3D printers create manufacturing revolution

3D printers create manufacturing revolution

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askFSU 2- Rob Mueller at NASA swampworks and 3D printing on Mars
NASA swampworks
Rob Mueller, Lead Senior Technologist at NASA Swampworks answers some questions about his project to 3D print on Mars and other space objects! Interview by P...
Adding new layers to 3-D printing
The world is in the early stages of another industrial revolution, one that could reverse some aspects of globalization. Additive manufacturing, more commonly known as 3-D printing, as well as intelligent industrial robotics and other software-based manufacturing technologies, are reducing the advantage of low labor costs.
100x faster, 10x cheaper: 3D metal printing is about to go mainstream
New Atlas
Desktop Metal - remember the name. This Massachussetts company is preparing to turn manufacturing on its head, with a 3D metal printing system that's so much faster, safer and cheaper than existing systems that it's going to compete with traditional mass manufacturing processes.
Algorithm cuts 3d printing time in half
3D printing takes so long because the machines vibrate too much when running quickly. New software could fix that.
Robotyada buufinta qabow ee mataanaha ah waxay u oggolaanayaan GE inay daabacaan qaybo bir ah oo 3D ah miisaan aan hore loo arag
GE waxay adeegsanaysaa nidaamka daabacaadda buufinta qabow ee supersonic 3D si ay u abuurto qaybo waaweyn oo bir ah sida jet foils hawada. Nidaamku wuxuu ka kooban yahay laba gacmood oo Robot ah, oo mid ka mid ah uu hayo qaybta halka kan kalena uu ku buufiyo budada birta ah.
Sida kaniiniyada daabacan ee 3D ay u shakhsiyeeyaan daawada
Tiknoolajiyada daabacaadda 3D waxay awood u siinaysaa dhakhaatiirta iyo shirkadaha dawooyinka inay soo saaraan dawooyin ku habboon baahiyaha gaarka ah ee bukaannada gaarka ah - iyada oo la tixgelinayo da'dooda, miisaankooda, jinsigooda, iyo shaqada kelyaha iyo beerka si loo kordhiyo waxtarka iyada oo la yareynayo waxyeellooyinka. Haddana waa maxay saamaynta iman karta ee dawooyinka daabacan ee 3D ay ku yeelan karaan warshadaha caafimaadka?