telecommunications industry trends

Telecommunications industry trends

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32 cities want to challenge big telecom, build their own gigabit networks
Cities in at least seven states hope to challenge laws restricting community-owned broadband.
Twisted light could dramatically boost data rates
Spettru IEEE
Orbital angular momentum could take optical and radio communication to new heights
Two-way transceiver on a single chip could change wireless communication
Cornell engineers devise new method for separating wireless signals.
We can use existing telecom infrastructure for quantum communications
Using common protocols and materials, new research demonstrates the feasibility of using existing telecom infrastructure to create a secure quantum communications network.
Scientists want to punch holes in clouds with ultra-hot lasers from space
The satellite laser communication revolution is just around the corner, but it has one especially obstinate foe—overcast weather.
Microsoft tgħid li l-FCC "Tgħid 'il barra" id-disponibbiltà tal-broadband fl-Istati Uniti
Ma tistax tirranġa problema li ma tifhimx, u l-Amerika m'għandha l-ebda idea kemm huma ħżiena l-lakuni tagħha fil-kopertura tal-broadband.
Dajowd tal-lejżer stressat jista 'jwassal rati ta' data ta '200Gb/s
L-enfasi fuq diode tal-lejżer, u l-elettroni polarizzati spin jagħtu modulazzjoni ta '200GHz.
Bringing AI to the device: Edge AI chips come into their own
​If you love your smartphone's AI-enhanced camera, wait until you find out what edge AI chips could do for enterprise.
Netwerks 5G privati: Intrapriża mhux marbuta
L-istandards il-ġodda tal-5G għall-intrapriża se jiftħu l-għargħar għal għadd ta 'applikazzjonijiet li qabel ma kinux fattibbli f'fabbriki, imħażen, portijiet, u aktar.
ICT industry to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 45% by 2030
New Europe
The new standard developed by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) is expected to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 45% from 2020 to 2030.

The so-called ITU L.1470, which is a non binding recommendation, sets out the first Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sec
How blockchain is revolutionizing business-communication networks
The surging technology has transformed how companies function in more ways than one.
Telecom’s 5G future
<p>5G, edge computing, and AI are expected to enable new use cases in vertical industries and accelerate Industry 4.0 adoption.</p>
Nokia touts 30% base station energy savings with 5G cooling tech
Wireless Ħarxa
In what Nokia’s touted as a world-first, mobile operator Elisa deployed the vendor’s 5G liquid cooling base station technology in Finland to help significantly reduce power consumption and cut CO2 emissions.
China successfully builds laser communication links for new-generation space-borne IoT project
Global TImes
China’s new-generation space-borne Internet-of-Things (IoT) project codenamed Xingyun-2 has successfully completed the communication link between the first two satellites in the network, marking a historical first in the country’s IoT space network, the Global Times learned from the developer on Thursday.
The 5G network slicing opportunity
As communication service providers deploy 5G, they are looking to use network slicing to push growth opportunities beyond offering simple connectivity.
Revolutionary quantum cryptography breakthrough paves way for safer online communication
The world is one step closer to having a totally secure internet and an answer to the growing threat of cyber-attacks, thanks to a team of international scientists who have created a unique prototype that could transform how we communicate online. The invention led by the University of Bristol, r
The telecom sector in 2020 and beyond
In this video, McKinsey partners discuss how COVID-19 has changed the telecommunications industry--and what lies ahead for telcos.
Industry Voices—Walker: The hidden truth about 5G is layoffs
Telecom ħarxa
Last month’s Mobile World Congress was full of excitement about 5G and growth opportunities in areas like connected cars, but telco revenues have been stagnant for years. To afford the network upgrades that loom in the next 2 to 3 years, telcos are getting serious about cutting labor costs.
2020 Telecommunications industry outlook
Our latest trends report explores new technologies, challenges, growth opportunities, and key emerging areas in the telecommunications industry.
How telecom sector is coping with a 10% data demand spike amid Covid-19
Standard Kummerċjali
Read more about How telecom sector is coping with a 10% data demand spike amid Covid-19 on Business Standard. Data demand sees a 10% surge as people step up work from home over Covid-19, Here's how telecoms are responding to the demand and encouraging more people to work from home
Bringing AI to the device: Edge AI chips come into their own
​If you love your smartphone's AI-enhanced camera, wait until you find out what edge AI chips could do for enterprise.
Ksib ta 'vantaġġ intelliġenti: Edge computing u l-intelliġenza jistgħu jimbuttaw it-tkabbir tat-teknoloġija u tat-telekomunikazzjoni
It-tarf intelliġenti huwa lest biex jimbotta kumpaniji tat-teknoloġija u tat-telekomunikazzjoni lejn il-ġenerazzjoni li jmiss ta 'konnettività u effiċjenza, u jmexxi mewġa oħra ta' tkabbir tal-industrija.
The next-generation radio access network: Open and virtualized RANs are the future of mobile networks
Virtualized and open RANs may represent the future of mobile networks, offering mobile network operators the potential to reduce costs and increase vendor choice as they adopt 5G.
How Starlink is about to disrupt the telecommunications sector
If the logo doesn’t ring a bell, put it on your radar. Starlink, the satellite telecommunications company created by Elon Musk leveraging SpaceX’s rocket development, continues to complete milestones…
Vodafone selects key partners to build Europe's first commercial Open RAN network
Dell Technologies, NEC, Samsung, Wind River, Capgemini Engineering and Keysight Technologies selected to build one of the largest Open RAN networks in the world.