izibikezelo zesayensi zika-2017 | Umugqa wesikhathi wesikhathi esizayo

Funda izibikezelo zesayensi zika-2017, unyaka ozobona umhlaba ushintsha ngenxa yokuphazamiseka kwesayensi okuzothinta imikhakha eyahlukene—futhi sihlola eziningi zazo ngezansi. Ikusasa lakho, thola ukuthi ukuphi.

I-Quantumrun Foresight walungisa lolu hlu; Inkampani yezokubonisana ngekusasa esebenzisa amasu okubona kusengaphambili ukuze isize izinkampani zichume kusukela kumathrendi azayo. Lesi ngesinye nje sezinto eziningi ezingase zibe khona umphakathi esikhathini esizayo.

izibikezelo zesayensi zika-2017

  • The world's first Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG) platform begins operations. 1
  • The Cheops satellite is launched to study exoplanets 1
  • The world's first Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG) platform begins operations 1
  • Global reserves of Hafnium is fully mined and depleted1
  • NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) test launches1
  • SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft delivers humans to ISS1
  • Boeing's Crew Space Transportation (CST)-100 delivers humans to ISS1
Ngo-2017, inani lempumelelo yesayensi namathrendi azotholakala emphakathini, isibonelo:
  • The Cheops satellite is launched to study exoplanets 1
  • The world's first Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG) platform begins operations 1
  • Global reserves of Hafnium is fully mined and depleted 1
  • NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) test launches 1
  • Boeing's Crew Space Transportation (CST)-100 delivers humans to ISS 1
  • SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft delivers humans to ISS 1
Izibikezelo ezihlobene nesayensi ngenxa yokuba nomthelela ngo-2017 zihlanganisa:

Izindatshana zobuchwepheshe ezihlobene zango-2017:

Buka wonke amathrendi angu-2017

Zitholele okuthrendayo komunye unyaka ozayo usebenzisa izinkinobho zomugqa wesikhathi ngezansi