liquified natural gas industry trends

Liquified natural gas industry trends

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Davos 2016 - forum debate: fossil fuel futures
Forum Ekonomiku Dinji Given regulatory and market changes, should energy companies and investors be planning for a post-fossil fuel future? This session is...
Exxon believes that global use of oil and gas will continue to increase
The largest fossil fuel company in the world predicts our energy mix won’t change a whole lot over the next 25 years. In fact, Exxon Mobil projects that oil and gas will actually increase by 2040, even as coal decreases a bit. This unfortunate future stems from the age-old conundrum of trying not to eat sugar when your pockets are full of candy. The Earth has so much fossil fuel, and it has beco
Clean energy is catching up to natural gas
The natural gas "bridge" to sustainability may be shorter than expected.
Column: Natural gas says it's no longer a transition fuel. It may be wrong - Russell
Natural gas is no longer merely a transition fuel between the past of dirty coal and crude oil and the future of renewables, according to an increasingly confident cross-section of the industry.
6 charts showing the renewables threat to natural gas
Green Tech Media
Rory McCarthy, senior storage analyst for Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables, illustrates how the business case for using renewables in place of natural gas is becoming more compelling following declines in solar and wind costs.
U.S. LNG exports are about to reshape the global market
The U.S. shift on shale has boosted its oil production significantly, yet there hasn't been the same uptick in terms of natural gas. All of that is about to change with LNG.
Here’s how a 100% renewable energy future can create jobs and even save the gas industry
Il Konversazzjoni
A new pathway for the global energy transition shows how the world can meet the Paris Agreement's 1.5C warming goal without relying on carbon capture and storage, by creating a renewable gas industry.
Europe stores electricity in gas pipes
Xjentifiku American
Converting excess wind and solar power into hydrogen can extend renewable energy’s reach
Succeeding amid uncertainty: A preview of the years ahead
With uncertainty and volatility here to stay, what could bring back balance to the oil and gas ecosystem?
Gas plants will get crushed by wind, solar by 2035, study says
Natural gas-fired power plants, which have crushed the economics of coal, are on the path to being undercut themselves by renewable power and big batteries, a study found.
Natural gas surpasses coal in carbon emissions
Better than coal, but not by much: efforts to market natural gas as "green" may be part of the problem
Il-wegħda falza ta’ “gass naturali rinnovabbli”
Mhuwiex sostitut għal bidla għal elettriku nadif.
The next energy battle: Renewables vs. natural gas
Il-New York Times
As coal declines and wind and solar energy rise, some are pushing to limit the use of natural gas, but utilities say they are not ready to do so.
Can anything challenge Qatar’s LNG dominance?
Prezz taż-Żejt
Qatar is doubling down on its LNG efforts, securing a major $750 million development deal and saving its highly-criticized energy relationship with Pakistan
L-LNG huwa lest għal ċiklu ta' tkabbir ġdid?
Injam Mackenzie
Iċ-Chairman u l-Analista Kap Simon Flowers jistaqsi jekk l-LNG huwiex lest għal ċiklu ta 'tkabbir ġdid. U jindirizza tliet sfidi ewlenin għall-industrija globali tal-LNG - provvista ġdida kompetittiva, l-effett taż-żieda fil-provvista tal-Istati Uniti, il-ħtieġa għall-promozzjoni tal-gass.
Il-Feds jiskopru l-akbar riżerva taż-żejt u tal-gass naturali fl-istorja
Nazzjonali Reviżjoni
Il-gvern federali skopra riżerva ġdida enormi ta 'żejt u gass naturali f'Texas u New Mexico.
Il-forza tax-xogħol taż-żejt u l-gass tal-Kanada se teħtieġ aktar minn talent
JWN Enerġija
Roy O. Christensen huwa l-fundatur tal-Proġett KT, li jipprovdi riżorsi ewlenin biex jissaħħaħ it-trasferiment tal-għarfien espert għal...
Il-Covid-19 qed jonqos id-dwal fil-Vjetnam
Asia Times
DA NANG - Il-Vjetnam kien qed jiffaċċja nuqqas imminenti ta 'enerġija u elettriku meta laqat il-koronavirus. Kumpaniji barranin taż-żejt u tal-gass inklużi