoni
L-ewwel burdell tar-robot tas-sess tal-EWROPA ġie mġiegħel jiċċaqlaq wara li prostituti fil-ħajja reali lmentaw li pupi sesswali kienu qed jisirqu l-kummerċ tagħhom.
Il-ħafna raġunijiet li n-nies qed ikollhom inqas sess
Il-ħajja sesswali medja tidher li qed tonqos – u tista’ tirrifletti xi ansjetajiet inkwetanti fil-qalba tas-soċjetà moderna, jgħid Simon Copland.
Proof that Americans are lying about their sexual desires
What Google searches for porn tell us about ourselves.
Sex robot revolution could encourage rape and paedophilia, says artificial intelligence expert
The Scotland Herald
A new generation of life-like and lusty sex robots could soon be thrusting society into uncharted and dark territory, an artificial intelligence…
Bordelli Sexbot? Dak li nistgħu naraw f'era ta 'robots tas-sess
Jixtiequ jew le, qed jiġu min iħobb ir-robot, u magħhom, ħafna mistoqsijiet. Rapport ġdid fil-fond iħares 'il quddiem lejn l-għaxar snin li ġejjin ta' robotika sesswali.
YouPorn used AI to predict the porn searches of the future and, um, brace yourselves
Online pornography is going to some new and very bizarre places, according to the neural network YouPorn used to predict future porn searches.
Major warnings issued over the dangers of sex robots
In fact, they might make people MORE lonely
Sex robots could save your relationships
Polyamory, nonbinary gender, aromantic relationships, sex robots-there's plenty to look forward to in the ways humans will get together in the future.
The rub of rough sex
Chelsea G. Summers considers the ways in which outwardly 'progressive' men like former Attorney General Eric Schneiderman use kink as a cover for abuse.
There are a lot of problems with sex robots
From body weight and batteries to complex programming and consent, there's nothing simple about sexbots. But the market's exploding anyway.
How sex robots could revolutionize marriage - for the better
With sexual needs outsourced to robots, marriages could become stronger than ever.
Għaliex iż-żgħażagħ qed ikollhom daqshekk ftit sess?
Minkejja t-tnaqqis tat-tabù u ż-żieda fl-apps tal-konnessjoni, l-Amerikani jinsabu f'nofs riċessjoni tas-sess.
In-nassa Huxley
Il-New York Times
Kif it-teknoloġija u l-masturbazzjoni tamed ir-rivoluzzjoni sesswali.
Micro-targeted digital porn is changing human sexuality
Micro-Targeted Digital Porn Is Changing Human Sexuality. Ever-faster feedback loops and micro-targeted digital porn are pushing human sexuality into some seriously weird places.
Il-projbizzjoni tax-xogħol sesswali se titqies inkonċepibbli 50 sena minn issa
Il-kriminalizzazzjoni tal-ħaddiema sesswali hija dwar il-kontroll tal-ġisem tan-nisa.
Sex robots are coming, with a host of concerns
Asia Times
The robots are here. Are the “sexbots” close behind? From the Drudge Report to The New York Times, sex robots are rapidly becoming a part of the
L-apocalypse sexbot
Il spettatur
Jekk miljuni minna nagħżlu dik li tidher qisha alleanza eħfef, aktar attraenti u ħafna aktar sodisfaċenti ma’ sexbot, dan fejn se jħalli lill-bnedmin?
Pornography is booming during the covid-19 lockdowns
The Economist
Social-distancing rules prompt performers to offer private webcam-shows
Dawn in-nisa qed jagħmlu eluf ibigħu nudes tagħhom infushom fuq OnlyFans - imma worth it?
OnlyFans hija aħbar kbira. Milli jkunu sors ta’ dħul għall-utenti li qed jirkupraw il-flus kontanti billi jibagħtu ritratti nude lill-abbonati tagħhom, qed jisplodu. Tkellimna ma’ wħud min-nisa fuqu...
The digital love industry
Soon, virtual reality is going to crash into our lives in a way we never even imagined. Though dating and masturbating have long been commandeered by the web...
Sex education: Last week tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Last Week Tonight
Sex education varies widely between school districts, leaving many teens without comprehensive information. We made a video that covers what some schools are...
Sex Robot hands-on at CES 2018
Subscribe to Engadget on YouTube: http://engt.co/subscribeGet More Engadget: • Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/engadget• Follow us on Twitter: h...
Will we stop having sex?
Sex is one of our primary biological urges. We engage in it for procreation and pleasure. But recent technological advances are changing the way we have sex....
Eżoġenesi: Kif ġuf artifiċjali jistgħu jibdlu s-sess u l-prokreazzjoni
Futur tas-Sess
Future of Sex hija l-pubblikazzjoni ewlenija fid-dinja dwar kif it-teknoloġija qed tbiddel is-sesswalità umana, inkluż sess remot, robots tas-sess, VR, AI, awmentazzjoni, u aktar.