supply chain management trends

Supply chain management trends

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Bitcoin's true potential: A new supply chain operating system
I have to admit, I've paid very little attention to all the buzz surrounding bitcoin these past few years. I'm fairly conservative when it comes to banking (for example, I'm still not comfortable "depositing" checks using my smartphone), so using a new digital currency, or "fake money" as my wife ca
Automated supply chains take an inevitable first step
Technology has always been the way to offset high labor costs in the developed world. Moving toward driverless trucks is the next big step in that direction for supply chains. More broadly, however, the developed world is advancing to where technology can prevent the export of jobs in manufacturing to other countries where people still do them.
Van landrobotika tot hommeltuie - die toekomstige besighede gaan kleinhandelaflewerings beïnvloed
Die laaste myl is dikwels die ondoeltreffendste en duurste deel daarvan om aanlyn aankope in die hande te kry van die verbruikers wat dit bestel het. Met verwagting aan die toeneem, ondersoek kleinhandelaars allerhande nuwe geleenthede om meer naatlose prosesse te verseker. Hier is drie ontwrigter tegnologie maatskappye.
Waar is my goed? -- Die laagtepunt oor logistiek en ops
Stroom a16z Podcast: Waar is my goed? - Die laagtepunt op logistiek en ops deur a16z vanaf rekenaar of jou mobiele toestel
Walmart kyk na hommeltuie om verspreiding te bespoedig
New York Times
Die kleinhandelaar toets vlieënde hommeltuie om voorraad by sy pakhuise te hanteer. Die masjiene kan help om in 'n dag te katalogiseer wat werknemers nou ongeveer 'n maand neem.
UPS to fully automate 30 largest U.S. hubs
DC Velocity
UPS Inc. is in the process of fully automating its 30 busiest U.S. package and delivery hubs, a four-year program that will yield 20 to 25 percent in productivity
Domino's is 'n stap nader daaraan om pizza's per hommeltuig af te lewer
Domino's Pizza het Donderdag gedemonstreer wat hy hoop om die wêreld se eerste kommersiële hommeltuigafleweringsdiens te wees.
Die toekoms van robotarbeid ontvou in skeepspakhuise
Wat het in pakhuise gebeur sedert Amazon 'n vloot robotte in 2012 gekoop het?
Driverless cars, drones, robotic warehouses and factories can transform the supply chain and radically boost Global GDP in the 2020s
Volgende Groot Toekoms
A few million self driving cars and trucks should be on the road by 2022. Afterwards a few million per year will be added with self driving car conversion
Afleweringsopsie: Drone. Aankoms skatting: 2020
MIT Technology Review
Moenie toelaat dat die asemlose voorspellings en foefie-belaaide vlieëniertoetse deur groot tegnologiemaatskappye jou flous nie: hommeltuig aflewerings is nog 'n manier om. Ons het in Maart geskryf dat hommeltuigaflewering nog lank sal kom. En alhoewel federale reëls wat sedertdien vrygestel is die gebruik van hommeltuie vir kommersiële aktiwiteite toelaat, is daar groot ...
Amazon Prime Air: Drones to carry 5lb packages over 10 miles in 30 minutes
Such drones will soon be "as normal as seeing a delivery truck."
How automation is driving the next generation of warehouses
YouTube - JLL
What does advancing technology mean for the future of industrial real estate? Watch the video to hear JLL experts give their views how automation is changing...
Frankryk word die eerste federale posdiens wat hommeltuie gebruik om pos af te lewer
VICE - Moederbord
Die eksperimentele program sal 'n roete van nege myl dek.
Amazon wen patent vir 'n vlieënde pakhuis wat hommeltuie sal ontplooi om pakkies binne minute af te lewer
Amazon het planne beskryf vir 'n "lugvervullingsentrum" soos 'n lugskip wat op 'n hoogte van ongeveer 45,000 XNUMX sou dryf en items bevat.
Robotte en hommeltuie sal saamwerk om al ons goedere te lewer
try{document.getElementById("aol-cms-player-1").style.display="none";}catch(e){}Die infrastruktuur om tradisionele aflewerings te ondersteun is gespanne sedert die groei in aanlynbestellings. Wat meer is, die geprojekteerde groei sal enigiets oorskry wat UPS, FedEx en dies meer tans kan ondersteun. As gevolg hiervan het maatskappye soos Amazon gewerk aan beide 'n lugdruppel-oplossing wat hommeltuie gebruik om te outoneer
How automated trucks could transform the moving industry
Self-driving cars are the hot topic, but self-driving trucks could help fulfill a shortage of truck drivers or take away their jobs entirely. Let's take a look at how self-driving technology works and how it will affect the moving industry.
Hierdie Chinese kleinhandelreus bou 150 hommeltuig-lanseringsentrums vir mense op die platteland
Chinese e-handel-kleinhandelaar, een van die land se grootste aanlyn-inkopiewebwerwe, bou 150 hommeltuigafleweringsoperasies in die Sichuan-provinsie
Die Chinese aanlyn-kleinhandelaar ontwikkel swaardiens-afleweringsdrones
Wall Street Journal
Die Chinese e-handelverskaffer het Maandag gesê hy ontwikkel swaardiens hommeltuie wat in staat is om loonvragte te lewer wat een ton of meer weeg, wat hy beplan om in Shaanxi te ontplooi.
9 trends in last-mile delivery

Kleinhandel industrie nuus, stemme en werk. Geoptimaliseer vir jou selfoon.
Die toekoms van hommeltuig aflewering hang af van meer akkurate weervoorspellings
The Next Web
Mikro-weerdata kan binnekort 'n werklikheid word - en 'n noodsaaklikheid vir toekomstige vlote afleweringsdrone.
Amazon to create 1,200 jobs with new Bolton warehouse
The Guardian
Warehouse will be third in north-west and will be next-generation facility with staff working alongside robots
Die omgewingskoste van gratis versending van twee dae
YouTube - Vox
Wat is die omgewingsimpak van aanlyn inkopies en wat is die oplossings om dit meer volhoubaar te maak? Climate Lab word vervaardig deur die Universiteit van Kalifornië ...
Vragbedryf toets seevliegtuig hommeltuie om vrag te lewer
IEEE Spectrum
Startup Natilus se prototipe beoog om sy eerste waterproewe te voltooi, met vlugtoetse om te volg
Maersk, IBM to launch blockchain-based platform for global trade
The world's largest container shipping firm A.P. Moller-Maersk is teaming up with IBM to create an industry-wide trading platform it says can speed up trade and save billions of dollars.
Waarom geopolitiek belangrik is vir die globale skeepsvaartbedryf
Namate die wêreldskeepvaartbedryf herstel van 'n dekadelange krisis, sal die sektor se vermoë om deur kragtige geopolitieke winde te stuur, bepaal hoe suksesvol sy herstel sal wees.
Conveyor belt can move packages in any direction
YouTube - Tech Insider
Celluveyor is an omnidirectional conveyor belt that consists of small hexagonal cells capable of moving products in any direction. Operators set a product's ...
The rise of the last-mile exchange
Strategie Besigheid
Keeping up with the growing volume of e-commerce will require delivery companies to disrupt their long-standing business model.
Globaldata: Autonomous vehicles will dominate deliveries
RT Insights
GlobalData shares optimism with Waymo, Ford, and other developers of autonomous vehicles that the future of deliveries will remain on the ground.
Can blockchain technology bring smooth seas to global shipping?
The shipping industry is poised for a revolution with distributed ledger technologies. But a lack of collaboration could limit the benefits of blockchain.
Uber Eats en die besprekingskoers van $6 miljard: Die KI-suksesverhaal waarvan niemand praat nie
Venture Beat
Voedsellewering het 'n $100 miljard-plus mark geword. Volgens die meeste maatstawwe is Uber Eats een van die vinnigste groeiende maatskappye in die geskiedenis, met 'n besprekingskoers van $6 miljard binne net vier jaar nadat hulle begin het, volgens Dara Khosrowshahi, uitvoerende hoof. In 15 groot Amerikaanse stede het Eats GrubHub, voorheen die onbetwiste afleweringsleier, verbygesteek. Hoekom praat niemand daaroor nie?
Ocado wants to whisk goods through tunnels with Elon Musk-style electromagnet technology in just three years
Revolutionary delivery
Magway, which was designed wholly in Britain, transports goods including groceries and small parcels on carriages along a magnetic track.
The air force is actually considering rocket launches to move cargo around the globe
Popular Mechanics
Delivering cargo anywhere in the world in 30 minutes? Take that, Domino's. 
Bekentenisse van 'n Amerikaanse poswerker: "Ons lewer Amazon-pakkette af totdat ons dood val."
Amazon het vroeër vanjaar die tweede Amerikaanse maatskappy geword wat op meer as $1 triljoen gewaardeer is. Maar vir al sy oorheersing en doeltreffendheid, maak Amazon staat op 'n stowwerige, eeue-oue stelsel om ...
Distraction or disruption? Autonomous trucks gain ground in US logistics
Autonomous trucks will change the cost structure and utilization of trucking--and with that, the cost of consumer goods. With full autonomy, operating costs would decline by about 40 percent, but the big question is how this savings will be distributed.
Technology is revolutionising supply-chain finance
The Economist
Squeezed suppliers and big corporate buyers stand to benefit
Meer as 50,000 2025 pakhuise om robotte teen XNUMX te ontplooi [verslag]
’n Onlangse studie van ABI Research het bevind dat minder as 4,000 XNUMX fasiliteite verlede jaar robotika ingesluit het.
Sal robotte logistieke werkers in Memphis vervang? Nie as hulle leer hoe om dit reg te maak nie, sê kenners
Kommersiële appèl
Aangesien XPO Logistics afskaal om minder werkers in diens te neem, bied dit 'n blik op 'n toekoms waarin minder mense nodig sal wees om herhalende werk te doen.
Amazon kan binnekort die skeepsvaartbedryf ontwrig. Sy nuwe proefvragmotorplatform onderskry glo pryse met tot 'n derde
Amazon se proefweergawe van sy aanlyn vragmakelaarsplatform ondersny markpryse met soveel as 'n derde, volgens FreightWaves. ...
Why Amazon is gobbling up failed malls
YouTube - Wall Street Journal
As the decline of brick and mortar retail rolls on, commercial real estate developers are left with massive abandoned properties. Who will fill that underuti...
Reuse afleweringsdrones kom, maar teen watter koste?
YouTube - The Verge
Maatskappye soos Google, Amazon en UPS beplan om die lug te vul met outonome vragdraende hommeltuie. Hierdie nuwe vrag hommeltuie is 'n vinnige en eko-vriend ...
The future of last-mile delivery is electric
Postal and Parcel Technology International
The future of last-mile delivery is electric - read more about this with Parcel and Postal Technology International
Pakkie hommeltuig aflewering moet e-handel verhoog
ARK Invest
ARK illustreer dat die aflewering van pakkie hommeltuig e-handel se aandeel van kleinhandelverkope van 13% vandag tot 75% teen 2030 kan verhoog, wat inkopies heeltemal hervorm.
Die toekoms van pakkie aflewering: Drones en ontwrigting
Almal hou daarvan om 'n pakkie te kry. In 2020 sal ons meer as 100 miljard daarvan stuur - en daardie getal kan teen 2030 verdubbel. Wie sal al daardie pakkette aflewer, en hoe? In hierdie uitgawe verken The Next Normal wat in die laaste myl-pakkieaflewering voorlê.
‘Kayak for trucking’ platform emerge raises another $20 million
Emerge is one of many digital freight platforms angling to transform the $600 billion domestic full-truck load industry.
How panic-buying revealed the problem with the modern world
Die Atlantiese Oseaan
The pandemic has shown how just-in-time systems are also fragile.
What past disruptions can teach us about reviving supply chains after COVID-19
We can't afford to lock down. Trade decisions made now will shape whether we have diverse, cost-effective and accessible sources of supply in the future.
Covid-19 will leave a lasting mark on the shipping industry
The pandemic risks ending the past 30 years of rising intercontinental trade volumes by sapping global economic growth and emboldening nationalist calls against globalization.
The US Dept. of Transportation is investigating blockchain-powered delivery drones
The U.S. Department of Transportation released a lengthy report on blockchain's application for drones.
Pakhuisrobotte bied 'n belangrike skakel in die voorsieningsketting
Gedurende die koronaviruskrisis het die e-handel-verskaffingsketting op robotte staatgemaak om leemtes aan te vul.
Why we need mass automation to pandemic-proof the supply chain
Singularity Hub
Covid-19 has exposed massive vulnerabilities in the global supply chain. To make it more resilient to this and future pandemics, we must look to technology.
The new era of e-commerce logistics
This shift in the market, including longer lead time, is something companies need to start preparing for now.
Amazon se hommeltuigafleweringsambisies het 'n belangrike mylpaal bereik met nuwe FAA-goedkeuring
Die Federal Aviation Administration het die naweek Amazon se Prime Air-arm goedgekeur as 'n amptelike "lugvervoerder", wat 'n belangrike mylpaal vir Amazon is.
Steun vir vakansie 'Shipageddon'
New York Times
Die pandemie en die vakansie sal versending 'n dieretuin maak. Kopers, luister.
Predictions from supply chain gurus for 2019 - full text version part 2
Supply Chain Digest
Complete Predictions from Michael Watson and Rich Sherman; Part 3 Next Week
How everlane gebruik volhoubare praktyke om klere te maak waarmee jongmense obsessief is
Die hippe kleremaatskappy Everlane moes deursigtig word voordat dit volhoubaar kon word, het sy GM van klere, Kimberly Smith, gesê.
Innovative online programs are revolutionizing supply-chain education
Analyst insight: The supply-chain industry needs new educational models to meet the changing knowledge demands of the profession. Innovative online models are playing a key role in meeting these demands. The new generation of online education programs, commonly known as massive open online courses (or MOOCs), is rapidly evolving — and the implications for future education are far-reaching.  MOO
Supply chain problems move from china to u.s. and other nations
Freight carriers are struggling to deliver goods by land, sea or air as the coronavirus pandemic forces Western governments to impose lockdowns,
Voedselsekerheid: sny ons kos te fyn met ons net-betydse voorsieningsketting?
die Grocer
Met verdere dreigemente om die draai, stel sommige voor dat ons die manier waarop ons ons supermarkrakke voorraad moet heroorweeg
Coronavirus leads companies with supply chain disruptions to invoke ‘force majeure’
With the coronavirus outbreak that originated in Hubei province, China, showing no signs of abating any time soon, some companies that buy and sell goods
How COVID-19 changed warehouse management and design
Duik in die aanbodketting
Voorsieningsketting en logistieke nuus