
Mile high superscrappers, nature-inspired architecture, smart urbanization—this page covers the trends and news that will guide the future of cities.

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Megacities are about to become much more common within a decade and may become the new battleground for international politics.
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Technologies are being developed to enable roads to repair themselves and function for up to 80 years.
Remote work is rapidly becoming more popular, and it has the potential to profoundly disrupt America's cities. This trend could have a devastating impact on urban areas, resulting in reduced commerce and employment opportunities, as well as skyrocketing real estate prices due to increased competition for rental housing and single-family homes. Additionally, if traditional offices become obsolete, so too will the jobs that depend on them—including office support personnel and janitorial staff. Moreover, public transportation systems that rely heavily on commuters could face diminished ridership, leading to decreased revenues and major service reductions. Another concern is the loss of social connections that come with shared workspaces; remote workers often experience isolation and alienation from their colleagues. It would behoove local governments to begin strategizing now about how they can adapt their cities to accommodate these changing dynamics while still protecting their economies and communities. To read more, use the button below to open the original external article.
The Economist
The article "The decline of the city grid" from The Economist highlights the shift away from traditional city planning and the growing popularity of more organic, sprawling urban development. The piece explores how cities are becoming more decentralized, with a focus on mixed-use neighborhoods and more diverse housing options. The article notes that this trend is driven by a number of factors, including the desire for more walkable communities, the rise of e-commerce and the changing nature of work. The article also touches on how this shift in city planning is affecting transportation, with more emphasis being placed on walking, biking and public transit as opposed to cars. Overall, the article presents a thought-provoking examination of the current state of urban development and the potential implications for the future of cities. It is a must-read for urban planners, policymakers, and citizens alike, as it provides valuable insights on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the development of our cities. To read more, use the button below to open the original external article.
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Extreme cyclones, tropical storms, and heat waves have become part of the world’s weather events, and even developed economies are struggling to cope.
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United Nations members have agreed to implement a global cybersecurity pact, but implementation will be challenging.
The New York Times
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on cities around the world. In the article, "Covid Pandemic and the Future of Cities," the New York Times discusses the challenges that cities have faced during the pandemic and the potential long-term effects on urban life. The article highlights the importance of city planning and the role that public health considerations will play in shaping the future of cities. The pandemic has exposed weaknesses in urban infrastructure and highlighted the need for more flexible and resilient systems. It has also brought attention to the importance of public spaces and the need for more green spaces and access to nature in urban areas. As cities recover from the pandemic and look towards the future, it will be crucial to prioritize the health and well-being of citizens and to create more sustainable and livable cities. To read more, use the button below to open the original external article.
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Companies are developing technologies to allow cars and city traffic networks to communicate with each other to solve road issues.
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As autonomous vehicle testing and deployment continues to roll out, local governments must decide on cohesive laws that would regulate these machines.
Business Insider
The pandemic has had a drastic and unprecedented impact on various aspects of our day-to-day lives, but none more concerning than the effect it has had on urban office real estate. With the widespread shift to working from home, many cities have found themselves in an “office real estate apocalypse” as companies have been forced to rethink how they use their buildings and spaces. While remote work has provided many benefits to employees, it has also caused a marked decrease in demand for downtown office buildings, leaving many areas struggling with a surplus of empty space. This decreased demand is further compounded by the fact that businesses are cutting back on long-term commitments due to the unstable environment created by the pandemic. It is unclear what the future holds for office real estate, but one thing is certain – adapting to this new reality will require creative solutions and collaboration between businesses and city governments alike. To read more, use the button below to open the original external article.
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Flying taxis are about to populate the skies as aviation companies compete to scale up by 2024.
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Democratizing communal Internet access through mesh networks have interesting applications, but data privacy remains a major concern.
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Enterprises are using digital twins to map real locations and generate valuable information.
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Scientists are debating whether to make the Anthropocene Age an official geological unit as the effects of human civilization continue to wreak havoc on the planet.
Arab News
The panelists at the recent event discussed the importance of adopting sustainable and smart solutions in urban planning to address the challenges of a growing population. This includes incorporating green spaces, prioritizing public transportation, and using technology for efficient city building. The development projects in Saudi Arabia are embracing these principles to create inclusive and resilient cities. Overall, there is a shift toward considering not only economic development, but also social and environmental impact in urban planning. To read more, use the button below to open the original external article.
Smart Cities Dive
In recent years, cities such as Philadelphia, San Francisco, and New York have turned to ESG bonds, particularly those focused on funding affordable housing projects, to address the nationwide shortage of affordable housing options. These bonds have proven successful in attracting a wider pool of investors and providing clear information on the impact of their investments. As the sustainable debt market continues to grow, it is likely that more cities will turn to ESG bonds for financing socially-responsible projects. To read more, use the button below to open the original external article.
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Smart city technologies are turning urban spaces into an automated haven, but how will this affect employment?
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Some cities are implementing a neighborhood Wi-Fi mesh that offers access to free community Internet.
Taylor & Francis
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Public information portals are being used to increase the accountability and transparency of government agencies.
Smart Cities Dive
Microtransit services, which use smaller vehicles than traditional public transit options, are becoming increasingly popular in cities across the United States. Jersey City's microtransit service, operated by Via, has been a success, carrying more passengers than expected and providing affordable transportation for many residents. Microtransit can help to fill gaps in public transit service and reduce reliance on personal cars. To read more, use the button below to open the original external article.