supply chain management trends

Supply chain management trends

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Bitcoin's true potential: A new supply chain operating system
I have to admit, I've paid very little attention to all the buzz surrounding bitcoin these past few years. I'm fairly conservative when it comes to banking (for example, I'm still not comfortable "depositing" checks using my smartphone), so using a new digital currency, or "fake money" as my wife ca
Automated supply chains take an inevitable first step
Technology has always been the way to offset high labor costs in the developed world. Moving toward driverless trucks is the next big step in that direction for supply chains. More broadly, however, the developed world is advancing to where technology can prevent the export of jobs in manufacturing to other countries where people still do them.
Kusukela kumarobhothi asemhlabeni kuye kuma-drones - amabhizinisi esikhathi esizayo azoba nomthelela ekulethweni kwezitolo
Imayela lokugcina livamise ukuba yingxenye engasebenzi kahle nemba eqolo yokuthola ukuthenga ku-inthanethi ezandleni zabathengi aba-ode. Ngokulindelwe ekukhuphukeni, abathengisi bahlola zonke izinhlobo zamathuba amasha ukuze baqinisekise izinqubo ezingenamthungo. Nazi izinkampani ezintathu eziphazamisa ubuchwepheshe.
Ziphi izinto zami? -- Ukwehla kwezimpahla nezinto zokusebenza
Sakaza i-a16z Podcast: Ziphi Izinto Zami? -- The Lowdown on Logistics and Ops by a16z kusuka kudeskithophu noma kudivayisi yakho yeselula
Walmart looks to drones to speed distribution
New York Times
The retailer is testing flying drones to handle inventory at its warehouses. The machines could help catalog in a day what now takes employees about a month.
UPS to fully automate 30 largest U.S. hubs
DC Velocity
UPS Inc. is in the process of fully automating its 30 busiest U.S. package and delivery hubs, a four-year program that will yield 20 to 25 percent in productivity
I-Domino's isinyathelo esisodwa sokusondela ekuletheni ama-pizza nge-drone
I-Domino's Pizza ikhombise lokho ethemba ukuthi kuzoba insizakalo yokuqala emhlabeni yokulethwa kwe-drone ngoLwesine.
The future of robot labor is unfolding in shipping warehouses
What’s happened inside warehouses since Amazon bought a fleet of robots in 2012?
Driverless cars, drones, robotic warehouses and factories can transform the supply chain and radically boost Global GDP in the 2020s
Ikusasa Elikhulu Elilandelayo
A few million self driving cars and trucks should be on the road by 2022. Afterwards a few million per year will be added with self driving car conversion
Delivery Option: Drone. Arrival estimate: 2020
Ukubuyekezwa kwe-MIT Technology
Do not let the breathless predictions and gimmick-laden pilot tests by large tech companies fool you: drone deliveries are still a ways off. We wrote in March that drone delivery will be a long time coming. And even though federal rules released since then allow the use of drones for commercial activities, there are major…
How automation is driving the next generation of warehouses
YouTube - JLL
What does advancing technology mean for the future of industrial real estate? Watch the video to hear JLL experts give their views how automation is changing...
France becomes first federal postal service to use drones to deliver mail
VICE - Motherboard
The experimental program will cover a nine mile route.
I-Amazon iwina ilungelo lobunikazi lendawo yokugcina impahla endizayo ezosebenzisa ama-drones ukuletha amaphasela ngemizuzu
I-Amazon ichaze izinhlelo "zesikhungo sokugcwaliseka esisemoyeni" njengomkhumbi wezindiza ozontanta endaweni engaba ngu-45,000 futhi uqukethe izinto.
Amarobhothi nama-drones azosebenza ndawonye ukuletha zonke izimpahla zethu
zama{document.getElementById("aol-cms-player-1").style.display="none";}catch(e){}Ingqalasizinda yokuxhasa ukulethwa kwendabuko iye yaba nzima kusukela ekukhuleni kwama-oda aku-inthanethi. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ukukhula okulindelekile kuzodlula noma yini i-UPS, i-FedEx nokunye okungakusekela njengamanje. Ngenxa yalokho, izinkampani ezinjenge-Amazon bezisebenza kuzo zombili isixazululo sokudonsa umoya zisebenzisa ama-drones kuya ku-auto
How automated trucks could transform the moving industry
Self-driving cars are the hot topic, but self-driving trucks could help fulfill a shortage of truck drivers or take away their jobs entirely. Let's take a look at how self-driving technology works and how it will affect the moving industry.
This Chinese retail giant is building 150 drone launch centers for people in the countryside
Chinese e-commerce retailer, one of the country's largest online shopping sites, is building 150 drone delivery operation sites in Sichuan province
Chinese online retailer is developing heavy-duty delivery drones
Wall Street Journal
Chinese e-commerce provider said Monday it is developing heavy-duty drones capable of delivering payloads weighing one ton or more, which it plans to deploy in Shaanxi.
9 trends in last-mile delivery
Ukudayiswa Kwezebhizinisi

Izindaba zemboni yokudayisa, amazwi nemisebenzi. Kwenzelwe umakhalekhukhwini wakho.
The future of drone delivery hinges on more accurate weather predictions
IWebhu Elandelayo
Micro-weather data may soon become a reality—and a necessity for future fleets of delivery drones.
Amazon to create 1,200 jobs with new Bolton warehouse
The Guardian
Warehouse will be third in north-west and will be next-generation facility with staff working alongside robots
Izindleko zemvelo zokuthunyelwa kwamahhala kwezinsuku ezimbili
I-YouTube - Vox
Uyini umthelela wemvelo wokuthenga ku-inthanethi futhi yiziphi izixazululo zokukwenza kusimame? I-Climate Lab ikhiqizwa yi-University of Calif...
Cargo industry tests seaplane drones to deliver freight
IEEE Spectrum
Startup Natilus’s prototype aims to complete its first water trials, with flight tests to follow
I-Maersk, i-IBM izokwethula inkundla esekwe ku-blockchain yohwebo lomhlaba wonke
Inkampani enkulukazi emhlabeni yokuthumela amakhonteyina i-A.P. Moller-Maersk ibambisana ne-IBM ukuze bakhe inkundla yokuhweba ehlanganisa yonke imboni ethi ingasheshisa ukuhweba futhi yonge izigidigidi zamarandi.
Why geopolitics matters to the global shipping industry
As the global shipping industry recovers from a decadelong crunch, the sector's ability to steer through powerful geopolitical winds will determine how successful its recovery will be.
Conveyor belt can move packages in any direction
I-YouTube - Tech Insider
Celluveyor is an omnidirectional conveyor belt that consists of small hexagonal cells capable of moving products in any direction. Operators set a product's ...
The rise of the last-mile exchange
Isu Lebhizinisi
Keeping up with the growing volume of e-commerce will require delivery companies to disrupt their long-standing business model.
Globaldata: Autonomous vehicles will dominate deliveries
RT Insights
GlobalData shares optimism with Waymo, Ford, and other developers of autonomous vehicles that the future of deliveries will remain on the ground.
Ingabe ubuchwepheshe be-blockchain bungakwazi ukuletha ulwandle olubushelelezi ekuthuthweni komhlaba wonke?
Imboni yezokuthutha ilindele uguquko ngobuchwepheshe bamaleja asabalalisiwe. Kepha ukuntuleka kokubambisana kunganciphisa izinzuzo ze-blockchain.
I-Uber Eats kanye nezinga lokubhukha elingu-$6 billion: Indaba yempumelelo ye-AI akekho okhuluma ngayo
Beat Venture
Ukulethwa kokudla sekuphenduke imakethe ehlanganisa amabhiliyoni ayi-100. Ngamamethrikhi amaningi, i-Uber Eats ingenye yezinkampani ezikhula ngokushesha emlandweni, ithumela isilinganiso sokubhukha esingu-$6 billion phakathi neminyaka emine iqalile, ngokusho kwe-CEO u-Dara Khosrowshahi. Emadolobheni amakhulu angu-15 ase-US, i-Eats idlule i-GrubHub, phambilini eyayingumholi wokulethwa kwezidingo ongaphikiswa. Kungani kungekho okhuluma ngakho?
Ocado wants to whisk goods through tunnels with Elon Musk-style electromagnet technology in just three years
Revolutionary delivery
Magway, which was designed wholly in Britain, transports goods including groceries and small parcels on carriages along a magnetic track.
Umbutho wasemoyeni empeleni ucubungula ukwethulwa kwamarokhethi ukuze kuthuthwe imithwalo emhlabeni jikelele
Mechanics Popular
Ukudiliva imithwalo noma kuphi emhlabeni ngemizuzu engama-30? Thatha lokho, okaDomino. 
Ukuvuma Komsebenzi Weposi wase-U.S.: "Siletha amaphakheji e-Amazon size sife."
Ngasekuqaleni kwalo nyaka, i-Amazon yaba inkampani yesibili ezinze e-US ukuba ibaluleke ngaphezu kwe- $ 1 trillion. Nokho kukho konke ukubusa nokusebenza kahle kwayo, i-Amazon ithembele ohlelweni olunothuli, oselunamakhulu eminyaka…
Ukuphazamiseka noma ukuphazamiseka? Amaloli azimele athola indawo ku-US Logistics
Amaloli azimele azoshintsha ukwakheka kwezindleko kanye nokusetshenziswa kwamaloli - futhi ngalokho, izindleko zezimpahla zabathengi. Ngokuzibusa okuphelele, izindleko zokusebenza zizokwehla cishe ngamaphesenti angu-40, kodwa umbuzo omkhulu ukuthi lokhu kongiwa kuzosatshalaliswa kanjani.
Technology is revolutionising supply-chain finance
The Economist
Squeezed suppliers and big corporate buyers stand to benefit
Zingaphezu kuka-50,000 izindawo zokugcina izimpahla ezizosatshalaliswa amarobhothi ngo-2025 [umbiko]
Ucwaningo lwakamuva oluvela kwa-ABI Research luthole ukuthi zingaphansi kuka-4,000 izikhungo ezihlanganisa amarobhothi ngonyaka odlule.
Ngabe amarobhothi azothatha indawo yabasebenzi bezokuthutha eMemphis? Hhayi uma befunda ukuzilungisa, kusho ochwepheshe
Isikhalazo Sezohwebo
Njengoba i-XPO Logistics yehla ukuze iqashe abasebenzi abambalwa, inikeza amazwibela ekusasa lapho kuyodingeka abantu abambalwa ukwenza imisebenzi ephindaphindwayo.
I-Amazon ingase iphazamise ngokushesha imboni yezokuthutha. Inkundla yayo entsha yamaloli kubikwa ukuthi yehlisa amanani ngengxenye yesithathu
I-Business Insider
Inguqulo yesilingo ye-Amazon yesikhulumi sayo sokuthengiswa kwempahla okuku-inthanethi sehlisa izintengo zemakethe ngengxenye yesithathu, ngokusho kweFreightWaves. ...
Why Amazon is gobbling up failed malls
I-YouTube - I-Wall Street Journal
As the decline of brick and mortar retail rolls on, commercial real estate developers are left with massive abandoned properties. Who will fill that underuti...
Giant delivery drones are coming, but at what cost?
I-YouTube - The Verge
Companies like Google, Amazon, and UPS are planning to fill the skies with autonomous cargo-carrying drones. These new cargo drones are a fast and eco-friend...
The future of last-mile delivery is electric
Postal and Parcel Technology International
The future of last-mile delivery is electric - read more about this with Parcel and Postal Technology International
Ukulethwa kwe-Parcel Drone kufanele kubize kakhulu i-ecommerce
I-ARK Invest
I-ARK ikhombisa ukuthi ukulethwa kwephasela ledrone kungakhuphula isabelo se-ecommerce sokuthengiswa kwezitolo kusuka ku-13% namuhla kuya ku-75% ngo-2030, kumise kabusha ukuthenga ngokuphelele.
Ikusasa lokulethwa kwamaphasela: Ama-drones nokuphazamiseka
Wonke umuntu uthanda ukuthola iphasela. Ngo-2020, sizothumela ezingaphezu kwezigidigidi eziyi-100 zazo--futhi lelo nani lingaphindeka kabili ngo-2030. Ubani ozoletha wonke lawo maphakheji, futhi kanjani? Kulolu hlobo, i-The Next Normal ihlola ukuthi yini ezayo ekulethweni kwephasela lemayela lokugcina.
Inkundla ye-'Kayak for trucking' inyusa enye i-$20 million
I-Emerge ingenye yezinkundla zedijithali zezimpahla ezisebenza ngokuguqula imboni yamaloli egcwele eyizigidi ezingama- $600.
How panic-buying revealed the problem with the modern world
The pandemic has shown how just-in-time systems are also fragile.
What past disruptions can teach us about reviving supply chains after COVID-19
We can't afford to lock down. Trade decisions made now will shape whether we have diverse, cost-effective and accessible sources of supply in the future.
Covid-19 will leave a lasting mark on the shipping industry
The pandemic risks ending the past 30 years of rising intercontinental trade volumes by sapping global economic growth and emboldening nationalist calls against globalization.
UMnyango Wezokuthutha wase-US uphenya ama-drones okulethwa kwe-blockchain-powered
UMnyango Wezokuthutha wase-US ukhiphe umbiko omude mayelana nesicelo se-blockchain sama-drones.
Amarobhothi e-warehouse ahlinzeka ngesixhumanisi esibalulekile ku-supply chain
Kuyo yonke le nkinga ye-coronavirus, i-e-commerce supply chain ibithembele kumarobhothi ukuthi agcwalise izikhala.
Why we need mass automation to pandemic-proof the supply chain
Ubumbano Hub
Covid-19 has exposed massive vulnerabilities in the global supply chain. To make it more resilient to this and future pandemics, we must look to technology.
Inkathi entsha ye-e-commerce logistics
Lokhu kushintsha emakethe, okuhlanganisa isikhathi eside sokuhola, into okufanele izinkampani ziqale ukuyilungiselela manje.
Izifiso zokulethwa kwe-drone ze-Amazon zifinyelele ingqophamlando ngokugunyazwa okusha kwe-FAA
IFederal Aviation Administration kule mpelasonto igunyaze ingalo ye-Prime Air yase-Amazon njengesiphathimandla somoya esisemthethweni, okumaka ingqophamlando e-Amazon'
Gqokela iholide 'Shipageddon'
Ama-TImes eNew York
Ubhubhane kanye namaholide kuzokwenza ukuthunyelwa kwe-zoo. Bathengi, lalelani.
Predictions from supply chain gurus for 2019 - full text version part 2
Supply Chain Digest
Complete Predictions from Michael Watson and Rich Sherman; Part 3 Next Week
U-everlane usebenzisa imikhuba eqhubekayo ukuze enze izingubo abantu abasha abathatheka ngazo
I-Business Insider
Inkampani yezimpahla ze-hip i-Everlane kudingeke ukuthi ibonakale obala ngaphambi kokuthi iqhubeke nokusimama, kusho uGM wayo wezingubo, uKimberly Smith.
Innovative online programs are revolutionizing supply-chain education
Supply Chain Brain
Analyst insight: The supply-chain industry needs new educational models to meet the changing knowledge demands of the profession. Innovative online models are playing a key role in meeting these demands. The new generation of online education programs, commonly known as massive open online courses (or MOOCs), is rapidly evolving — and the implications for future education are far-reaching.  MOO
Supply chain problems move from china to u.s. and other nations
Ijenali Yomshwalense
Freight carriers are struggling to deliver goods by land, sea or air as the coronavirus pandemic forces Western governments to impose lockdowns,
Ukuvikeleka kokudla: ingabe sisika ukudla kahle kakhulu ngochungechunge lwethu lokuhlinzeka ngesikhathi?
The Grocer
Njengoba kunezinye izinsongo ezikhona, abanye basikisela ukuthi kufanele sicabange kabusha indlela esibeka ngayo amashalofu ezitolo zethu ezinkulu
Coronavirus leads companies with supply chain disruptions to invoke ‘force majeure’
Ijenali Yomshwalense
With the coronavirus outbreak that originated in Hubei province, China, showing no signs of abating any time soon, some companies that buy and sell goods