Artificial intelligence and farming

Artificial intelligence and farming

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Naha urang tiasa ngeureunkeun peternakan sato dina ahir abad ka?
Company gancang
Ku 2050, leuwih ti satengah daging, susu, jeung endog di nagara-panghasilan luhur bisa jadi bébas sato.
Growing plants with 'speed breeding' could be the key to feed the world's exploding population
Scientists were able to grow plants so quickly that one colleague couldn't believe it.
Ngan 60 taun tatanén ditinggalkeun lamun degradasi taneuh terus
Amérika ilmiah
Ngahasilkeun tilu séntiméter taneuh luhur butuh 1,000 taun, sareng upami tingkat degradasi ayeuna terus, sadaya taneuh luhur di dunya tiasa musna dina 60 taun, saur pejabat senior PBB.
Kebangkitan pertanian robotic
Pikeun ngatasi tangtangan anu ditimbulkeun ku paningkatan populasi sareng sumber daya anu ngirangan, industri pertanian kedah berinovasi sareng ngajadikeun otomatis.
Precision agriculture: Separating the wheat from the chaff
Novel data rich approaches promise increased farming profits while minimising environmental impact. But how could this change day-to-day life on the farm and what should Government do to support these changes?
Bosch Bonirob robot set to make field work easier for farmers
Bosch-funded start-up company Deepfield Robotics is the latest company to develop a field vehicle that can distinguish weeds from crops and neatly fish
Panasonic is developing a robot that can pick tomatoes
Tech Times
Panasonic has announced a slew of new robots, one of which can lend a hand to farmers and pick tomatoes. Using sensors and image processing technology, the robot can 'see' the color, shape and size of fruit.
Can robots cut farming’s carbon footprint?
Warta Robah Iklim
Drones, satellites and weed killing lasers could slash the energy used to grow crops, say experts
Genep cara drones revolutionizing tatanén
MIT Téhnologi Review
Kendaraan udara tanpa awak (UAV) - langkung dikenal salaku drone - parantos dianggo sacara komersil ti mimiti 1980s. Kiwari, kumaha oge, aplikasi praktis pikeun drones ngembangna leuwih gancang ti kantos dina rupa-rupa industri, hatur nuhun kana Investasi mantap sarta reureuh tina sababaraha perda ngatur pamakéan maranéhanana. Ngabales téknologi anu ngembang pesat, perusahaan nyiptakeun bisnis anyar sareng…
Tanah umum anu subur antara téknologi sareng tatanén
Tatanén gaduh révolusi téknologi sorangan.
John Deere's self-operating tractors
Verge The
The rise of autonomous vehicles is a recent trend but self-driving tractors have been in operation for the last 15 years. The Verge's Jordan Golson speaks wi...
Autonomous tractors could turn farming into a desk job
CNH Industrial revealed its concept for a self-driving tractor that farmers control via tablet or computer. Naturally, we had to ask whether this robotic farmer would steal jobs from human workers.
Agriculture drones are finally cleared for takeoff
New U.S. rules for commercial drones will benefit farmers and the drone industry
Robot farm to churn out 30k heads of lettuce a day
"Robot-obsessed Japan" is how describes a country bent on automation, and its latest agricultural efforts seem to back that claim up. The world's first robot-run farm will be... Green News Summaries. | Newser
This gadget could reduce pesticide use by up to 99%
Patani Modern
It's made using some old videogame parts.
Robot ieu nyokot tomat ogé anjeun kantos bisa
mékanika populér
Robot ngagunakeun sénsor canggih sareng intelijen jieunan pikeun ngamaksimalkeun kagancangan milih tomat.
Lightweight robots harvest cucumbers
Automation-intensive sectors such as the automotive industry are not the only
ones to rely on robots. In more and more agricultural settings, automation
systems are superseding strenuous manual labor. As part of the EU’s CATCH
project, the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology
IPK is developing and testing a dual-arm robot for the automated harvesting
of cucumbers. Th
Trafo farmbots otonom tiasa ngalakukeun 100 padamelan nyalira
Maké kabel
Platform Dot Power multitalenta tiasa ningkatkeun hasil pamotongan 70 persén ku 2050.
Meet the robots that can pick and plant better than we can
Farmers are turning to robots to plant seedlings and pick produce because of human worker shortages.
Drone sareng combo anjing ngabuktikeun efisien pikeun patani
Radio NZ
Saurang patani ngalayang drone nyarios ti saprak nyangking téknologi di tegalan, ngangon ingon-ingonna janten langkung sesah.
Robot ngalawan weeds dina tantangan ka raksasa agrokimia
Dina widang gula bit di Swiss, robot solar-powered nu kasampak kawas méja on roda nyeken barisan pepelakan kalawan kaméra na, nangtukeun weeds na zaps aranjeunna kalayan jet cairan biru tina tentacles mékanis na.
Drone used to pollinate Central New York apple orchard
Company says it's the first time a drone has been used to pollinate an apple orchard.
Smart weed-killing robots are here to disrupt the pesticide industry
Smart weed-killing robots are here and could soon reduce the need for herbicides and genetically modified crops. Swiss company EcoRobotix has a solar-powered robot that can work for up to 12 hours detecting and destroying weeds. Ecorobotix says the robot uses 20 times less herbicide than traditional methods. Blue River Technology has a See and Spray robot that uses a library of images to identify
Your vegetables are going to be picked by robots sooner than you think
In the very near future, robots are going to be picking the vegetables that appear on grocery store shelves across America. The automation revolution that’s arrived on the factory floor will make its way to the ag industry in the U.S. and its first stop will likely be the indoor farms that are now dotting […]
Driverless tractors are here to help with the severe labor shortage on farms
Bear Flag robotics is making autonomous tractors to help farmers make more food with fewer people.
Driverless tractors are here to help with the severe labor shortage on farms
Bear Flag robotics is making autonomous tractors to help farmers make more food with fewer people.
Robot pembasmi jukut ngagunakeun langkung saeutik péstisida di kebon sareng tuangeun
Startups AgriTech nuju booming. Tujuanana nyaéta ngagunakeun pangsaeutikna péstisida sareng ngahasilkeun kadaharan anu langkung bersih, langkung saé
Robot ieu nyokot lada dina 24 detik ngagunakeun ragaji leutik, sarta bisa mantuan merangan kakurangan tanaga gawé.
"Sweeper" ngagunakeun kombinasi kaméra jeung visi komputer pikeun nangtukeun lamun cabé asak tur siap pikeun nyokot.
Umur patani robot
anyar Yorker
Nyokot strawberries butuh speed, stamina, jeung skill. Naha robot tiasa ngalakukeun éta?
"traktor super" anu nyetir mandiri Cina ngamimitian tés lapangan
TV Cina Anyar
Tingali kumaha "traktor super" tanpa supir China ngalaksanakeun uji coba di sawah di Propinsi Henan.
Budidaya patani omnichannel
Panyadia tatanén pinter masihan patani naon anu dipikahoyong ku unggal konsumen: antarmuka digital pikeun kagancangan sareng genah sareng interaksi manusa nalika aranjeunna peryogina. Ieu kumaha aranjeunna ngalakukeunana.
Farms can harvest energy along with food
Amérika ilmiah
Solar arrays placed in agricultural fields can benefit both energy and crop production
21 proyék ieu mangrupikeun demokratisasi data pikeun patani
Kecerdasan artifisial sareng data ageung tiasa ngabantosan ngahasilkeun langkung seueur tuangeun, nganggo kirang cai, ngawatesan konsumsi sumber daya, alihan runtah tuangeun sareng ngirangan harga pangan.
The robotic, hybrid-electric future of agriculture
Agtech’s leap to automation and electrification is likely to be easier than the commercial car industry’s leap,
Siap-siap pikeun 'internét sapi:' Patani ngagunakeun téknologi pikeun ngoyagkeun tatanén
The Toronto Star
AI ayeuna ngabantosan para patani di sakumna nagara pikeun ningkatkeun hasil, ngahémat biaya sareng ngaminimalkeun karusakan lingkungan. Gantina nyebarkeun pupuk ka sakuliah ...
Platform tatanén Watson IBM ngaramal harga pamotongan, merangan hama, sareng seueur deui
IBM's Watson Decision Platform for Agriculture ngetok AI sareng alat-alat internét pikeun ngaduga harga pamotongan, merangan hama, sareng seueur deui.
'Ladang AI' aya di payuneun ambisi global China
Cina balap janten pamimpin dunya dina Kecerdasan Buatan sareng kebon AI bangsa mangrupikeun tempat perjuangan.
Increased food production and reduced water use through optimized crop distribution
Growing demand for agricultural commodities for food, fuel and other uses is expected to be met through an intensification of production on lands that are currently under cultivation. Intensification typically entails investments in modern technology — such as irrigation or fertilizers — and increases in cropping frequency in regions suitable for multiple growing seasons. Here we combi
Fitbits Subkutan? Sapi ieu modeling téhnologi tracking tina mangsa nu bakal datang
MIT Téhnologi Review
Wae dina peternakan susu di Wellsville, Utah, aya tilu sapi cyborg, teu bisa dibédakeun tina sesa gerombolan. Sapertos sapi-sapi anu sanés, aranjeunna tuang, nginum, sareng nyapek. Aya kalana, maranéhna leumpang ngaliwatan hiji badag, spinning sikat beureum-hideung, ditunda dina jangkungna bovine deui, keur scratch a. Tapi bari sesa…
Technological innovation critical to ‘fourth revolution’ in farming
global News
Generations of farmers have relied on knowledge and family expertise to grow food, but the sector is set for a surge of disruption at the hands of made-in-Canada artificial intelligence-powered systems.
Pekebun anu beaming leuwih kasuksésan laser pikeun stave kaluar thieving manuk
Sinar laser anu nyapu erratically sakuliah pepelakan geus ditémbongkeun jangji dina ngajaga panén tina leungitna disababkeun ku manuk. Tapi peneliti masih nalungtik naha balok bisa ngarugikeun rétinas sato.
When AI steers tractors: How farmers are using drones and data to cut costs
Hummingbird Technologies turns pictures of fields into instructions for tractors, and says it can cut farming costs by as much as 10%.
Dahar dunya ku data gedé sareng modél bisnis énggal
Universitas Singularity
Geoffrey von Maltzahn, Mitra, Flagship PioneeringKombinasi data sareng inovasi hartosna urang tiasa gaduh kamampuan pikeun nyocogkeun populasi global urang anu tumuwuh...
Kumaha traktor nyetir mandiri, AI, sareng tatanén presisi bakal nyalametkeun urang tina krisis pangan anu bakal datang
Républik tech
Lebetkeun balapan pikeun nyayogikeun 9 milyar jalma anu bakal nyicingan planét bumi dina taun 2050. Tingali kumaha John Deere sareng anu sanés damel pikeun ngarobih persamaan sateuacan telat.
Virtual fences, robot workers, stacked crops: farming in 2040
nu Guardian
Population growth and climate change mean we need hi-tech to boost crops, says a new report
Pertanian pikeun masa depan: naha Walanda mangrupikeun eksportir pangan panggedéna ka-2 di dunya
Review Walanda
Sektor tatanén Walanda ageung sareng éta mangrupikeun éksportir pangan pertanian panggedéna kadua saatos Amérika Serikat. Kumaha éta mungkin?
Sky shepherds: The farmers using drones to watch their flocks by flight
nu Guardian
For some farmers in New Zealand, Britain and Australia, drones are not just a toy  theyre an increasingly vital tool
Kumaha 5G janji pikeun ngarévolusi pertanian
Panerusna 4G diperkirakeun ngabantosan ningkatkeun panggunaan sensor nirkabel dina tatanén pikeun sadayana tina ngawas kaayaan lapangan dugi ka ngadeteksi nalika pepelakan peryogi nyiram.
Patani Israél nyebarkeun drones pollinating pikeun ngeusian kakurangan tenaga kerja COVID-19
The Yerusalem Post
Proyék skala badag ngagunakeun sababaraha drones ngalayang sakaligus, dilengkepan pods inovatif dikembangkeun ku Dropcopter pikeun nyimpen jeung éféktif dispense sari tina hawa.
Naha pepelakan anu hilap mangrupikeun masa depan dahareun?
Ngan opat pepelakan - gandum, jagung, sangu sareng kedelé - nyayogikeun dua per tilu pasokan pangan dunya. Tapi élmuwan Malaysia hoyong ngarobah éta kalayan bantuan variétas 'poho'.
Lomba pikeun diajar deui pertanian rami
Amérika ilmiah
Panaliti kedah seueur diajar ngeunaan pamotongan anu dilarang sateuacanna sateuacan mekar di kebon AS