3D printers create manufacturing revolution

3D printers create manufacturing revolution

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askFSU 2- Rob Mueller at NASA swampworks and 3D printing on Mars
NASA swampworks
Rob Mueller, Lead Senior Technologist at NASA Swampworks answers some questions about his project to 3D print on Mars and other space objects! Interview by P...
Adding new layers to 3-D printing
The world is in the early stages of another industrial revolution, one that could reverse some aspects of globalization. Additive manufacturing, more commonly known as 3-D printing, as well as intelligent industrial robotics and other software-based manufacturing technologies, are reducing the advantage of low labor costs.
100x تيز، 10x سستا: 3D ميٽيل پرنٽنگ مرڪزي ڌارا ۾ وڃڻ واري آھي
نيو ائٽلس
ڊيسڪ ٽاپ ڌاتو - نالو ياد ڪريو. هي ميساچوسٽس ڪمپني تيار ڪري رهي آهي پيداواري ڪم کي پنهنجي سر تي، هڪ 3D ميٽيل پرنٽنگ سسٽم سان جيڪو ايترو تيز، محفوظ ۽ موجوده سسٽم کان سستو آهي جو اهو روايتي ماس پيداواري عمل سان مقابلو ڪرڻ وارو آهي.
Algorithm cuts 3d printing time in half
3D printing takes so long because the machines vibrate too much when running quickly. New software could fix that.
Twin cold spray robots allow GE to 3D print metal parts on unprecedented scale
GE is using a supersonic cold spray 3D printing system to fabricate large metal parts such as jet engine airfoils. The system consists of two robotic arms, one of which holds the part while the other sprays it with a barrage of metal powder.
How 3D printed pills are personalizing medicine
3D printing technology enables doctors and pharmaceutical companies to manufacture drugs tailored to the specific needs of individual patients--taking into account their age, weight, race, and kidney and liver functions to increase the effectiveness while reducing side-effects. Yet what are the potential effects of 3D printed drugs on the medical industry?