semiconductor industry trends

Semiconductor industry trends


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Pig brains kept alive outside bodies for first time could have major implications for humans
The Independent
Experiment raises concerns about ethics of future research into brains in laboratories
How the technology industry is beginning to rethink Moore’s Law
Guest Technology providers that collectively adapt and embrace bold, new ideas will not only survive, but thrive.
Introducing a brain-inspired computer
Introducing A Brain-inspired Computer and an End-to-End Ecosystem that Could Revolutionize Computing
Никакого закона Мура: технологии будущего появятся благодаря открытым инновациям
The Telegraph
Реальный экономический рост зависит от реальных инноваций, и технологии будут играть ключевую роль, говорит профессор Юджин А. Фицджеральд
Nantero's radical carbon-nanotube memory could replace SSDs and DRAM
PC World
Nantero's new carbon-nanotube chips could replace DRAM, solid-state and hard drives in PCs, and bring more storage to wearables
Moore's Law is dead
Business Insider
"We’re hitting limits with how small we can make these components."
Meet the memcomputer: the brain-like alternative to quantum computing
Popular Mechanics
This computer works like the brain: It stores and processes info simultaneously.
IBM discloses working version of a much higher-capacity chip
New York Times
A consortium of which the company is a part has made working versions of ultradense seven-nanometer chips, capable of holding much more information than existing chips.
Moore’s law is showing its age
Wall Street Journal
The prediction that chip makers would squeeze roughly twice as many transistors into the same area of silicon every year has been revised again.
На этот раз закон Мура действительно мертв
The chip industry is no longer going to treat Gordon Moore's law as the target to aim for.
Google ускоряет задачи машинного обучения с помощью специального чипа TPU
Виртуальная платформа Google
Editor's Update June 27, 2017: We recently announced Cloud TPUs.Machine learning provides the underlying oomph to many of Google’s most-loved applications.
Технология ежеквартально после закона Мура
The Economist предлагает авторитетную информацию и мнения о международных новостях, политике, бизнесе, финансах, науке, технологиях и связях между ними.
'Miracle' computer chip gives big boost to artificial intelligence
Nvidia says the Tesla P100 is the largest computer chip ever made and will give a huge boost to the AI industry.
Google's tensor processing unit could advance Moore's law 7 years into the future
PC World
Google unveils custom TPU chip, which it says advances computing performance by three generations.
Alchemy can't save Moore's law
Следующая платформа
We don’t have a Moore’s Law problem so much as we have a materials science or alchemy problem. If you believe in materials science, what seems abundantly
Революционный фотонный процессор на основе света может обеспечить сверхбыструю передачу данных
PC World
Используя свет вместо электричества, исследователи предполагают, что полоса пропускания будет увеличена в 10–50 раз при меньшем потреблении энергии.
Moore’s law is probably dead
Is there any concept in technology circles more talked about than Moore’s Law? Coined in 1965 by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, Moore’s Law predicted the doubling of transistors per chip every two…
Почему отмена закона Мура может привести к появлению более человекоподобных машин
John Smart, a prominent futurist and writer told WIRED that Moore’s law ending allows us to jump from artificial machine intelligence – a top down, human engineered approach; to natural machine intelligence
Proof that Moore’s Law has been replaced by a Virtual Moore’s Law that is accelerating and bringing the singularity with it
Спасательная шлюпка

Moore’s Law says that the number of transistors per square inch will double approximately every 18 months. This article will show how many technologies are providing us with a new Virtual Moore’s Law that proves computer performance will at least double every 18 months for the foreseeable future thanks to many new technological developments.

This Virtual Moore’s Law is propell
Artificial intelligence is awakening the chip industry’s animal spirits
The Economist
Generalist chips are ceding some of the savannah to new, specialist processors
Tiny giant: This bitty switch aims to supercharge 5G mobile networks
The flight attendants are about to shut the cabin doors when you realize you forgot to download that sci-fi blockbuster you were looking forward to watching during the flight. As they tell you to shut down your personal devices, you press the download button. Before they’ve arrived at your row to demand you shut it off, the entire high-definition movie has flooded into your phone and it’s alre
Точка схода: появление невидимого компьютера
The Guardian.
The long read: For decades, computers have got smaller and more powerful, enabling huge scientific progress. But this cant go on for ever. What happens when they stop shrinking?
Вычисления следующего поколения: мемристорные чипы, которые видят узоры по пикселям
Inspired by how mammals see, a new 'memristor' computer circuit prototype at the University of Michigan has the potential to process complex data, such as images and video orders of magnitude, faster and with much less power than today's most advanced systems.
Why IBM’S five-nanometer chip is a breakthrough
It's smaller than a virus, but it will keep the industry on track for Moore’s Law.
U.S. military sees future in neuromorphic computing
Следующая платформа
The novel architectures story is still shaping out for 2017 when it comes machine learning, hyperscale, supercomputing and other areas. From custom ASICs
Intel plans to ship its first-generation Neural Network Processor by the end of the year
Venture Beat
Intel’s hardware for accelerating AI computation is finally on its way to customers. The company announced today that its first-generation Neural Network Processor, code named “Lake Crest,” will be rolling out to a small set of partners soon to help them drastically accelerate how much machine learn…
Chipmakers look to new materials
Chipmakers Look To New Materials Silicon will be supplemented by 2D materials to extend Moore’s Law.
We can now store light as sound, and it's a game changer for computing
Предупреждение о науке

Last year, scientists took a big step towards creating the next generation of computers.
Hardware revolution? China invents new memory chip that may change modern computer structure
Scientists in Shanghai invented a brand new type of computer memory that is both fast and durable, solving the trouble of previous types which can only maintain one of the two characteristics.
Valleytronics discovery could extend limits of Moore’s law
Лаборатория Беркли
Research appearing today in Nature Communications finds useful new information-handling potential in samples of tin(II) sulfide (SnS), a candidate 'valleytronics' transistor material that might one day enable chipmakers to pack more computing power onto microchips.
Google announces a new generation for its TPU machine learning hardware
As the war for creating customized AI hardware heats up, Google announced at Google I/O 2018 that is rolling out out its third generation of silicon, the Tensor Processor Unit 3.0. Google CEO Sundar Pichai said the new TPU pod is eight times more powerful than last year, with up to 100 petaflops in performance. Google […]
Why the discovery of room-temperature superconductors would unleash amazing technologies
Singularity Hub
To date, most superconductor applications have been limited to situations where you can afford to cool the components of your system to close to absolute zero. But many physicists believe a room-temperature superconductor could exist—and they're searching for it. Such a discovery would unleash amazing new technologies.
How Intel’s 9th Gen chips show the way forward after Moore’s Law
Intel’s 9th Gen chips aren’t a massive leap ahead, but they show how the company is adapting for the future and the inevitable end of Moore’s Law
Google says 'exponential' growth of AI is changing nature of compute
Google software engineer Cliff Young explains how the explosion in deep learning algorithms is coinciding with a breakdown in Moore's Law, the decades-old rule of thumb of progress in computer chips, forcing radical new computer designs.
To keep pace with Moore's Law, chipmakers turn to 'Chiplets'
AMD and Intel are combining modular pieces of silicon into a single chip, like assembling Lego blocks.
Нейроморфные вычисления имеют большое значение для ИИ, но что это такое?
YouTube – Искатель
Создание компьютеров, которые будут работать как мозг, может произвести революцию в технологии, какой мы ее знаем. Вот все, что вам нужно знать о нейроморфных вычислениях. Получите 2...
New technologies give neuromorphic computing better memories
Следующая платформа
Interest in neuromorphic computing has spurred research into new types of memory devices that can replicate the function of biological neurons and
Intel покупает чип искусственного интеллекта, который может передавать данные в 1,000 раз быстрее
MIT Technology Review
Intel и другие инвестируют 13 миллионов долларов в Untether AI, стартап, который работает над новым типом чипа для искусственного интеллекта, который обещает выполнять вычисления нейронной сети с невероятной скоростью. Ускорение: компания Untether, базирующаяся в Торонто, Канада, уже разработала прототип устройства, которое передает данные между различными частями чипа в 1,000 раз больше…
Atomically thin material could cut need for transistors in half
It can do AND or OR logic in a single transistor, switch states using light.
Fudan research team makes chip breakthrough
China Daily
A research team from Fudan University has discovered a novel basic architecture for chips that is expected to achieve higher area efficiency through halving the space of logic gate, or the elementary building block of a digital circuit.
Chip design drastically reduces energy needed to compute with light
Новости MIT
MIT researchers have developed a “photonic” artificial intelligence (AI) accelerator that computes using light instead of electricity — and consumes relatively little power in the process — to run massive neural networks millions of times more efficiently than today’s classical computers.
Intel debuts new interconnects for tomorrow’s modular, 3-D chips
Intel debuts new interconnects for tomorrow’s modular, 3-D chips - SiliconANGLE
Новые чипы Intel для искусственного интеллекта могут обрабатывать данные в 1,000 раз быстрее, чем обычные
MIT Technology Review
Аппаратное обеспечение уже используется для улучшения работы таких вещей, как протезы конечностей. Новость: Intel только что представила Pohoiki Beach, систему, которая содержит 64 своих процессора Loihi AI. Это так называемые нейроморфные чипы, которые стремятся имитировать способность к обучению и энергоэффективность человеческого мозга. Хотя технология…
Нейроморфная система Intel насчитывает 8 миллионов нейронов, а к 100 году их будет 2020 миллионов
MIT Technology Review
Исследователи могут использовать 64-чиповую систему Pohoiki Beach, чтобы создать системы, которые обучаются и видят мир, более похожие на людей.
China pumps up the hype about A.I. with oddball computer chip
Nature magazine's cover story is about a Chinese chip that can run traditional deep learning code and also perform "neuromorophic" operations in the same circuitry. The work’s value seems obscured by a lot of hype about "artificial general intelligence" that has no real justification.
Heterostructure crystals could light the way to optical circuits
It may be possible to reach new levels of miniaturization, speed, and data processing with optical quantum computers, which use light to carry information. For this, we need materials that can absorb and transmit photons. Scientists have introduced a new strategy for constructing photonic heterostructure crystals with tunable properties. Using a crystalline rod with stripes that fluoresce in diffe
To power AI, this startup built a really, really big chip
Many computer chips are smaller than your fingernail. Cerebras' new chip for AI systems is bigger than a standard iPad.
TSMC thinks it can uphold Moore’s Law for decades
Следующая платформа
If you thought the gang at Intel were Moore’s Law biggest devotees, you probably haven’t heard Philip Wong expound on the subject. Wong, who is vice
The extreme physics pushing Moore’s Law to the next level
A look inside a new precision machine that wants to reinvent the chip making industry. »Subscribe to Seeker! »Watch more Focal ...
Intel throws down AI gauntlet with neural network chips
Следующая платформа
At this year’s Intel AI Summit, the chipmaker demonstrated its first-generation Neural Network Processors (NNP): NNP-T for training and NNP-I for
Intel: Reports of Moore's Law's death have been greatly exaggerated
But the future of computing may look very different from today's smartphones.
Nvidia unveils Orin, its next-gen SOC for autonomous vehicles and robots
Nvidia also said it will give the transportation industry access to its Nvidia Drive deep neural networks for autonomous vehicle development.
Beyond Moore’s Law: 3D silicon circuits take transistor arrays into the third dimension
Silicon integrated circuits, which are used in computer processors, are approaching the maximum feasible density of transistors on a single chip—at least, in two-dimensional arrays. Now, a team of engineers at the University of Michigan have stacked a second layer of transistors directly atop a s
Стэнфордский университет обнаружил, что ИИ опережает закон Мура
Согласно отчету AI Index Стэндфордского университета за 2019 год, каждые три месяца скорость вычислений искусственного интеллекта удваивается.
A computer made from DNA can compute the square root of 900
A DNA computer consisting of strands of DNA in a test tube can calculate the square root of numbers up to 900
Google is using AI to design chips that will accelerate AI
MIT Technology Review
A new reinforcement-learning algorithm has learned to optimize the placement of components on a computer chip to make it more efficient and less power-hungry. 3D Tetris: Chip placement, also known as chip floor planning, is a complex three-dimensional design problem. It requires the careful configuration of hundreds, sometimes thousands, of components across multiple layers in…
After 50 years of effort, researchers made silicon emit light
We’re approaching the speed limit for electronic computer chips. If we want to go faster, we’ll need data-carrying photons—and some tiny lasers.
Artificial intelligence chip market to reflect impressive expansion during 2018 – 2028
Digital Journal
Digital Journal is a digital media news network with thousands of Digital Journalists in 200 countries around the world. Join us!
Вычислительная мощность может продолжать расти по мере того, как действует закон Мура. Вот как
Singularity Hub
Становится все более важным переориентировать усилия ученых-компьютерщиков на оптимизацию всех элементов вычислительного стека для повышения производительности.
Intel will soon bake anti-malware defenses directly into its CPUs
Control-Flow Enforcement Technology will debut in Tiger Lake microarchitecture.
Electronic components join forces to take up 10 times less space on computer chips
Electronic filters are essential to the inner workings of our phones and other wireless devices. They eliminate or enhance specific input signals to achieve the desired output signals. They are essential, but take up space on the chips that researchers are on a constant quest to make smaller. A new study demonstrates the successful integration of the individual elements that make up electronic fil