Freight shipment trends

Freight shipment trends

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Најпрометније контејнерске луке на свету - инфографика
Откријте магију интернета у Имгуру, забавној дестинацији коју покреће заједница. Подигните расположење смешним шалама, мемовима у тренду, забавним гифовима, инспиративним причама, виралним видео снимцима и још много тога.
Google drone guru says air deliveries coming as soon as next year
Dave Vos, head of Google's drone delivery program, said that drone deliveries are coming within the next one to three years.
Why billions of dollars of goods are stuck at sea
The container-shipping business is in crisis
Domino’s is the best delivery startup in America
An ode to the pizza borg that will let us order via app or bot, from sea to shining sea, in the middle of San Francisco or the outskirts of Sheboygan
Why the global shipping industry will be tough to salvage
The political order that defines the world is changing, and with it, the global shipping industry. The advent of container shipping in the mid-1950s propelled the age of globalization forward as the world's biggest economies forged new and closer trade links with one another. International trade is now undergoing another massive overhaul as the rise of Western isolationism, the restructuring of Ch
Surviving the glut in global shipping
The growth of container ship capacity continues to outpace the uptick in shipping demand, creating a wave of consolidation as carriers try to stay afloat. But thanks to the extra space the gigantic vessels provided, shipping costs and shipyard fees have declined, encouraging companies to capitalize on low prices by buying even more vessels.
Зашто испорука дронова има још дуг пут пре него што полети
Ретаил Диве

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Why the future of shipping is looking green and autonomous
The shipping industry is steadily becoming more eco-concious and more autonomous.
AI partnership to control world’s busiest shipping lanes
Port Technology
A new public-private partnership is developing AI and big data technologies for vessel traffic management in the Port of Singapore
Chinese port goes full robot with autonomous trucks and cranes
Сингуларити Хуб
Caofeidian is set to become the world’s first fully autonomous harbor by the end of the year. The US-Chinese startup TuSimple will replace human-driven terminal tractor-trucks with 20 self-driving models. A separate company handles crane automation, and a central control system will coordinate the movements of both.
Bosch looks into the future of trucking
Truck News
FARMINGTON HILLS, Mich. – To say Bosch is optimistic about the future of trucking is an understatement. The technology solutions company laid out its
Digital Inventory: How 3D printing lets manufacturers rely less on warehouses of stuff
On-demand localized production via 3D printing is leading to new workflows as digital inventories enable more global supply chain agility.
The rise of the delivery AVs
A new report says autonomous vehicles could deliver goods cheaper and faster.
Visualizing the world's busiest ports
Over the past decade, China has emerged as the heavyweight champion of world shipping.
Нуро возила доносе намирнице до вашег прага
ИоуТубе – Република Аризона
Нуро се удружио са Фри'с Фоод Сторес како би користио своја аутономна возила за испоруку намирница у Скотсдејлу. Пратите причу на хттпс://бит.ли/2ФМП4мВ. ...
Аутономни робот-пас испоручује пакет на ЦЕС-у
ИоуТубе - Дезеен
Прочитајте више на Дезеен-у: хттпс://ввв.дезеен.цом/?п=1312918 ПОГЛЕДАЈТЕ СЛЕДЕЋЕ: Боеингова самопилотирана путничка дрон завршила први пробни лет - хттпс://иоуту.бе/пв4А9...
Теретни дронови могли би бити будућност бродарске индустрије
Савремени ланац снабдевања постоји са ограниченим структурним променама више од 50 година. Дронови за тешке терете могли би да уздрмају ствари.
Аутономни роботи за испоруку могли би да смање цену испоруке последње миље за 20 пута
АРК Инвест
Како би хладњак на точковима који путују четири миље на сат могао да промени логистику какву данас познајемо? АРК-ово истраживање сугерише да би аутономни роботи за испоруку могли...
The fallout from container port automation
A study sponsored by Canadian dockworkers has tried to quantify the impact of container terminal automation.
Како се глобални шпедитери развијају да би испунили сутрашњу потражњу?
Потрошачи наручују све више артикала и очекују испоруку што пре. Како транспортни и логистички провајдери обликују будућност кретања робе?
Delivering shipment zero, a vision for net zero carbon shipments
Shipment Zero is Amazon’s vision to make all Amazon shipments net zero carbon, with 50% of all shipments net zero by 2030.