xejriet tal-industrija tal-assigurazzjoni

Insurance industry trends

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L-aktar startup sħuna ta’ Silicon Valley qed tbeżża’ lis-sensara tal-assigurazzjoni u tiġġieled ir-regolaturi
L-iktar startup sħuna ta’ Silicon Valley trid taqta’ l-pitkal tal-industrija tal-assigurazzjoni. L-investituri jaraw opportunità.
SmartThings trid tneħħi l-ġewwieni tal-industrija tal-assigurazzjoni tad-dar
Il-flus reali fid-dar intelliġenti li qed tikber
l-industrija mhix fil-bejgħ tal-ħardwer. Huwa fi
bejgħ tad-data tiegħek.
Insurers worry self-driving cars could put a dent in their business
The Guardian
Three companies note driverless vehicles as a possible financial threat, while a parts manufacturer fears a decline in ‘the number and severity of accidents’
Hi…this is your auto insurance company and your car tells us you’re a shitty driver — Now, about those premiums
The sign on the back of commercial vehicles often reads “How am I driving, call 1–800–555–1212. Safety is our priority”. We could assume that the majority of calls, if not all, received on customer…
Facebook wants to redline your friends list
Standard tal-Paċifiku
The company recently filed a patent on using social network data to influence lending decisions. God help us all.
Tesla knows when a crash is your fault, and other carmakers soon will, too
Reviżjoni tat-Teknoloġija MIT
Everyone makes mistakes, and many people try to cover them up. But if you try to hide an error made behind the wheel of a car made by Tesla Motors, you are liable to be caught out. In fact, trying to hide what really happened in any kind of car accident could soon become just about impossible. That’s…
As self-driving cars hit the road, innovation is outpacing insurance
The New York Times
The recent death involving Tesla’s Autopilot feature underscored the technology’s risks. But the advances have gotten ahead of insurers’ ability to factor self-driving systems into their policies.
It-teknoloġija futura tal-karozzi toħloq theddida sinifikanti għall-assiguraturi tal-karozzi
Esperti jgħidu li teknoloġija ġdida tal-karozzi li tibgħat l-imġieba ta 'informazzjoni tas-sewwieqa direttament lill-produtturi tal-karozzi toħloq theddida għall-assiguraturi tal-karozzi.
Peter Diamandis - Kura tas-saħħa aħjar u b'xejn
YouTube - Tixjiħ Maqlub
Appoġġa l-Kanal billi tagħmel Donazzjoni: https://goo.gl/ciSpg1 Exponential Wisdom Podcast Episode 13 Preview: Transforming Healthcare and Education. Peter l...
Insurers worth $1.2tn tell G20 to stop funding fossil fuels by 2020
Aħbarijiet dwar id-Dar dwar il-Klima
Climate change is the "mother of all risks" says Aviva CEO, and hundreds of billions in annual government assistance to oil, gas and coal is "simply unsustainable"
Demonetizing insurance
Peter Diamandis
Demonetizing Insurance Massive reductions in insurance costs are coming, along with a wave of disruption. Traditionally, insurance premiums are determined by actuaries… a function of big numbers,...
Self-driving cars won’t just log miles and road markers; they’ll be logging you
As self-driving cars get better, insurance will have to change too.
Will driverless cars mean the end of auto insurance?
Christian Science Monitor
Driverless cars could mean a huge downsizing of the auto insurance industry, as the frequency of accidents declines and liability shifts from the driver to the vehicle’s software or automaker.
Life insurance company is replacing human employees with AI
Japanese life insurance company Fukoku Mutual is replacing 34 employees with AI derived from IBM's Watson.
Automation is securing its place now even outside of the manufacturing sector. While not all jobs are at risk of machine replacement, that list seems to be growing smaller.
Driverless car owners will need 'two-in-one' insurance policies under new Government plans
Il Telegraph
The arrival of self-driving cars will see motorists required to take out dual insurance policies in case their car spins out of control, the Government is due to announce.
Insurtech – the next wave of the Fintech revolution
There's now a new type of startup that's attracting a lot of interest from clients and investors alike - they're called insurtechs, startups focused on evolving the technology used in the Insurance industry.
Il-Messiku jniedi skema pijunier biex jassigura s-sikka tal-qroll tiegħu
The Guardian
Il-lukandi u l-gvern lokali f'Cancun se jħallsu l-primjums, u l-industrija tal-assigurazzjoni tħallas jekk is-sikka ssirilha ħsara mill-maltempati
Tesla tilħaq ftehim ieħor li juri li waslet biex iddawwar id-dinja tal-assigurazzjoni tal-karozza ta’ taħt fuq
Insider Negozju
Tesla u Liberty Mutual qed joħolqu pakkett ta 'assigurazzjoni apposta u juri l-intenzjoni ta' Tesla li tfixkel l-industrija tal-assigurazzjoni.
Amazon is coming. Game over for the insurance industry?
InsurTech News
Amazon opening a new division in London and targeting the insurance market.
Insurance 2030—The impact of AI on the future of insurance
The industry is on the verge of a seismic, tech-driven shift. A focus on four areas can position carriers to embrace this change.
Tbassir: Il-manifatturi tal-karozzi li jsuqu waħedhom se jkunu proprjetarji tan-negozju tal-assigurazzjoni tal-karozza
L-SDCMs jistgħu xi darba jkunu jistgħu jnaqqsu l-ispiża tal-assigurazzjoni tal-karozza u jagħmlu s-sjieda tal-karozza aktar affordabbli.
Taking an ancestry test could make it harder to buy life insurance
DNA testing kits promise insights into your ancestry, but regulators and consumer advocates warn it may make buying life insurance harder.
How car insurance slams the poor
Required by the government and offered by the private sector, nowhere is a de facto tax on the poor more commonly found than in the realm of auto insurance.
What happens when life insurance companies track fitness data?
Last week, life insurance company John Hancock Financial announced that it would only sell so-called interactive policies that allow customers to share fitness data in exchange for discounts. Though customers can opt out of the program, the 156-year-old company’s decision has created worry about privacy precedents and unintended consequences.
A life insurance company wants to track your fitness data
"The longer people live, the more money we make."
Climate change is forcing the insurance industry to recalculate
Il-Wall Street Journal
Insurers are at the vanguard of a movement to put a value today on the unpredictable future of a warming planet
Will tech make insurance obsolete in the future?
Singularity Hub
As we enter a world where everything is measured all the time, we’ll transition from protecting against damages to preventing them in the first place.
Self-driving cars expected to shake up insurance industry
L-Aħbarijiet Detroit
Autonomous vehicles could increase premiums and disrupt the bottom line for insurance companies.
California bans gender in setting car insurance rates
Insurers collect billions from California drivers, but a driver's sex can no longer help determine premiums
Reuters brings together expert panels on ‘Blockchain in Healthcare Insurance and Beyond’ and ‘The future workforce and the role of humans in a machine age' at Davos
Reuters along with Cognizant is organising two panel discussions on ‘The Future Workforce' and 'Healthcare Insurance' on January 22nd and 23rd respectively and in Davos, Switzerland.
Intelliġenza artifiċjali biex tiġi indirizzata l-frodi fl-assigurazzjoni u tiġi vvalutata l-ħsara mill-għargħar
Gvern tar-Renju Unit
40 proġett ta 'intelliġenza artifiċjali u analitika tad-dejta mħabbra biex tingħata spinta lill-produttività u jtejjeb is-servizz tal-konsumatur.
Why safer cars don't lead to cheaper car insurance ... Yet
Many new cars have optional features that can help prevent accidents. But those same features also make repairs more expensive. The result? Premiums can go up for cars that are less likely to crash.
BMO is winding down reinsurance business as climate change risks rise
Post Finanzjarju
Bank expecting more frequent and higher claims
Changing weather could put insurance firms out of business
The Economist
Climate issue: The cost of comprehensive cover could become exorbitant, even as it is needed more than ever
Liberals promise national flood insurance, disaster EI benefits
Post Nazzjonali
The federal Liberals unveiled promises Wednesday to help homeowners prepare for damage from climate change with low-cost national flood insurance and…
Immodernizzar tal-iżvilupp tal-prodott tal-assigurazzjoni
Tgħallem kif l-industrija tal-assigurazzjoni tista' tevolvi milli tkun immexxija mill-prodott għal mmexxija mill-esperjenza tal-klijent, u għaliex huwa importanti li tiffoka fuq issa.
Primjums tal-Assigurazzjoni sottoskritti mill-AI se jmorru minn $1.3B għal $20B globalment sal-2024: Juniper
Ġurnal tal-Assigurazzjoni
Il-valur tal-primjums tal-assigurazzjoni globali sottoskritti minn intelliġenza artifiċjali se jaqbeż $20 biljun sal-2024, minn madwar $1.3 biljun fl-2019,
The future of insurance: Faster, easier claims
For many people, the process of filing insurance claims is associated with tedious paperwork, frustrating phone calls, and heavy emotional stress. It doesn’t have to be that way--and, soon, it won’t. This edition of The Next Normal looks at how telematics and artificial intelligence will enable faster, easier claims.
Prospett tal-assigurazzjoni għall-2020
Kif l-industrija tal-assigurazzjoni qed tadatta għall-isfidi tas-swieq li qed jimmaturaw u t-taqlib ekonomiku—u kif tista’ tibqa’ fuq quddiem fl-għaxar snin li ġejjin.
Reviżjoni mill-gvern tal-assigurazzjoni nazzjonali kontra l-għargħar imfaħħra minn esperti tar-reżistenza għall-klima
Ġurnal tal-Assigurazzjoni
L-avukati tal-klima jgħidu li reviżjoni tal-programm tal-assigurazzjoni tal-għargħar tan-nazzjon li qed jiġi żvelat mill-amministrazzjoni Trump se tħeġġeġ lill-komunitajiet madwar il-
L-applikazzjoni tad-dejta u l-għodod analitiċi qed "tgħin lill-assiguraturi jieħdu deċiżjonijiet aħjar u aktar mgħaġġla"
Insurance Business Mag
Uffiċjal kap analitiku li għadu kif ġie maħtur dwar kif it-trasformazzjoni diġitali tippermetti tbassir tar-riskju mtejjeb u ottimizzazzjoni tal-prezz
L-assiguratur ta 'Hong Kong Blue Cross jadotta blockchain biex tħaffef it-talbiet mediċi, telimina l-frodi
Ċina tan-Nofsinhar Morning Post
Blue Cross, proprjetà tal-Bank of East Asia, tgħid li blockchain se jgħin biex jiffranka l-ispejjeż fuq il-verifika tad-dejta fin-netwerk tal-kliniċi u l-klijenti tal-assiguratur.
World Health Organisation recognises 'burn-out' as medical condition
L-Istretti Times
GENEVA (AFP) - The World Health Organisation has for the first time recognised "burn-out" in its International Classification of Diseases (ICD), which is widely used as a benchmark for diagnosis and health insurers.. Read more at straitstimes.com.
Dan huwa kif il-boomers qed jivvintaw mill-ġdid il-ħajja tal-irtirar
Watch suq
Għaliex il-komunità tal-irtirar tal-futur se tkun aktar bħal WeWork.
How insurers are digitizing claims with apps, photos, videos, e-payments and more
Ġurnal tal-Assigurazzjoni
The digital transformation of the insurance industry isn't just for insurtech startups any more. At Allstate, 60 percent of claims are now filed with a
First major U.S. insurance company moves away from coal
“Chubb recognizes the reality of climate change and the substantial impact of human activity on our planet,” Evan G. Greenberg, the company’s chair and CEO, said in a statement.
Kif l-assiguraturi qed jużaw id-drones
Il-Bilanċ tan-Negozju Żgħir
Minħabba li d-drones huma żgħar u faċli biex jimmanuvraw, l-assiguraturi qed jużawhom għal skopijiet bħal jaraw proprjetà bil-ħsara u jagħmlu spezzjonijiet.
Id-defiċit tad-dejta jibqa’ sfida ewlenija għall-firmaturi tal-assigurazzjoni ċibernetika
Ġurnal tal-Assigurazzjoni
Filwaqt li hemm "opportunitajiet enormi" fl-orizzont għall-industrija tal-assigurazzjoni ċibernetika, il-firmaturi tal-assigurazzjoni ċibernetika għadhom jiffaċċjaw l-isfida li ma jkollhomx
Amazon jiffirma ftehim legali u ġenerali għal sistema ta 'pensjoni blockchain 'l-ewwel qatt'
Is-servizz blockchain tal-Amazon Web Services, Amazon Managed Blockchain, qed iżid il-kumpanija tal-assigurazzjoni Legal and General ibbażata f'Londra bħala klijent.
Il-prattikanti tal-Kalifornja jsostnu n-nirien mifruxa
Kontabilità Illum
Accountants u professjonisti tat-taxxa jaqsmu l-esperjenzi tagħhom temp tan-nirien li qed jolqtu l-istat.
Better flood protection needed in Missouri, governor’s advisory group says
Ġurnal tal-Assigurazzjoni
Missouri's levees need to be strengthened and repaired, especially in rural areas hit hard by prolonged flooding in 2019, according to an advisory group
Creating webinars to answer client questions
Ġurnal tal-Kontabilità
The coronavirus pandemic has unleashed a flood of tax, audit and other accounting-related questions. Webinars offer CPAs an efficient way to tackle topics affecting large numbers of clients, staff or other stakeholders.
Il-pandemija tista’ twassal lill-istatistika biex ibiddlu kif jistmaw il-PGD
Il-lakuni fid-dejta huma numerużi, iżda l-istatistika jistgħu eventwalment jifhmu aħjar kif taħdem l-ekonomija
Klijenti tal-assigurazzjoni li jgħidu addiju lill-aġenti u s-sensara?
Negozju tal-Assigurazzjoni
Konsumaturi ta 'kull età qed iduru dejjem aktar għar-riċerka tagħhom stess
Managing extreme weather events with forensic data
Negozju tal-Assigurazzjoni
Tools to help insurers expedite the claims process
5 każijiet ta 'użu ta' chatbots tal-assigurazzjoni
L-AI konversazzjonali hija vantaġġ kbir għas-settur tal-assigurazzjoni. Hawn huma ħames każijiet ta’ użu tal-Insurance Chatbot għal marki tal-assigurazzjoni.
Lenders with the best climate data will be in a position to discriminate: Viewpoint
Ġurnal tal-Assigurazzjoni
We now live in a world where climate gentrification exists: People and institutions are starting to assess and appraise properties based on their
L-Isvizzera terġa tibni sistema ta’ punteġġ tar-riskju, bil-għan li tippremja karozzi sikuri bi primjums aktar baxxi
Ġurnal tal-Assigurazzjoni
Sid ta’ karozza għandu jkun jista’ jħallas primjums tal-assigurazzjoni aktar baxxi għas-sewqan ta’ karozza b’karatteristiċi ta’ sikurezza, bħall-ibbrejkjar awtomatizzat li jwaqqaf il-karozza meta
Nationwide’s left the building. Insurer makes remote work permanent in 5 states
Ġurnal tal-Assigurazzjoni
Nationwide said it plans to permanently transition to a hybrid operating model that comprises primarily working-from-office in four main corporate
Linji tal-ajru u ditti tal-vaganzi jibdew jipprovdu assigurazzjoni tal-ivvjaġġar COVID-19 b'xejn
Fi sforz biex tiżdied il-fiduċja tal-klijenti u jiżdiedu l-prenotazzjonijiet, numru dejjem jikber ta’ kumpaniji qed ikunu pijunieri fl-assigurazzjoni tal-ivvjaġġar b’xejn Covid-19
Għaliex il-futur tal-assigurazzjoni jinkludi AI konversazzjonali
L-impjegati diġitali se jippermettu wkoll li l-assiguraturi jkabbru ħafna aktar malajr, aktar faċilment u b’mod aktar ekonomiku milli kieku jużaw il-metodu antikwat ta’ kiri ta’ aktar korpi.
New Zealand se tagħmel banek kbar, assiguraturi u ditti jiżvelaw ir-riskju klimatiku tagħhom. Wasal iż-żmien li pajjiżi oħra jagħmlu wkoll
Il Konversazzjoni
Fil-passat ikkritikajt il-politika ta’ dan il-gvern dwar il-klima talli kienet kbira fil-wegħda iżda qasira fil-politika konkreta. Iżda din il-politika ta 'żvelar finanzjarju għandha xi snien reali.
What’s California going to do about future wildfire insurance?
As wildfires wreak havoc in California, the state’s insurance commissioner announced potential steps to help homeowners afford and keep insurance amid California’s growing wildfire risk.
The future of home and motor insurance
COVID-19 is leading customers to consider the experience, value and flexibility of insurance products. This may change the future of the insurance industry.
The rise of the exponential underwriter
As the insurance industry adapts to shifting market conditions, some roles will likely need to be transformed as well. Learn how insurers could multiply value creation by modernizing the underwriting function now.
Il-Futur tal-attwarji: L-attwarju esponenzjali
Esplora kif l-evoluzzjoni tat-teknoloġija u r-robustezza u d-disponibbiltà tad-dejta attwarjali qed jittrasformaw malajr il-futur tal-professjoni attwarjali.
Building a more sustainable insurance industry
Insurers are uniquely positioned to influence policyholders and policymakers as they tackle ESG challenges and shape the future of sustainable insurance.
Insurers increase investments in drones, robots
Wall Street Journal
Farmers Insurance this year plans to deploy a four-legged robot to inspect properties.
Risk managers tap into new technology
Assigurazzjoni tan-Negozju
Technology tools, including web portals and exposure mitigation techniques, have become critical parts of modern risk managers’ arsenals, helping to inform and automate a range of functions.
How top tech trends will transform insurance
McKinsey u l-Kumpanija
In the next decade, the fully tech-enabled insurer will bear little resemblance to today’s organization. Five trends will have a seismic impact.
Preserving the human touch in insurance claims transformations
As insurers let enabling technologies such as artificial intelligence handle an increasing share of claims, companies should enhance the capabilities and broaden the roles of claims professionals to reap the benefits of advanced tools while maintaining personal engagement at moments that matter.