military industrial complex modernization trends

Military Industrial Complex modernization trends

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Kif kollox sar gwerra u l-militar sar kollox: Tales from the Pentagon
Ċentru tal-Università ta' Georgetown għall-Istudji tas-Sigurtà
Il-Professur tal-Liġi tal-GU Rosa Brooks tiddiskuti l-ktieb il-ġdid tagħha "Kif Kollox Sar Gwerra u l-Militar Sar Kollox: Tales mill-Pentagon".
The value of maintaining military bases abroad
Satellite images reveal Gulf states' ambitions to project power far beyond their borders.
Dan il-ġett tal-ġlied huwa diżastru, iżda l-Kungress jibqa’ jixtrih
Trump jgħid li l-F-35 jiswa wisq u mhux ħażin. Imma dan hu kontra. Sorsi:1:09
Il-kapaċità ta' manifattura addittiva tista' tiġġenera effiċjenzi futuri u iffrankar ta' spejjeż
Air Force
Il-manifattura addittiva, proċess komunement magħruf bħala stampar tridimensjonali, tiddeskrivi teknoloġiji li jibnu oġġetti 3-D billi jżidu saffi. Il-membri tat-tim fil-Fergħa tal-Innovazzjoni Teknoloġika f'Arnold Air Force Base qed iħarsu lejn l-AM bħala mod biex joħolqu,
Aerospace & defense 4.0
With some aerospace and defense organizations lagging in the adoption of Industry 4.0, what can A&D companies do better to achieve digital transformation?
The pentagon needs to woo AI experts away from big tech
Opinion: Without more DOD investment, there just aren’t enough incentives to lure talent away from high-paying jobs with great benefits into a life of public service.
The future of the navy IT modernization: Reflections on west 2020
Insider tat-Teknoloġija tal-Gvern
WEST 2020 was a memorable event for a couple of reasons. First, it is one of the only in-person conferences to have taken place this year. But, more At WEST 2020, the Navy looks to multi-cloud to empower the warfighter to meet the next generation of challenges and opportunities.
Air force rolls out advanced battle management system devices in Covid-19 fight
Intended to be demonstrated at an ABMS test in April, the Air Force has begun deploying unclassified personal devices that allow operators to access classified information.
Qegħdin naħsbu mill-ġdid il-mod kif il-veterani jgħaddu għall-forza tax-xogħol ċivili
300,000 veteran ġdid fis-sena huma impjiegi rakkomandati l-aktar ibbażati fuq it-titlu tax-xogħol militari preċedenti tagħhom, iżda l-biċċa l-kbira tal-veterani jħallu l-militar biex ifittxu sfidi ġodda u m'għandhomx idea minn fejn jibdew...
Army increases ‘gait’ to improve network connectivity
An Army tool is allowing tactical units to connect together at much faster rates across the world without the technical or bureaucratic hurdles that existed previously.
Ħames modi kif il-militar Amerikan se jinbidlu wara l-pandemija
Gwerra Fuq Il-Blat
Il-pandemija globali waslet biex tbiddel profondament ir-rwol tal-militar tal-Istati Uniti fid-difiża tal-Istati Uniti - anki jekk il-mexxejja tal-Pentagon għadhom ma jafux. Kif
Armies are mobilising against the coronavirus
The Economist
Soldiers are patrolling streets, running hospitals—and cancelling drills