animal and plant extinction trends

Animal and plant extinction trends

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Mass extinctions tied to past climate changes
Scientific American
Fossil and temperature records over the past 520 million years show a correlation between extinctions and climate change
When the party’s over: Permian mass extinction
Read The Science
Posts about mass extinction written by amyhuva
Earth faces sixth ‘great extinction’ with 41% of amphibians set to go the way of the dodo
The Guardian
Analysis for prestigious Nature magazine sounds alarm on the way that human activity, from overfishing to agriculture, is forcing a vast number of species to vanish from the wild
Mennesker kan forårsake den sjette store utryddelsen på en halv milliard år
En ny vitenskapelig analyse sier at så mye som 75 prosent av livet på jorden kan bli utryddet innen 2200 på grunn av overjakt, ødeleggelse av habitater og klimaendringer.
I verdens 'sjette utryddelse', er mennesker asteroiden?
Forskere tror en asteroide drepte dinosaurene. I dagens utryddelse er det mennesker som er synderen. Opprinnelig sendt 12. februar 2014.
Havlivet står overfor masseutryddelse, sier bred studie
New York Times
Forskere finner det de sier er klare tegn på at mennesker begynner å skade hav i enestående skala.
Before we damage the oceans any further, it would be nice to know what actually lives there
The Washington Post
Scientists are using "underwater condos" to study the vast number of marine species that have never even been named.
Døde soner uten marint liv funnet i Atlanterhavet for første gang
Størrelsen og antallet marine døde soner har vokst eksplosivt i løpet av det siste halve århundret. I en alarmerende oppdagelse sa marinbiologer at de
DNA evidence proves climate change killed off prehistoric megafauna
Den Conversation
Animals that couldn't adapt to rapid warming quickly succumbed.
Stalling action on climate change means animal species will disappear
Washington Post
Regarding the Dec. 21 news article “Trump’s team asks State about environmental funding ”: This is bad news for the environment and the creatures we share it with. Long after President-elect Donald...
Sixth mass extinction: The era of 'biological annihilation'
Many scientists say it's clear that Earth is entering its sixth mass-extinction, meaning three-quarters of all species could disappear in the coming centuries.
The terrifying phenomenon that is pushing species towards extinction
The Guardian
Scientists are alarmed by a rise in mass mortality events  when species die in their thousands. Is it all down to climate change?
Our planet's largest mass extinction had warning signs - and they're happening again
Science Alert

Mass extinctions don't just come unannounced. In fact, we're staring down the barrel of the latest one, according to new research.
Ny studie finner at klimaendringer truer marine beskyttede områder
Ny forskning fra University of North Carolina i Chapel Hill og samarbeidspartnere fant at det meste av livet i havet i marine beskyttede områder ikke vil være i stand til å tolerere oppvarming av havtemperaturer forårsaket av klimagassutslipp. Studien fant at med fortsatt "business-as-usual"-utslipp, vil beskyttelsen som er på plass ikke spille noen rolle, fordi innen 2100, oppvarming og redusert oksygenkonsentrasjon
Population declines linked to a rapidly warming climate
Bird Guides
The speed at which the planet is warming is playing a key role in the decline of bird and mammal species, new research has revealed.
Half the planet should be set aside for wildlife – to save ourselves
Ny vitenskapsmann
If we want to avoid extinctions and preserve the ecosystems all life depends on, half of the Earth’s land and oceans should be protected by 2050, say biologists
Globalt tap av arter kan halveres
Utryddelsesrisikoen kan reduseres med mer enn 50 % hvis minst 30 % av landet skulle bevares over tropene, viser en ny studie.
One million species at risk of extinction, UN report warns
National Geographic
A landmark global assessment warns that the window is closing to safeguard biodiversity and a healthy planet. Yet solutions are in sight.