private sector space commercialization trends

Private sector space commercialization trends

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Space Invaders: l-intraprendituri li jieħdu l-bnedmin fl-ispazju
The Economist joffri għarfien u opinjoni awtorevoli dwar aħbarijiet internazzjonali, politika, negozju, finanzi, xjenza, teknoloġija u l-konnessjonijiet bejniethom.
Qatt se mmorru lura lejn il-qamar? Ir-regolaturi tal-Istati Uniti se japprovaw it-tnedija fl-ispazju tal-kumpanija privata
Times Business Internazzjonali
Moon Express, waħda mis-16-il kumpanija li qed tipprova tkun l-ewwel kumpanija privata li tasal sal-qamar, dalwaqt tista’ tikseb l-approvazzjoni tal-Istati Uniti.
L-industrija spazjali se tkun tiswa kważi $ 3 triljun fi 30 sena, ibassar bank of America
Il-Bank of America Merrill Lynch jara d-daqs tal-industrija spazjali octupling matul it-tliet deċennji li ġejjin.
L-investituri jferrgħu kważi $1 biljun f'kumpaniji spazjali f'Q1
L-industrija spazjali bdiet l-ewwel kwart ta’ din is-sena kif spiċċat l-aħħar – b’mijiet ta’ miljuni f’fondi privati.
AI companies spot a business opportunity in space
How three artificial intelligence companies are predicting earthly trends, from space.
Why Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos are leading the new space race
The Herald
JEFF Bezos may be the richest man who ever lived but he is not one to squander his wealth on meaningless luxuries. Bezos, the founder and CEO of…
NASA just gave $44 million to 6 private companies including Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin to develop tipping point space technologies
Insider Negozju
NASA just awarded six private companies a total of $44 million as part of the agency's "Tipping Point" program. The contracts are designed to help the commercial space industry test next-generation technologies like new moon-landing systems and a method to recover expensive rocket engines.
Il-biljunarji li jalimentaw tellieqa spazjali
Jeff Bezos, Sir Richard Branson u Elon Musk huma fost numru ta’ intraprendituri b’ambizzjonijiet galattiċi.
SpaceX just docked the first commercial spaceship built for astronauts to the International Space Station. What NASA calls a historic achievement
Insider Negozju
A day after SpaceX launched the first human-rated commercial spaceship, International Space Station crew welcomed the ship to their flying home.
Rise of the astropreneurs
The space industry attracts more global attention every day. Investors from the public and private sectors are always looking for new…
Why hybrid systems will enable the united states’ space future
For the United States to lead the future of space innovation, a hybrid space architecture that leverages and unifies both "old" and "new" space industries must be created to form an integrated whole.
Yes, we can build industry in space and we should start now
A former NASA scientist says we have everything we need to mine and manufacture in the stars.
Morgan Stanley predicts space industry will triple in size. Here’s how to invest
Morgan Stanley estimates the space industry will grow into an economy worth more than $1.1 trillion by 2040.
Għaliex il-manifattura spazjali hija l-futur tal-industrija
It-Tieni Ħsieb
Ibni l-websajt professjonali tiegħek b'Wix! Għaliex il-Manifattura Spazjali hija l-Futur tal-Industrija – It-Tieni Ħsieb Għamilna...
Kif l-istampar 3D qed iħeġġeġ avvanzi rivoluzzjonarji fil-manifattura u d-disinn
NewsHour tal-PBS
Startup żagħżugħa msejħa Relativity qed timbotta t-teknoloġija spazjali 'l quddiem billi timbotta t-teknoloġija tal-istampar 3D sal-limiti tagħha, u tibni l-akbar printer 3D tal-metall...
Aħna qegħdin fuq il-punt ta 'rivoluzzjoni fit-titjiriet spazjali
Forsi ma tidhirx, imma l-umanità tinsab fuq il-punt ta’ rivoluzzjoni fit-titjiriet spazjali li se tbiddel l-istorja tal-futur. F'għalqa f'Boca Chica Texas, kumpanija Amerikana privata...
Coworking spaces : the future of workforce
If coworking spaces want to continue business-as-usual and ensure greater attraction of corporates towards them, they will have to implement heightened safety protocols, higher than a traditional office