South Africa predictions for 2025

Read 13 predictions about South Africa in 2025, a year that will see this country experience significant change in its politics, economics, technology, culture, and environment. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

International relations predictions for South Africa in 2025

International relations predictions to impact South Africa in 2025 include:

Politics predictions for South Africa in 2025

Politics related predictions to impact South Africa in 2025 include:

Government predictions for South Africa in 2025

Government related predictions to impact South Africa in 2025 include:

  • Despite some progress in addressing compliance with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), South Africa remains on the watchdog's gray list (increased monitoring). Likelihood: 70 percent.1

Economy predictions for South Africa in 2025

Economy related predictions to impact South Africa in 2025 include:

  • The government adds a surcharge on personal income tax and a payroll-based tax to raise the necessary funds for National Health Insurance. Likelihood: 75%1
  • South Africa to roll out sweeping health reform in stages.Link

Technology predictions for South Africa in 2025

Technology related predictions to impact South Africa in 2025 include:

  • Since 2020, Africa’s largest data science academy, Explore Data Science Academy (EDSA), has trained 5,000 data scientists for jobs in South Africa. Likelihood: 80%1
  • South African data science academy targets 5000 new data scientists by 2025.Link

Culture predictions for South Africa in 2025

Culture related predictions to impact South Africa in 2025 include:

Defense predictions for in 2025

Defense related predictions to impact South Africa in 2025 include:

Infrastructure predictions for South Africa in 2025

Infrastructure related predictions to impact South Africa in 2025 include:

  • South Africa's state power utility Eskom's transmission company becomes operational. Likelihood: 65 percent.1
  • Automaker Stellantis builds its first plant in the country. Likelihood: 65 percent.1
  • Between 2025 to 2030, South Africa will add 5,670 MW of solar photovoltaic power capacity to its national grid. Likelihood: 60%1
  • Between 2025 to 2030, South Africa adds 8,100 MW of wind power capacity to its national grid. Likelihood: 60%1

Environment predictions for South Africa in 2025

Environment related predictions to impact South Africa in 2025 include:

  • South Africa misses its target of reducing its annual greenhouse gas emissions to less than 510 million tons. Likelihood: 70 percent.1
  • The carbon brief profile: South Africa.Link

Science predictions for South Africa in 2025

Science related predictions to impact South Africa in 2025 include:

Health predictions for South Africa in 2025

Health related predictions to impact South Africa in 2025 include:

  • The number of people unable to meet their minimum food consumption needs in South Africa marginally declines to just under one in two. Likelihood: 65 percent.1
  • Spending on NHI increases from around $2 billion rand in the 2019-20 fiscal year to $33 billion rand ($2.2 billion USD) this year. Likelihood: 70%1

More predictions from 2025

Read the top global predictions from 2025 - click here

Next scheduled update for this resource page

January 7, 2022. Last updated January 7, 2020.


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