How will future Artificial Intelligences (AIs) reshape our economy and our society? Will we live in a future where we coexist with AI-robot beings (ala Star Wars) or will we instead persecute and enslave AI beings (Bladerunner)?
Within 30 years, over 70 per cent of humanity will live in cities. More important, over 70 per cent of the buildings and infrastructure needed to house and support this influx of urbanites doesn't even exist yet.
Governments aren’t telling you everything they know about climate change. The reality could very well change your life. Learn insider secrets about the future of climate change and what’s being done about it.
The world of your children will be as alien to you, as the world you grew up in was to your great grandparents. Learn insider secrets about the future of computers.
Using thought-reading devices to convict criminals. Preventing crime before it happens. Chemical drugs replaced by digital highs. Learn insider secrets about the future of crime.
Free degrees that expire. Virtual reality classrooms. Lesson plans developed by artificial intelligence. The future of teaching and learning are entering an era of massive change. Learn insider secrets about the future of education.
The era of coal and oil is drawing to a close, but solar, electric cars, and fusion power may yet give us hope for an energy abundant world. Learn insider secrets about the future of energy.
Bugs, in-vitro meat, synthetic GMO foods—your future diet might surprise you. Learn insider secrets about the future of food.
From combating future deadly pandemics to drugs and treatments tailored to your unique DNA. From using nanotech to cure all physical injuries and disabilities to memory erasure to cure all mental disorders.
Explore how our changing beauty norms, our future acceptance of designer babies, and our eventual integration with the Internet will shape human evolution.
How will Gen Xers, Millennials, and Centennials reshape our future world? What is the future of growing old and death itself? Learn insider secrets about the future of human population.
Robots replacing judges and sentencing criminals. Mind-reading devices used to determine guilt. The legal precedents that will decide the future. Learn insider secrets about the future of law.
Will police officers reform or militarize? Are we heading towards a police surveillance state? Will police put an end to cybercriminals? Will they prevent crimes before they happen? Learn insider secrets about the future of policing.
The web won’t kill the mall. It will merge with it. Learn insider secrets about the future of retail.
Wealth inequality. An industrial revolution. Automation. Life extension. And tax reform. Learn insider secrets about how all of these trends will work together to shape the future of our global economy.
Godlike search engines. Virtual Assistants. Wearables replacing smartphones. AR vs VR. AI and the future, global hive mind. The dead finding a digital afterlife on the web. Learn insider secrets about the future of the Internet.
Self-driving cars, trucks and planes will become a reality in less than a decade, but there’s a question that needs asking: Is this technology worth the riots it will cause? Learn insider secrets about the future of transportation.
47% of jobs are about to disappear. Learn which industries are set to rise and fall over the coming decades, as well as the forces now disrupting the status quo at your workplace. Get the insider secrets about the future of work.