robots use consumer businesses

Robots use in consumer businesses

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It-tagħlim bil-magni qed jagħmel il-pesto saħansitra aktar delizzjuż
Reviżjoni tat-Teknoloġija MIT
X'jagħmel il-ħabaq daqshekk tajjeb? F'xi każijiet, huwa AI. It-tagħlim bil-magni intuża biex jinħolqu pjanti tal-ħabaq li huma extra-delicious. Filwaqt li sfortunatament ma nistgħux nirrapportaw direttament it-togħma tal-ħaxix, l-isforz jirrifletti xejra usa 'li tinvolvi l-użu tax-xjenza tad-dejta u t-tagħlim tal-magni biex tittejjeb l-agrikoltura. Ir-riċerkaturi wara l-ħabaq ottimizzat bl-AI użaw...
Il-koki tad-dar jikkawżaw paniku fir-ristoranti
Is-sidien tar-ristoranti f’Pariġi qalu li jistgħu jitneħħew min-negozju minn koki li qed jipprovdu għall-ikel fi djarhom stess.
This robot will make you dinner
Smithsonian Magazine
Moley Robotics is developing a robotic kitchen that can prepare a meal from start to finish—cleanup included
Ir-ristorant ta’ Boston fejn ir-robots ħadu post il-koki
LMT Online
Id-dibattitu dwar jekk it-tisjir huwiex aktar arti jew xjenza huwa wieħed li ma jintemm qatt.
The rise of the restaurant robot
Is the rise of the robot the demise of the restaurant server, chef and bartender?
Il-kok li jista 'jagħmel burger Gourmet kull 30 sekonda
Robots li grillu laħam, slices tadam, stir-fry ħxejjex u stretch pizza għaġina qed jagħmlu l-fast food saħansitra aktar mgħaġġel, imma tista’ tafda kok li qatt ma daq l-ikel li joħloq?
Kif l-industrija tar-ristoranti li qed tinbidel sawret l-aptit tal-investituri għall-ikel u r-robotika
ktieb taż-żift
L-intersezzjoni tar-robotika u l-ikel tinsab f'mument kritiku. L-investiment tal-VC fl-ispazju żdied, u f'riċessjoni, l-awtomazzjoni tista 'tgħin biex iżżomm l-operazzjonijiet tas-servizz tal-ikel fil-wiċċ. [Vidjow inkluż]
The gigantic grocery warehouses built like living organisms
Deals mashable
Ocado, the world's largest online-only grocery retailer, relies on robots to deliver fresh food to hundreds of thousands of people in the UK. Its warehouses ...
Inside a warehouse where thousands of robots pack groceries
Teknika Insider
Ocado's new warehouse has thousands of robots zooming around a grid system to pack groceries. The thousands of robots can process 65,000 orders every week. T...
Ir-robots ta’ Walmart ma jidhirx li sejrin daqshekk tajjeb mal-ħaddiema kollha tagħha
Il-ġganti tal-bejgħ bl-imnut qed jaqilbu dejjem aktar l-impjiegi u l-kompiti mwettqa fil-passat minn ħaddiema umani għal forza tax-xogħol dejjem tikber ta 'robots. Rapport ġdid dwar din l-awtomazzjoni tal-impjiegi minn Walmart jgħid li dan wassal għal sens akbar ta’ tedium u skumdità fost xi impjegati umani, anke hekk kif il-kumpanija tinsisti li r-robots tagħha huma maħsuba biex jibbenefikaw minnhom.
Security robots are mobile surveillance devices, not human replacements
Security robot guards are slowly becoming more common in parks, hospitals, casinos, malls, and other semi-public places. But they’re less of a replacement for human guards and more like mobile surveillance devices. A report from OneZero on security bot maker Knightscope shows this using the company’s marketing materials and contracts.
Gap rushes in more robots to warehouses to solve virus disruption
U.S. apparel chain Gap Inc <GPS.N> is speeding up its rollout of warehouse robots for assembling online orders so it can limit human contact during the coronavirus pandemic, the company told Reuters.
Japanese robot to clock in at a convenience store in test of retail automation
Ġappun Times
FamilyMart hopes to have robots working in 20 stores around Tokyo by 2022.
Tyson and other meat processors are reportedly speeding up plans for robot butchers
Tyson Foods and other meat processors that became early hotspots for the Covid-19 pandemic are reportedly accelerating plans to have robots replace human meatcutters.
Scientists say satellite imagery and machine learning advances will boost African consumer data
Scientists were able predict consumer data variation down to the village or neighborhood level with up to 55% accuracy and assets wealth up to 75% accuracy.
This next-gen firefighting robot has a spotter drone and a foam blaster
Xejriet diġitali
Estonian company Milrem Robotics has developed a new firefighting tank robot. Equipped with an accompanying drone and other tech, it's ready to battle blazes.