orbital space junk cleanup trends

Orbital space junk cleanup trends

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Space debris is increasing, but governments can’t agree how to stop it
Space debris is threatening mankind’s ability to launch objects into orbit and beyond - but no one agrees on how to prevent it.
Orbital space junk is becoming a major problem for space flight
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Russia now has an inspector satellite that could chase down or destroy other orbiting spacecraft
According to Earth's dedicated team of satellite observers, Russia is developing a satellite that can chase down other satellites. Obviously, ...
Nasa patents technology to capture and destroy the orbital debris, one piece of debris at a time
Patent Yogi
Currently, there are more than 1800 rocket bodies floating as debris in Low Earth Orbit.                               This debris is a serious threat to existing satellites and even to future space missions.                   Any …
Trash eating spacecraft turns orbital debris into fuel
According to NASA, there are more than 500,000 pieces of debris in orbit that are being tracked by the space agency. It’s a serious situation. The debris travels at such a high rate of speed that even a small piece of it can do significant damage if it collides with an orbiting satellite or spacecraft. To help mitigate this threat of collision, a team of researchers from Tsinghua Unive
Darpa and NASA team up to design refueling satellites
Popular Mechanics
Robotic satellites could approach and refuel friendly satellites… or meddle with unfriendly ones.
China plans to destroy space junk with giant lasers
Approximately 95 percent of the orbiting objects are debris, i.e., not functional satellites.
Big harpoon is solution to space junk
Aerospace company Airbus is developing a large projectile to snare rogue or redundant satellites.
Why space desperately needs a traffic cop
Deadly hypersonic debris may spell doom for existing satellites and the thousands more to come as low-Earth orbit is commercialized.
As mega constellations loom, US seeks to manage space debris problem
“Unfettered access to space is a vital US interest.”
The quest to conquer Earth’s space junk problem
Zombie satellites, rocket shards and collision debris are creating major traffic risks in orbits around the planet. Researchers are working to reduce the threats posed by more than 20,000 objects in space. Zombie satellites, rocket shards and collision debris are creating major traffic risks in orbits around the planet. Researchers are working to reduce the threats posed by more than 20,000 objec
Space junk, it's much worse than you think, answers with joe
Joe Scott
Get a free month of Squarespace at http://www.squarespace.com/joescottWe've put a lot of things in space over the last 60 years. It's time we got some of tha...
End of space, creating a prison for humanity
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
To support Kurzgesagt and learn more about Brilliant, go to https://www.brilliant.org/nutshell and sign up for free. The first 688 people that go to that lin...
Got an idea to clean up junk in space? Defence department wants to hear it
Debris left over from launches and defunct satellites poses a serious risk to astronauts and equipment in orbit, and now the federal government is looking for viable ways to clean it up.
Lasers learn to accurately spot space junk
Scientists have developed space junk identification systems, but it has proven tricky to pinpoint the swift, small specks of space litter. A unique set of algorithms for laser ranging telescopes has significantly improving the success rate of space debris detection.
It’s the first orbiting garbage collector or a new kind of space weapon
There’s a lot of junk in space. Tens of thousands of pieces of it, circling the Earth at thousands of miles per hour. Each piece is an orbital bullet that can endanger satellites, manned capsules, and the International Space Station.The European Space Agency is about to pull one of the bigger hunks of garbage from orbit. But there’s a problem: The same tech that could help make space
There's a junkyard orbiting earth. These companies want to clean it up
Rich Smith
Tens of millions of pieces of space junk pose a clear and present danger to satellites.
The space junk problem is about to get a whole lot gnarlier
Thousands and thousands of satellites are set to launch before 2025. Things just got real in low Earth orbit.
Europe aims to clean up the space graveyard
The amount of space junk around Earth has hit a critical point where it now poses risks to other spacecraft and satellites and has started to trigger human efforts to combat the security threat in outer space.