Органоїди COVID-19: органи, виготовлені в лабораторії, полегшують дослідження

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Органоїди COVID-19: органи, виготовлені в лабораторії, полегшують дослідження

Органоїди COVID-19: органи, виготовлені в лабораторії, полегшують дослідження

Текст підзаголовка
Органоїдна технологія дозволяє дослідникам культивувати органи на чашці Петрі та спостерігати за дією вірусу.
    • Автор:
    • ім'я автора
      Quantumrun Foresight
    • Листопад 15, 2022

    Короткий огляд

    Organoids, miniature organs derived from stem cells, are revolutionizing our understanding of COVID-19 by closely mimicking human tissue response. They provide valuable insights into the virus's impact on various organs, aiding in the development of targeted therapies and vaccines. The implications of organoid research extend beyond the lab, potentially influencing educational curricula, regulatory policies, and personalized medical treatments.

    COVID-19 organoids context

    The use of organoids for COVID-19 research enabled the rapid development of strategies to tackle the disease, including vaccines and therapeutics. Organoids reflect human physiology more closely than other model systems and have successfully revealed the effects of the virus in different organs as well as potential drug candidates that impact the disease. They are miniature, self-organizing organs generated from adult stem cells that present a more accurate representation of live tissue than conventional cell lines or animal models. 

    The expansion of organoid research and testing allowed for different research fields to further investigate, including disease modeling, host-pathogen interaction, and patient-derived organoid biobanks. For instance, in 2022, researchers applied human lung organoids to study respiratory diseases such as a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza. The researchers found that both viruses impaired the growth of lung organoids.

    These results provide critical insights into the behavior of respiratory diseases. In particular, the study showed that organoids could be used to model human diseases in a controlled environment, which scientists can use for drug screening and other research purposes.

    Руйнівний вплив

    Several organoids have been used to study different effects of the coronavirus. The lung organoid, in particular, was the primary focal point of these experiments, as this organ is the most affected. The studies cover various topics, including how: 

    • the virus spreads, 
    • the host responds, 
    • genetic variation affects virus susceptibility, and 
    • potential new drugs may interact with the organoid. 

    In contrast, brain organoids helped scientists determine how people have lost their sense of smell after infection. Results suggest that SARS-CoV-2 might be a neurotropic virus (a virus that attacks the nervous system primarily). Scientists also found viral RNA in brain samples from infected patients. Studies on gut organoids revealed how the virus provoked gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and stomach aches. Other organoids included in COVID studies are blood vessels, kidneys, livers, and eye samples.

    However, the human organoid system has some disadvantages. Organoid cultures are expensive to manage and difficult to control. They also lack many physiological aspects of live models. Additionally, anti-viral responses and cellular tropism often vary among different studies. One possible reason for the inconsistency could be the lack of standardized protocols among other labs. A lack of standardization may affect the organoids' maturation status and cellular composition. 

    Implications of COVID-19 organoids

    Wider implications of COVID-19 organoids may include: 

    • Pharmaceutical companies increasingly using organoids to develop new vaccines and conduct human trials faster.
    • More scientists training in the application of organoids, including how to design them and monitor them as they respond to various experimental drugs.
    • Organoids being used in training programs for a range of medical researchers and scientists.
    • The creation of interconnected organoids resembling human biology, this trend can help researchers conduct more accurate experiments on the effects of COVID-19 and other viruses.
    • Organoids being used to study post-infection status, including long-term effects on the lungs, heart, and brain.
    • Hospitals incorporating organoid-based techniques to personalize patient treatment plans, enhancing recovery and reducing side effects.
    • Educational institutions modifying curricula to include organoid technology, equipping future healthcare professionals with cutting-edge skills.
    • Regulatory agencies adapting guidelines to oversee organoid research and application, ensuring ethical and safe practices in medical advancements.

    Питання для розгляду

    • How else can organoids help scientists know more about various infectious diseases?
    • What might be the other potential challenges of experimenting with organoids?

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