supply chain management trends

Supply chain management trends

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Bitcoin's true potential: A new supply chain operating system
I have to admit, I've paid very little attention to all the buzz surrounding bitcoin these past few years. I'm fairly conservative when it comes to banking (for example, I'm still not comfortable "depositing" checks using my smartphone), so using a new digital currency, or "fake money" as my wife ca
Automated supply chains take an inevitable first step
Technology has always been the way to offset high labor costs in the developed world. Moving toward driverless trucks is the next big step in that direction for supply chains. More broadly, however, the developed world is advancing to where technology can prevent the export of jobs in manufacturing to other countries where people still do them.
Saka robotik darat nganti drone - bisnis mbesuk bakal mengaruhi pangiriman ritel
Mil pungkasan asring minangka bagean sing paling ora efisien lan larang regane kanggo tuku tuku online menyang tangan konsumen sing mrentah. Kanthi pangarep-arep mundhak, pengecer njelajah kabeh kesempatan anyar kanggo njamin proses sing luwih lancar. Ing ngisor iki ana telung perusahaan teknologi sing ngganggu.
Endi barangku? -- Kurang logistik lan ops
Stream a16z Podcast: Where's My Stuff? -- Lowdown Logistics lan Ops dening a16z saka desktop utawa piranti seluler sampeyan
Walmart looks to drones to speed distribution
New York Times
The retailer is testing flying drones to handle inventory at its warehouses. The machines could help catalog in a day what now takes employees about a month.
UPS to fully automate 30 largest U.S. hubs
DC Velocity
UPS Inc. is in the process of fully automating its 30 busiest U.S. package and delivery hubs, a four-year program that will yield 20 to 25 percent in productivity
Domino’s is one step closer to delivering pizzas by drone
Domino's Pizza demonstrated what it hopes to be the world's first commercial drone delivery service on Thursday.
The future of robot labor is unfolding in shipping warehouses
What’s happened inside warehouses since Amazon bought a fleet of robots in 2012?
Driverless cars, drones, robotic warehouses and factories can transform the supply chain and radically boost Global GDP in the 2020s
Sabanjure Big Future
A few million self driving cars and trucks should be on the road by 2022. Afterwards a few million per year will be added with self driving car conversion
Delivery Option: Drone. Arrival estimate: 2020
MIT Technology Review
Do not let the breathless predictions and gimmick-laden pilot tests by large tech companies fool you: drone deliveries are still a ways off. We wrote in March that drone delivery will be a long time coming. And even though federal rules released since then allow the use of drones for commercial activities, there are major…
Amazon Prime Air: Drone kanggo nggawa paket 5lb luwih saka 10 mil sajrone 30 menit
Drone kasebut bakal dadi "normal kaya ndeleng truk pangiriman."
How automation is driving the next generation of warehouses
YouTube - JLL
What does advancing technology mean for the future of industrial real estate? Watch the video to hear JLL experts give their views how automation is changing...
Prancis dadi layanan pos federal pisanan sing nggunakake drone kanggo ngirim surat
VICE - Papan Utama
Program eksperimen bakal nutupi rute sangang mil.
Amazon menang paten kanggo gudang mabur sing bakal masang drone kanggo ngirim bingkisan ing sawetara menit
Amazon nggambarake rencana kanggo "pusat pemenuhan udhara" kayata kapal udara sing bakal ngambang ing dhuwur udakara 45,000 lan ngemot barang.
Robot lan drone bakal kerja bareng kanggo ngirim kabeh barang kita
nyoba{document.getElementById("aol-cms-player-1").style.display="none";}catch(e){}Infrastruktur kanggo ndhukung kiriman tradisional wis tegang wiwit wutah ing pesenan online. Apa maneh, wutah sing diramalake bakal ngluwihi apa wae sing bisa didhukung UPS, FedEx lan liya-liyane. Amarga iku, perusahaan kaya Amazon wis nggarap solusi udhara kanthi nggunakake drone kanggo otomatis
How automated trucks could transform the moving industry
Self-driving cars are the hot topic, but self-driving trucks could help fulfill a shortage of truck drivers or take away their jobs entirely. Let's take a look at how self-driving technology works and how it will affect the moving industry.
This Chinese retail giant is building 150 drone launch centers for people in the countryside
Chinese e-commerce retailer, one of the country's largest online shopping sites, is building 150 drone delivery operation sites in Sichuan province
Chinese online retailer is developing heavy-duty delivery drones
Wall Street Journal
Chinese e-commerce provider said Monday it is developing heavy-duty drones capable of delivering payloads weighing one ton or more, which it plans to deploy in Shaanxi.
9 trends in last-mile delivery
Dive Ritel

Warta industri ritel, swara lan proyek. Dioptimalake kanggo ponsel sampeyan.
The future of drone delivery hinges on more accurate weather predictions
Web Sabanjure
Micro-weather data may soon become a reality—and a necessity for future fleets of delivery drones.
Amazon nggawe 1,200 proyek karo gudang Bolton anyar
The Guardian
Gudang bakal dadi nomer telu ing sisih lor-kulon lan bakal dadi fasilitas generasi sabanjure kanthi staf sing kerja bareng karo robot
Biaya lingkungan pengiriman rong dina gratis
YouTube - Vox
Apa pengaruh lingkungan saka blanja online lan apa solusi supaya luwih lestari? Laboratorium Iklim diprodhuksi dening Universitas California ...
Cargo industry tests seaplane drones to deliver freight
IEEE Spectrum
Startup Natilus’s prototype aims to complete its first water trials, with flight tests to follow
Maersk, IBM to launch blockchain-based platform for global trade
The world's largest container shipping firm A.P. Moller-Maersk is teaming up with IBM to create an industry-wide trading platform it says can speed up trade and save billions of dollars.
Why geopolitics matters to the global shipping industry
As the global shipping industry recovers from a decadelong crunch, the sector's ability to steer through powerful geopolitical winds will determine how successful its recovery will be.
Conveyor belt can move packages in any direction
YouTube - Tech Insider
Celluveyor is an omnidirectional conveyor belt that consists of small hexagonal cells capable of moving products in any direction. Operators set a product's ...
Munggah saka exchange mil pungkasan
Strategi Bisnis
Tetep karo volume e-commerce sing saya tambah akeh mbutuhake perusahaan pangiriman ngganggu model bisnis sing wis suwe.
Globaldata: Autonomous vehicles will dominate deliveries
RT Insights
GlobalData shares optimism with Waymo, Ford, and other developers of autonomous vehicles that the future of deliveries will remain on the ground.
Apa teknologi blockchain bisa nggawa segara sing lancar menyang pengiriman global?
Industri pelayaran siap kanggo revolusi kanthi teknologi buku besar sing disebarake. Nanging kekurangan kolaborasi bisa mbatesi keuntungan blockchain.
Uber Eats lan tingkat pesenan $ 6 milyar: Kisah sukses AI ora ana sing ngomong
Venture Beat
Pangiriman panganan wis dadi pasar $100 milyar-plus. Miturut umume metrik, Uber Eats minangka salah sawijining perusahaan sing paling cepet berkembang ing sejarah, ngirim tarif pesenan $ 6 milyar sajrone patang taun diwiwiti, miturut CEO Dara Khosrowshahi. Ing 15 kutha utama ing AS, Eats wis ngluwihi GrubHub, sing sadurunge dadi pimpinan pangiriman sing ora ditandingi. Yagene ora ana sing ngomong babagan iki?
Ocado wants to whisk goods through tunnels with Elon Musk-style electromagnet technology in just three years
Revolutionary delivery
Magway, which was designed wholly in Britain, transports goods including groceries and small parcels on carriages along a magnetic track.
The air force is actually considering rocket launches to move cargo around the globe
Mekanik populer
Delivering cargo anywhere in the world in 30 minutes? Take that, Domino's. 
Pengakuan saka Pekerja Pos AS: "Kita ngirim paket Amazon nganti mati."
Sadurungé taun iki, Amazon dadi perusahaan basis AS nomer loro sing regane luwih saka $ 1 triliun. Nanging kanggo kabeh dominasi lan efisiensi, Amazon ngandelake sistem bledug sing wis pirang-pirang abad kanggo…
Distraction or disruption? Autonomous trucks gain ground in US logistics
Autonomous trucks will change the cost structure and utilization of trucking--and with that, the cost of consumer goods. With full autonomy, operating costs would decline by about 40 percent, but the big question is how this savings will be distributed.
Technology is revolutionising supply-chain finance
The Economist
Squeezed suppliers and big corporate buyers stand to benefit
More than 50,000 warehouses to deploy robots by 2025 [report]
A recent study from ABI Research found that fewer than 4,000 facilities included robotics last year.
Apa robot bakal ngganti buruh logistik ing Memphis? Ora yen dheweke sinau carane ndandani, ujare para ahli
Banding Komersial
Minangka XPO Logistics nyuda tenaga kerja sing luwih sithik, iki menehi gambaran babagan masa depan sing luwih sithik wong sing dibutuhake kanggo nindakake pakaryan sing bola-bali.
Amazon bisa uga ngganggu industri pengiriman. Platform truk uji coba sing anyar dilaporake nyuda rega nganti sapratelon
Business Insider
Versi uji coba platform perantara kargo online Amazon nyuda rega pasar nganti kaping telune, miturut FreightWaves. ...
Why Amazon is gobbling up failed malls
YouTube - Jurnal Wall Street
As the decline of brick and mortar retail rolls on, commercial real estate developers are left with massive abandoned properties. Who will fill that underuti...
Giant delivery drones are coming, but at what cost?
YouTube - The Verge
Companies like Google, Amazon, and UPS are planning to fill the skies with autonomous cargo-carrying drones. These new cargo drones are a fast and eco-friend...
The future of last-mile delivery is electric
Postal and Parcel Technology International
The future of last-mile delivery is electric - read more about this with Parcel and Postal Technology International
Pangiriman drone parcel kudu supercharge e-commerce
ARK Investasi
ARK nggambarake manawa kiriman drone parcel bisa nambah pangsa e-dagang eceran saka 13% saiki dadi 75% ing taun 2030, nggawe blanja kanthi lengkap.
Masa depan pangiriman bingkisan: Drone lan gangguan
Kabeh wong seneng njaluk paket. Ing taun 2020, kita bakal ngirim luwih saka 100 milyar - lan jumlah kasebut bisa tikel kaping pindho ing taun 2030. Sapa sing bakal ngirim kabeh paket kasebut, lan kepiye carane? Ing edisi iki, The Next Normal njelajah apa sing bakal ditindakake ing kiriman bingkisan mil pungkasan.
‘Kayak for trucking’ platform emerge raises another $20 million
Emerge is one of many digital freight platforms angling to transform the $600 billion domestic full-truck load industry.
How panic-buying revealed the problem with the modern world
Ing Atlantik
The pandemic has shown how just-in-time systems are also fragile.
What past disruptions can teach us about reviving supply chains after COVID-19
We can't afford to lock down. Trade decisions made now will shape whether we have diverse, cost-effective and accessible sources of supply in the future.
Covid-19 will leave a lasting mark on the shipping industry
The pandemic risks ending the past 30 years of rising intercontinental trade volumes by sapping global economic growth and emboldening nationalist calls against globalization.
The US Dept. of Transportation is investigating blockchain-powered delivery drones
Kothak wedhi
The U.S. Department of Transportation released a lengthy report on blockchain's application for drones.
Robot gudang nyedhiyakake link penting ing rantai pasokan
Sajrone krisis koronavirus, rantai pasokan e-commerce ngandelake robot kanggo ngisi kesenjangan.
Napa kita butuh otomatisasi massa kanggo rantai pasokan bukti pandemik
Hub Singularitas
Covid-19 wis mbukak kerentanan gedhe ing rantai pasokan global. Kanggo nggawe luwih tahan kanggo pandemi iki lan mbesuk, kita kudu golek teknologi.
The new era of e-commerce logistics
This shift in the market, including longer lead time, is something companies need to start preparing for now.
Ambisi pangiriman drone Amazon entuk tonggak penting kanthi persetujuan FAA anyar
Administrasi Penerbangan Federal akhir minggu iki nyetujoni lengen Perdana Air Amazon minangka "pesawat udara" resmi, minangka tandha tonggak penting kanggo Amazon.
Siap kanggo liburan 'Shipageddon'
Tema New York
Pandemi lan preian bakal nggawe pengiriman dadi kebon binatang. Pembeli, ngrungokake.
Predictions from supply chain gurus for 2019 - full text version part 2
Supply Chain Digest
Complete Predictions from Michael Watson and Rich Sherman; Part 3 Next Week
Kepiye everlane nggunakake praktik sing lestari kanggo nggawe sandhangan sing disenengi wong enom
Business Insider
Perusahaan sandhangan hip Everlane kudu transparan sadurunge bisa dadi sustainable, ujare GM pakaian, Kimberly Smith.
Innovative online programs are revolutionizing supply-chain education
Otak Rantai Suplai
Analyst insight: The supply-chain industry needs new educational models to meet the changing knowledge demands of the profession. Innovative online models are playing a key role in meeting these demands. The new generation of online education programs, commonly known as massive open online courses (or MOOCs), is rapidly evolving — and the implications for future education are far-reaching.  MOO
Supply chain problems move from china to u.s. and other nations
Jurnal Asuransi
Freight carriers are struggling to deliver goods by land, sea or air as the coronavirus pandemic forces Western governments to impose lockdowns,
Food security: are we cutting food too fine with our just in time supply chain?
The Grosir
With further threats around the corner, some suggest we should be rethinking the way we stock our supermarket shelves
Coronavirus leads companies with supply chain disruptions to invoke ‘force majeure’
Jurnal Asuransi
With the coronavirus outbreak that originated in Hubei province, China, showing no signs of abating any time soon, some companies that buy and sell goods
Kepiye COVID-19 ngganti manajemen lan desain gudang
Nyilem Rantai Pasokan
Supply chain lan warta logistik